What games can I play to undermine the /crippling depression/. Should I just kill myself?
Kill me
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You don't need something patronizingly happy, you need something that romanticizes sadness. Play Max Payne 3.
Trust me, I'm high as shit right now
This game?
Tell me about it.
Dude still can't get over the death of his wife and daughter even 10+ years later. Total alcoholic addicted to painkillers. Finallly learns to move on at the end
Sounds like my life when I grow old.
I am actually not depressed, just use to feel empty and void.
thief gold
deus ex
system shock 2
arx fatalis
dark messiah of might and magic
gothic 2
stalker (patched)
stalker with mods
these helped me
Don't kill yourself, realize that life is meaningless and just inmerse yourself in things that can make your time joyful or at least less painful, like games or other hobbies. Create your own life meaning and follow it.
Honestly it makes me sad when I read people like you, but helping a depressed person is really difficult, in the end the only one who can help you is yourself.
Hedonism and escapism is not the answer.
Everything else is good advice. Make your own meaning, but work for it. Get an education, financial sustainability other than your parents or whoever takes care of you.
Also, Lego games make me happy, forget my problems and feel like a child again, they're too easy but fun, and funny, in an innocent way.
I would recommend Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens.
I did all I wanted and now I am tired.
I went to psychiatrists, took medicines and therapy, none of that bullshit works, medicines just "stabilize" my shit (I am schizophrenic).
I am just saving money to rent a room in some isolated wooden cabin to hang myself without a chance of being found.
To be completely honest, I am not even depressed anymore. I have grown out of it some time ago. I only did this thread because I was bored as fuck and wanted to express those feelings of suicidal ideation I used to have back then. I have actually been the happiest I have ever been in my life.
What did it for me were two things: a deep study of philosophy, and a spiritual dedication to religion and its practice. I pray every night and meditate every day.
Actually, I kind of take my advice back. Our life is different that his, so we don't know what's best for him and can't tell him what to do.
But I keep what I said later, he's the only one who can help him, he needs to find his own life meaning.
go outside and get some sun (no sunglasses)
The thread was just a shitpost, I have no depression whatsoever. Depression is for fucking fags.
you really gotta get a grip man
I unironically had a giant hard on during that airport scene, the music was just too good.
Quality post by the frogposter of course.
manhunt 2 my nigger
Thanks m8.
Fuck you and your stupid kek.
holy shit I know glocks are expendable but that just aint right
So even though this is a shitpost thread, how does one come to terms with the fact there's no meaning to anything? I don't want to end up an edgy nihilist, but I feel like that's where I might be heading. I failed at my dreams and the last little bits of hope that I was clinging to are almost all gone. I feel numb and constantly find myself wondering "what's the point?" when I'm doing something I used to enjoy or I'm contemplating doing something.
It's best to just realize that humanity exists for the sake of existing. There is absolutely no rhyme or reason, it just is. Soon we will all be nothing but an extremely minor footnote in the cosmos. How you handle that is up to you though.
Well, this is what I fucking did: First of all have read a shitton of philosophy and Kierkegaard, so I started believing in God, even if he doesnt actually exist, it doesnt hurt to believe. I became a vegan, and am taking care of my health, a lot. If you start believing in God and do something, you can fall out of the nihilism trap meme and finally be happy. Because there is meaning to believing in God, even if he doesn't exist.
Become religious or just kill yourself, basically that's it.
There is absolutely no fucking reason to continue living if you have already accepted the facts.
>I became a vegan
Nevermind, I'll stick with being a hopeless nihilist.
>Because there is meaning to believing in God, even if he doesn't exist.
Why are christfags so delusional?
Veganism is underrated, user. Just open your mind a little and try it for one week, you will feel extremely healthier.
Don't kill yourself is what I would say if I gave a shit. You're just some random person on the internet.
I've been playing Path of Exile recently. Just play whatever you want. You've got circa 60 years of life left anyway.
Get out nihilistfag. God is inherently unknowable and unreachable, so it doesn't even matter if he exists or not, what it matters is to believe, fucking read Kierkegaard, fag. Religion is about faith, not facts.
By that logic the specific religion doesn't matter either. I could make a golden calf or erect a statue of rosie o donnell made of used gum and french fries and call it God and it would be no different.
Calm down Old Testament
Yes, exactly. The Christian faith is not more arbitrary than the religion of the Ancient fucking romans or any of that shit. It doesn't matter, if you fucking Sup Forumsirgins would just read some shit, you would discover that religion had never been about truth. Everybody knows that. Religion is about faith, and belief, doesn't matter what it is, even if it is Hinduism or some other shit.
>metaphor for passion vs metaphor for everything and nothing within the universe
Educate yourself, then die
>mental illness
i hope in your last moments you realize that even if god is real, he's an enormous omnipotent faggot who doesn't give a fuck about you. I hope you realize the testicles you've been suckling on so fiercely are that of a sadist.
Now you're getting the idea
Please do not use Max Stirner memes while defending spooks.
No, you are loved. Depression creates the illusion you're alone even when you're surrounded by people who love you.
Loss of life is not felt discretely but spreads out like a shockwave of pain. The world is not as it appears to you now.
Another of depression's tricks is to distort how you see the world. Like a lens or funhouse mirror. It removes all the color, light and joy.
Like passing through a storm. Only those who make it through, who survive, discover there's sunshine on the other side of it. That the bleak, grey world was an illusion.
Whatever you do, survive. It is self-justifying, because only survivors can look back on everything they overcame to get to where they are.
Only if you're still alive in five years will you be able to feel horrified at what you almost did and deeply glad that you didn't.
If you matter to some internet stranger, just imagine how much you matter to your family and friends.
Yes, either way. Look at the bright side, even if all you said was true, I am gonna live my life to the fullest believing in a lie, while you will most likely hang yourself in a shack somewhere.
I do whatever the fuck I want. If you don't like it, fucking do something about it, fag user.
Is that really happiness? You're just lying to yourself then. It's like if I'm milky white and I say to myself "I'm blacker than wesley snipes." Just because I start to believe it doesn't make it true in the slightest. It seems to me more like you're running from the problem and hiding your head in the sand to avoid the truth that's standing right beside you.
honestly play some ero VN
they're really engaging and will make you feel like you have a gf of sorts
Wat? No.
>>Just because I start to believe it doesn't make it true in the slightest.
Jesus fuck, you are so fucking dumb. It has never been about Truth, how many times will I have to fucking say it?
>> It seems to me more like you're running from the problem and hiding your head in the sand to avoid the truth that's standing right beside you.
I am not. On the contrary, I am facing the problem. Instead of crying like a depressed nihilistic bitch, I chose to believe in something and have that in order to advance myself.
>I am gonna live my life to the fullest believing in a lie, while you will most likely hang yourself in a shack somewhere.
But you living your life to the "fullest" won't change the fact that me and you are both heading towards the same exact outcome, whether you end up there later is unimportant. We'll both die and our entire lives will be forgotten within a few decades.
>you're surrounded by people who love you
Ebin joke you faggot
Yeah, no shit Sherlock. But what the fuck can we do? Do you wanna enjoy your ride until inevitable doom or do you wanna keep being a bitch about it?
Fuck you, when it comes to God, what matters is subjective truth, not objective truth.
Fair enough, but if I'm going to go to oblivion, I'm going to empty my bank account and fuck my way there. Good luck lad.
I don't care if you think I look foolish. I would do anything to save a life. Everybody you will ever meet has a whole universe inside them as vast and amazing as the one inside you.
They just vary in the fidelity and clarity with which they can express it to other people. But they are all just as real inside as you or me, and don't even know how valuable they are.
I guess some people just have different outlooks on things. I wish I shared your outlook on life but seeing the pointlessness of an activity makes me not want to participate in it.
Nah, man. Chill, you will get through it.
One day, you will rejoice at the pointlessness of it all and it will make life even more worth living. Knowing that all ends up not even mattering at the end, makes all the ride more fun because there won't be eternal consequences to your actions. You will live for the action of living itself, never for the inherent pointlessness of life or anything of that sort. Ye should read more philosophy, m8.
When will you fags accept God and find meaning in life? It doesn't have to be cringy evangelical shit and going to churches with your grandma, you could just get into existential dostoievskian kind of christianity, the deeply philosophical one
I know something you don't know. But that is for a different thread.
Tell me it anyway. The chances that we would meet each other in another thread are minimal. So just spit it out, faggot.
Because LARPing is gay as fuck.
Fuck off, normalfag
LARPing is on the same level of furfaggotry and homosexuality, degenerate.
I'll kill you and then you kill me. Deal?
Where do we meet?
I've been rewatching a lot of absurdist humor vids lately (mde, treats for beasts, dilbert trilogy, that kind of shit)
could anyone recommend me something that could scratch this itch I have?
I have no fucking idea.
Sup Forums is itself a kind of absurd humour so if you just stay around here you will be fine.
>in the end the only one who can help you is yourself.
I don't want to help myself, I just want to fall asleep tonight and never wake up again.
What is stopping you?
You've seen Xavier Renegade Angel already?
You just need to grow up. Once you get some perspective in life you realize that being depressed is just you being a faggot and there's more to life than what you think there is and you get over it.
Or maybe you are bipolar/ have other mental issues. In that case good luck with dealing with that shit.
Fuck you
Read the fucking thread
It was a shitpost
I don't actually have depression
Who /peace of mind/ here?
Keep being slaves to your desires, cucks :^)
there's only one answer:
3D Dot Game Heroes