Made cockpit. How do?

Made cockpit. How do?

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fuck is that Hands of Manos?
MST3000 is a gem

change that bong water you dirty nigger



If you change the water out you might actually be able to taste the smoke instead of all the fucking mold

each time i look at this i find something new to laugh at

>that bong

user. We're here for your intervention. It's time for change.

Nice, just find something else to anchor the cable down instead of a bong, like a screw or something.

looks straight outta reddit

changing bong water is a fucking meme

I let mine get pitch black and only change it when the water is too thick and starts to drag

>smokes inside his home
>cant be arsed to change the water

The only times I never changed my bongwater was when I was a 15 year old who had to sneak smoke in my parents garage.

I'm proud of you

>can't adjust distance from pedals

You fucked it up, kiddo.

If you look closely theres a bathroom sink literally 6 feet from him. What a lazy nigger.

>that fucking lamp on the back

I hope that's not a real leg, you sick fuck

>Hes never seen A Chrismas Story

How turbopleb can you get? Its run for 24 hours every fucking christmas.

>dumb animeposting cumguzzler hasn't seen Christmas Story

Not surprised, your garbage parents obviously wouldn't show you such a thing.

Weeaboo has never seem Christmas Story. Uncultured swine.

Its so dense

>not getting the irony multiple times used in a cantonese imageboard


Youre literally retarded and dont know what irony is. KYS pleb.

>i-i was just pretending to be retarded

t. retards

Says who? A fucking sperglord screeching while posting on Sup Forums? Just fuck off, you stupid cunt.

who dis slut source me up senpai

screen could be bigger

I understand the elevated platform for the wheel, but everything else seems unnecessary.

get a bigger tv u knave

Why do you have two tvs? And why are they positioned like that?
Your cockpit sits higher than the bottom tv and I can't imagine looking up for hours at a time at the upper tv.


It's dope actually.

not bad
*muffled bong hit over voice chat*/10


>Weeb gets his tender asshole blown out
>gets mad and indignant

Just fucking leave you sad sack of shit.

Where's the hydraulics??? FUCKING summer...

>this random who from the 50's is worldwide known
its easy to play that game.

But where is the cock?

>the leg lamp shade
i didn't know those actually existed

Is this the post incarnation of autism?

>all that bullshit
>tiny screen

I play close as hell to my 27 inch monitor so it's very immersive

but 2nd gen HMDs will fix it anyway

i have a half scale one
>getting mad when you learn something after spouting off retarded shit

hes from the 80s

it's an 80's movie about the 50s

btfo yet again

I hope youre playing dirt4 mr bigbooty

wheres the cock?

Not nearly enough cock

Looks fun. How heavy is it? Do you just push it out of the way into a corner when you're done?

>He doesn't change his bong water at least once a month

I dont know what the hell happened, I think their acting was very natural before and now theyre all pushing the characters tooooo hard. I mean this joke could be funny if it wasnt so over explained and obvious.

you must be like 9ft tall

also just dust my shit up