Its an Adam is never wrong episode

>its an Adam is never wrong episode

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's an Adam is Adam episode

>its a Merk is the true talent but he's also the world's biggest autist episode

>its a video games

>Le 40 minutes of pointless nitpicking man

Ah yes, yourMOVIEsucks. Very video games.


>it's an Adam defends zoophilia episode

>its a Adam talks about how he should be able to fuck a dog episode

>being this ignorant

he likes to fuck animals tho

>watching a furfag play videogames

just stick to his movie reviews, his taste in vidja is so much worse it's not even funny

>its a 'not a YMS' episode

Can I just say. This guy is great.

Fuck that faggot. Dude literally fucks dogs. You could literally be in a comment section with Chinese people bad mouthing him and he would some how find out about it and start making paragraphs on why you're wrong.

No, because he's garbage at improv and only survives on Mark's le epic edit skills

does anyone else get game grumps vibes from these two? The whole straight man and wacky guy thing feels super similar when watching, especially in their heavy rain videos

Except he's not.

Yes except they're leagues more smug and less entertaining and are leafs

Get out Adam you filthy dogfucker

>bestiality apologist

Wished he killed himself

I'm nearing 30, therefore almost dead to this site.

Who is this fag?