Nathaniel Cooper
>the most powerful gaming console ever created is still cheaper than the PS3 was at launch
Jose Gutierrez
500 is a good price if it is truly 4K
But I'm also not poor
Chase Rodriguez
Yeah you will be poor soon enough with retarded spending habits like that :^)
Cameron Myers
Retards who paid $600 for a PS3 will buy the Scorpio for $500
Stop being such a poorfag, OP
Bentley Hall
when bluray players were being sold for $1k.
Landon Morales
I'm actually glad I didn't get an S yet. Even though I do want a white controller and the slimmer profile is nice. I'll just wait.
Levi Watson
>$499 USD >6 teraflops >3 consoles >0 games
Thomas Turner
t. ps4pro poster
Robert Rogers
>ninja gaiden >exclusive capcom RPG >exclusive obsidian RPG >dead space 4 >crackdown 3 >sea of thieves >cuphead >banjo threeie
16 hours until your life ends, sonyggger
Zachary Hill
>also available on PC
Jeremiah Martinez
> that price would be great desu, though it won't happen
Jason Bell
>available ANYWHERE
Jackson Long
Isaac Butler
How good of a showing do they honestly have to have for it to be sold at 500?
I just can't think of any good scenario for a $500 price point.
Josiah Sanders
I own an Xbone you fags
Also how starved do you have to be to think most of those games will be announced
Mason King
>not on ps4 >requires windows 10
yeah theyre exclusive
Henry Gray
Are you kidding? This shit needs to be $399 or it will be dead on arrival. No developer will waste time upgrading performance and visuals for the 10,000 people in the world who will buy it at 450 bucks
Brody Peterson
Xbox is literally PC, you fucking nerd
Ethan Hernandez
Only way it will succeed at any price above $400 is if it can play every game ever created. If its priced below $400 it has a chance, but it needs big and good titles that it doesnt have.
Anthony Brooks
Why dont they just put a windows operating system on it With steam interface and allow everyone to play games meant for windows
Christopher Brown
the xbone already runs windows 10
Tyler Turner
Then why waste money on an Xbox when you can get a PC that does more than just play games and stream Netflix?
Kayden Wilson
>Why dont they just put a windows operating system on it Because they last time they did that they got fucking burned by the Dreamcast.
Brayden Bailey
Jayden Scott
for a comparable system to the scorpio, you'd have to pay at least $1,000, no exceptions
the graphics card is literally a GTX 1070. thats 400 bucks alone.
Nolan Myers
I just dont get the point of xbox or ps4. All console games can run on pc, only 50% or less run on console. In past i get it, with joysticks and complicated installs but fuck its like everything got high tech expect consoles the last 20 years
Benjamin Morgan
>the graphics card is literally a GTX 1070 No, it's overclocked RX 480/580.
Blake Clark
I dont believe you, so they are going to lose $800 dollars for every scorpio they sell? No way u cant scrap together a pc for cheaper
Colton Diaz
No fucking way you have to pay 1000 $ for a piece of shit CPU and overclocked RX 480.
Brody Lewis
because someone has tried that and they have been a huge failure
back to /r/pcmasterrace kiddo
Andrew Powell
>so they are going to lose $800 dollars for every scorpio they sell? Sony literally did that for YEARS on the PS3 so it's not exactly without precedent.
Angel Taylor
Xbox 360 > PS3. With that said:
>Ninja Gaiden based on recent form.. >Crapcom (unless MH). >Neo-Obsidan. >DS4.. Could be good. >Crackdown? Seriously? Shovelware 3 with cool building destruction. >Oh, >Come >On...
Justin Robinson
Nice fanfic, Xnigger.
Colton Ortiz
>Crackdown? Seriously? Shovelware 3 with cool building destruction. God fucking DAMNIT dude I want Crackdown 3 to be good. the original is one of my all time favorite games and 2 was such a fucking hatchet job. That's what happens when you shutter the dev studio before the game's even released, I guess.
Connor Clark
>No, it's overclocked RX 480/580.
Those two GPUs can run most current games in max settings
Kayden Gray
Don't know about reaching 60fps with that CPU though.
Kevin Edwards
Still doesn't make them a 1070 though.
Brandon Morris
This. At the most it can be $450. Microsoft can't fucking afford to play the "I want to make a profit on my console" game.
Michael Evans
Not much difference in performance only that Nvidia is trying to meme people into buying overpriced GPUs again
Asher Phillips
Still doesn't make them a 1070 though. So it's not $400 there alone, its $250. I'm interested to see the Scorpio myself but facts are facts, user.
Ian Myers
>Xbox 10 S >October 13, 2017 >$399
Jayden Jones
How did you get that price? CPU can't be more than $ 100 and GPU is about $250.
Ian Jackson
You can get two 8GB 480s on Amazon for $400 but either way this is a dedicated GPU I think this is what PCfags don't get
Leo Powell
>either way this is a dedicated GPU I think this is what PCfags don't get wat
Blake Wood
>this is a dedicated GPU I think this is what PCfags don't get You're right about that, I honestly don't understand what you mean. Dedicated GPUs have been a thing for a long time already. >You can get two 8GB 480s on Amazon for $400 user, the idea is to build a PC comparable to the Scorpio and to see how close the price is at the end and to avoid bloating up the price.
Grayson Morales
>500 is a good price if it is truly 4K 4k@30fps for $500 is a decent price. But we all know MS is going to try and go for bullshit marketing where they claim they can do 4k@60fps, which just isn't possible with a $500 console.
Jacob Rogers
every console since gen 5 for the first 2-3 years of its life is sold at a loss bro
Jayden Collins
The PS3 was also the most powerful console ever at launch, and so was the PS4.
Jordan Miller
>But we all know MS is going to try and go for bullshit marketing where they claim they can do 4k@60fps, which just isn't possible with a $500 console.
Didn't Sony claimed the same when they announced PS4 Pro? And the games didn't even reached 30fps even with the patch.
Ayden Cooper
Damn. Sony btfo
Adrian Reed
It's quite literally not a GTX 1070. It's AMD, and probably about as good as an RX 580.
Julian Murphy
>The PS3 was also the most powerful console ever at launch
Daniel Allen
They all do it. I really wish people would wise up and start calling them out on their bullshit. And ps4 pro even struggles to keep up a constant 30fps at 4k.
Carter Wood
>The PS3 was also the most powerful console ever at launch, and so was the PS4
William Cook
>I honestly don't understand what you mean. Dedicated GPUs have been a thing for a long time already.
I was talking about Scorpio's GPU.
PCfags try to compare it to PC GPUs which is just retarded.
Wyatt Reyes
What is it that you mean by a dedicated GPU, and how does it differ from discrete graphics accelerators in modern PCs?
Austin Martin
>I was talking about Scorpio's GPU. Ahh I see, that's definitely true. Previous consoles usually used APUs right? >PCfags try to compare it to PC GPUs which is just retarded. There's no other way around it since those are the only commercially available GPUs on the market. We can go technical and talk about the specs themselves but comparing them to existing, commercial GPUs gives a quick but rough estimate on performance.
Daniel Allen
He's just being retarded. I think he meant custom GPU.
Angel Allen
>available on mutliple gaming systems >exclusive Yeah it's exclusive just like Witcher 3, right?
Juan Wood
Scorpio has no market.
This gen is over and people are not going to change over, all their purchases and friends are on the PS4.
Hunter Torres
ignore the shills, MS is spending most of the marketing budget on virallers pretending to be excited for an upgrade to a failed platform
Jose Russell
>Scorpio has no market. You a mustard? Consolefriends will follow wherever their console's company leads them. Scorpio is being marketed as the next xbox evolution. The fact that it's essentially just a MS branded PS4pro means nothing to them. It has a new name and isn't being labeled Xbox One Scoprio and that is 100% intentional.
Lincoln Cooper
>all their purchases and friends are on the PS4
Says who?
I have both consoles and I always had more friends on Xbox. The PlayStation online community is a joke.
Leo Taylor
Why would you pay 2x the price to play the same games?
Jayden Cox
which is example #1 as to why you shouldn't trust Microsoft for when it tries to pull the exact same stunt
Elijah Jackson
The simple answer to this is marketing. And it's been shown to work time and time again. The least successful MS project was Kinect and even that shit made a decent profit.
Cooper Wood
It's a shame I've never cared about a single Microsoft exclusive title. I mean that legitimately, I want them to do well because monopolies never drive competition or quality. I don't care how cheap or strong it is if I can already play its games on PC or other systems have unique things I like more.
Aaron Perry
Wouldn't be surprised if Scorpio can run Windows programs too, making $500 huge value.
Adam Butler
Literally nobody I know owns an Xbox. I dropped my 360, switched toPS4 and even bought my first PS3 and rebought most of my Xbox games.
I will never buy another MS product again. For the first time in tears, everyone I know is on the same system. This is, around like 20 people I know IRL that were spread across different systems previously, then my just gaming friends or people added for various games or trophies.
These things matter, user. The Xbox "community" is dead. You are living in the past.
Logan Wood
All the crossplay games are developed with xbone in mind and then ported to Win, so as long as you're cool with playing a gamepad there honestly won't be much difference between the xbone and pc versions. Though you do have shit like Bungie saying Destiny 2 being locked at 30fps on console so some deviation will occur.
Cameron Rogers
>The Xbox "community" is dead.
And yet it's still better than anything Sony has to offer. Even when PSN was free people didn't use it or they just didn't have mics.
Xbox live still the superior online service even if Xbox is not doing well.
Asher Campbell
Is there a single good Xbox exclusive?
Kevin Scott
Raiden V.
Samuel Lopez
>available only on microsoft systems >not exclusive
i guess smash bros 4 is a multiplat since its on two different nintendo consoles too, right?
Jose Murphy
>Literally nobody I know owns an Xbox.
nobody i know owns a ford car
does that mean nobody in the world owns a ford?
do you seriously think you anecdotal evidence of the 3 kids who bully you at school is sufficient to make a statement on the population as a whole?
Colton Rodriguez
>shilling xbox Wow that is so sad.
Alexander Morgan
You'll have to wait for today's conference
I think people expect more of the same from Microsoft but they say they weren't gonna show another fucking Halo this year
Colton Jenkins
>Xbox live still the superior online service even if Xbox is not doing well.
Juan Williams
This is Sup Forums. Of course user uses anecdotal evidence to argue his point.
Luis Butler
>Literally nobody I know owns an Xbox. Literally nobody i know owns a console.
Aaron Butler
Can't afford it if they do the meme of $1 = £1. Thanks brexit. Back in my day $500 would be about £300 or so. :(
Ian Perry
Forza horizon 2 and 3
Jack Carter
>THATS MORE THAN WINDOWS MAKES THE COMPANY This is like the retards who post that Sony's almost bankrupt because of playstation sales. MS's bread and butter is selling hardware and software to businesses and the US Government you fucking retard.
Caleb Gutierrez
I'm a sonyfag and even I'm not that retarded. Shut up.
Cooper Smith
>Is there a single Xbox exclusive?
Adrian Sanders
Ha-halo 5
Adam Nelson
No, THANK YOU Britain for making the $Dollar$ great again!!!
Chase Morales
>For the first time in tears Literally LITERALLY crying over video games.
Easton Sullivan
>Sonybros on damage control
Guys pls, save it for when Scorpio blows your precious PS4 Pro out of the water
Tyler Walker
If the Scorpio can do 4K like it claims you would absolutely need to drop $1000 minimum for a PC that could do 4K at an acceptable frame rate.
Jose Rogers
>there are people out there who think that every time a new GPU is released, you have to build a new computer from the scratch, thus the "lol this console only cost 350 dollars whereas you'd have to buy a PC that's like $3000!" - arguments
Thomas Williams
Not 4k with good settings or FPS unless you're playing Overwatch or other well optimized games
Tyler Adams
People have already built PCs for less than 1000 that were able to run Forza at 4K/60 like the scorpio was able to do using the same demo
Juan Edwards
>buy scorpio >do a little soldering, replace firmware with PC motherboard firmware >install linux and/or pirated windows on it >you now have a $1k gaming rig for half the price
Sebastian Bell
>xbox does better than MS's bread and butter for years
Carter Gomez
Microsoft has contracts with the Department of Defense to continue supporting windows XP for at least another decade even though they officially stopped supporting it for the casual consumer a long time ago. Don't be a fucking idiot.
Mason Jackson
>Ps4 pro: $400 or less >"""4k""" >Tons of exclusives >Scorpio: $500 or more >""4k"" >0 exclusives
mfw I'm a PCbro+nintenbro so this is meaningless nonsense
Benjamin Flores
>every time a new GPU is released, you have to build a new computer from the scratch
I know some PCfags that do this.
Most current games are not even optimized for the new shit, some even run like shit if you try to run them in crossfire or SLI
Leo Kelly
They haven't announced anything yet
>I'm a PCbro+nintenbro
Just because you own a Nintendo your argument here is invalid