Why is Sup Forums always wrong?

Why is Sup Forums always wrong?

They don't play video games

We don't want you to play games that we like so that we can post them in the 'games only you have played' threads.

individual posters on Sup Forums are always wrong, but the average of all their opinions is almost always shockingly accurate. The Sup Forums hivemind has top-tier tastes



Sup Forums is the second most normie board on Sup Forums meaning at least a majority of the people here are dumb.

t. reddit

>The Sup Forums hivemind has top-tier tastes

It really doesn't.

Sup Forums was wrong about Mafia III.

The shooting mechanics are fucking unreal, and the story's dope.

Sup Forums didn't even play the fucking game.


Everyone on every Sup Forums board is a contrarian faggot. Beginning, middle and end of it.

Give an example of a game where the Sup Forums hivemind is wrong if you're so great

>Playing video games
Fucking trash

>There won't be a PS4 Sup Forums said
>PS4 releases
>It will flop Sup Forums said
>Sells 60 million
>It doesn't have any games Sup Forums said
>Has loads of great games
>Those games are only for brodudes and normies Sup Forums said
>Has plenty of niche games and also Japanese games as well



Generally the people with the shittiest opinions either haven't played a game, or played a game so long ago they have nostalgia glasses keeping them blind to every flaw. Doesn't help that the most contrarian faggots have to defend their positions the hardest, which makes the shit opinions have more visibility. Finish it off with general cynicism and apathy and it's easy to see why the shittiest opinions on Sup Forums get parroted by mongoloids who either never played the game, or haven't touched it in years.

>Sup Forums
>ever a hivemind

Liking traps is gay.

They try way too hard to only like non-AAA games. I'm not even a fan of most of the shit that gets put out by big studios, but Sup Forums treats these games like they're inoperable garbage rather than "Not Perfect". Then they turn around and slurp up games like Nier Automata and brush aside it's problems.

Sup Forums were right about battleborn

Because Sup Forums is closet Sup Forums. They'll do anything for their waifus watashi bashi boshi

Name ONE time where the hi/v/emind was right.

Hard mode: You can't use an example where the general opinion outside Sup Forums was the same as Sup Forums
Pro tip: You can't

Where did you steal those games Jamal?

Nier 1 being worth playing.
>Inb4 I didn't like Nier so you're wrong.
I enjoyed it, and Sup Forums told me to play it. Sup Forums is occasionally right, but only on weebshit


It gets kinda silly sometimes. It's like sometimes I see Sup Forums literally incapable of giving a new AAA release praise for anything. Like even saying the word "decent" is taboo around here.

But holy shit will a meme game from an underdog suddenly be given the most inverse treatment possible.

I enjoyed playing EYE, it was worth the lone dollar I spent on it. Other than that, though, Sup Forums is either parroting someone else's popular opinion or being a contrarian.

Literally the opposite

Because this place is a shithole where no coherent discussion can ever hope to happen, it's just a endless circle jerk of shitposting and disliking things just for the sake of being contrarian.

If you take anything posted serious, you're fucking idiot.

Nier automata was considered good by both

The problem with Sup Forums is they form an opinion then it just sticks and never changes.

Elder Scrolls Online was terrible at launch but turned into a decent game. You won't see anyone on Sup Forums discussing it because nobody is willing to give it a chance after the initial bad press.

New Vegas is a great rpg with amazingly indepth roleplay options and story choices.

And this

Most people having an opiniom about a game didn't play it and on top flame it for the sake of flaming it because that's how you fit in
Also most of them are total casuals who value graphics over everything

>The problem with Sup Forums is they form an opinion then it just sticks and never changes.

It's rare that games ever get better. MMO's (such as ESO) tend to because they have to to keep subscribers, other then that if it was shit to begin with it tends to stay that way.
And even if ESO's improved over the years it's still a terrible excuse for a MMO.

You are right fallout 3 and skyrims are great games.

Give examples, I always hear people claiming this but then they have nothing to follow it up by.
Other than, people here don't like a game I like therefore they are always wrong, something pointless like that.

Project beast

Well add that to the fact that MMOs suck shit, and are terrible fun to time spent investment.
MMOs were never big on Sup Forums, that's likely to never change.

not everyone can be Sup Forums

That's Sup Forums. It's literally the opposite for Sup Forums.

Every consensus Sup Forums comes to is exactly the opposite of reality.

liking lolis makes you a pedo

OP was and is a faggot

What about it, why are you so vague to the point where no discussion can be had?

Sorry for shitting on your favorite game :(. I know a site where you can make the mean men go away though. You should try that instead.

I gave an example, dunce.


Hitler did things that you should find morally objectable.

New Vegas is great

>bunch of weebshit and dudebro games

Name one (1)

>always do opposite of what Sup Forums says

so i shouldn't listen to you OP?

>Blames all of Germany's woes on Jews
>Decides to conquer Europe
>"Why can't I hold all this Europe?"
>Kills himself and gets skullfucked by Churchill
Hitler sucked from a political, logistical and moral standpoint.

Bioshock infinite is shit
bethesda games past morrowind are shit
new vegas is great
Majora's Mask is the best Zelda game
New bioware games are shit
Wonderful 101 is good

pretty much everything senpai

>Winston "Number 1 Goy" Churchill
>doing anything of note
>laughing Roosevelt and Stalin.jpg

America did nothing noteworthy until they baited Japan into bombing Pearl Harbor

Thanks nigger, the space around me is now bending itself

Over half of the statements in this post are false

Pick up a fucking history book

Good advice, Sup Forums. You should try it sometime

>what is the lend-lease act
I picked up a history book and it said "youre fucking retarded"

>what is Destroyers for Bases
>what is lend-lease
Face it, Britain was not the primary player of WW2


well you're one of these individual Sup Forums posters who are always wrong, why should I give a shit about your individual opinion? The hivemind is the only thing that matters, you're nothing more than one of the weak classifiers in the adaboost faggot

Most games Sup Forums recommends are usually pretty good. Even the ones I didn't like I could see how people could find merit in them, they just weren't for me.


If I was always wrong then only some of the statements are still true.

I'm assuming Sup Forums is the most normie board given how it's infested with r/TheDonald or whatever that subreddit is called.

That's not how it works loser, you're wrong about half the statements being true because all of them are true.

check and mate atheist

If all the statements were true that would mean that half of statements were true. Making my statement true thus making it false.

Factually wrong.