Wario has his own ski mountain with a dam that supplies power to supposedly a whole city...

>Wario has his own ski mountain with a dam that supplies power to supposedly a whole city, his own gold mine and a shipyard.
>Wario is actually a billionaire entrepreneur making good decisions for his company and the Mushroom Kingdom.
What did Nintendo mean by this?


Wasn't this explained in the WarioWare games?

No because WarioWare is shit and killed Wario Land so they're non-canon like Other M.

I thought the WarioWare games ended with Wario's company failing and it just goes to the next WarioWare game

>WarioWare is shit
You could smell that shit taste from a mile away.

Microgames got old back in 2005. Even Mario Party minigames are better.

Wait a second... Wario Billionaires?

maybe they all end up failing because wario keeps embezzling money to keep paying for his luxurious lifestyle of building ski mountain resorts and gold mining


WarioWare was great but it was bad for Wario as a character.

Waeio is the richest mother fucker in the Super Mario series with Waluigi being the poorest

This is the same game where characters own companies for some reason.

DK selling Energy Drinks. Boomberang Brothers tours etc.

But even if that's true, why would he care about the environment so much so that he made a dam?
In every game, he's seen as a greedy asshole, so it just doesn't make sense.

Making motherfuckers give him more money for making a dam monthly. maintaining that shit ain't cheap nor free for those who are benefiting from it.

Greedy people aren't black and white

>energy drinks
How expanded would one's dong become upon drinking said energy drink? Because there's no way DK makes an energy drink that's strictly for energy and not hardcore monkey fucking.

Right, they're only black.

I actually kinda love it. It's world building, and pretty amusing just to think about. I'm glad Mario Oddysey is following that tread for the most part. And once Mario Kart 9 gets released I'd love for them to come up with stupid commercials for the companies.

Because greed doesn't make you evil. Greed isn't even a bad thing in itself. You can be greedy but still care about the environment or refuse to fuck over your workers or hurt others. Like Daddy Warbucks. Wario is surly and petty but I don't think he's an evil person.

>You can be greedy but still care about the environment or refuse to fuck over your workers or hurt others

I'm not talking about the (((exceptions)))

you cant be a greedy jew and care about anything else im afraid.

they're contradictory.

>no warioland, wario bros, wario and waluigi: partners on crime game ever

While probably unintentional, I find it kind of hilarious that Wario basically gave up on adventuring to become a corporate CEO, simply because it was more profitable.

That's pretty much what Scrooge McDuck did. though I can't remember what Scrooge's company actually does.

almost anything, what I know

>white people steal everyone's land, make them leave the rewrite history to make themselves look good

I'm not even mad. You fuckers are clever

scrooge is mostly a real estate tycoon. nearly everyone in duckberg pays rent to him, and he in turn feeds that back into the economy by patronizing duckburg businesses