post them terribly designed characters
Post them terribly designed characters
Might as well post any japanese designed character
Shit taste
If it sells and those people like it, then its a good character. im all for fat vidya tiddies.
I'll fight you
thats why no one likes you miraishit
Bonus points for trying something different though. Japs are the only one who dare to make fighting characters that doesn't look like they can fight. Look at the West and you got guns, camouflage, metal armor. What's the fun in that?
Pic isn't from a fighting game though, unless you want to be witty and say that it is.
OP is clearly retarded from lack of oxygen to the brain due to all those cocks he's been guzzling, but this guy has the actual correct answer.
Sara looks like a mash up of Joffrey Baratheon and Dobby the House Elf, with the personality of a low functioningly autistic, mockney acting upper class twit that's decided to be a 'hard left socialist' after one day listening to a man hating bull dyke lecturer at art college.
Literally the worst character in any game I've ever played. DA:I should have let us have the option to put a sword through her.
>If it sells and those people like it, then its a good character. im all for fat vidya tiddies.
Sup Forums really does like the Sonic franchise
Sora will always be the poster-boy of shitty character design, just look at this goddamn mess. Fashion in the early 00's was fucking lame.
Whoops, forgot my pic.
Literally every single character in Senran Kagura looks terrible. Absolute shit garbage designs. And none of them even look like they belong in the same game if it wasn't drawn by the same artist for the face.
>bad design
fite me, faget
You should keep posting more of these.
>so much money invested in this fucking game
>still looks like a fucking Unity demo
>I know I could make a better game in less than a week
>I enjoy sex with men.
I have never seen a image trigger Sup Forums more then Duncan
Literally special snowflake for no concrete reason tier.
I can't believe they managed to make most of the other fetishit kaiju like Macrosauraus actually look pretty badass, but they couldn't even salvage Duncan.
someone put some proper gauntlets and greaves on that poor lord
Fuck him, let him suffer.
What about it is special snowflake besides the barefeet?
Corrine is unredeemable trash not even good looking armor could fix that horrible character.
he's literally a dragon that's his skin
So you have nothing to say about his design and you lack reading comprehension, got it.
made me kek, pizzacuter kid.
im convinced the artist had a fucking foot fetish or something
Considering who the artist is, I'm just gonna say the dude is all over the place.
You mean Kozaki? I don't know about that.
The bare feet and pointy ears is never once addressed or explained, and then there's some episode where he turns into a fucking demon deer dragon thing and learns to control this, but then this is never fucking acknowledged again either. You can be reunited with your foster family and turn into a god damn dragon in front of them and not a single fucking reaction, nothing is said or done to establish that they're okay or used to this now. It just makes the whole part dragon angle feel awkwardly forced in for the sake of being special and no actually meaningful reason besides so that he can have a bunch of cool moves in Smash Bros that he never even does in his own game besides some sparce and totally arbitrary instances.
Fair enough, I guess I just thought you meant his clothes and I was curious of what you thought was ss about it.
Not quite sure about the feet, but many Manakete in past FE games have them have pointy ears, so it'd make sense for Corrin to have pointy ears as well.
Simple, the other authors allowed the devs to modify the designs to actually work well, Duncan's creator didn't.
Well in a context sense it's also fairly dumb because you'd think his ears and barefootness with the really weird armor would be because of the dragon transformation thing, but then you start the game and he just looks like that normally before ever even getting this power, and he's the only person in the whole game who looks like this. And of course this is never really pointed out in any way, so it just seems like some kind of deviantart OC tier shit.
Imagine just how hairy her pussy is.
K N E E N I C K E L S!
>posting awful fan art
Seeing this shit only makes me want to see Camilla getting destroyed by tentacles.
And this is why you should never allow fan OC's into the game under any shape or circumstance, no matter how much money they pay you.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on Duncan? Is he as bad as that one fat fetish dragon OC that ended up in Undertale?