It's time for an unboxing thread. This package is too small to contain anything other than video games

It's time for an unboxing thread. This package is too small to contain anything other than video games.

What could it be?

inflatable dragon dildo.

Do Bad Dragon sell those?

>Risk of Rain
who gives a shit?
RoR thread. Someone host.

Wouldn't you like to know ;)

Fuck whatever is in your package, show us more of that sexy Wario.


You are mistaken.

a twist!

dynasty warriors 3



Correct! But what is the second game?

I want Angelus to be my mom


Eww it's a shit European version.

i meant see

And there we go. Two games.


>unironically buying Taro games

jokes on you i was right all along



fuck off retard


That was your mistake.

>Two games
Alright but wheres the picture of the second one?

TWO GAMES, user?