Other urls found in this thread:
>shit taste
>Sup Forums meme
checks out
Worst CastleKino but best CastleKino song.
My second favorite after SotN, but then I haven't played anything past GBA, because everything after that was a pain to emulate.
Best Castlemania to be truthful.
>because everything after that was a pain to emulate
Run to your radio and turn this shit off
I also like offense and defense from HoD, its a shame about that sound quality
the worst 2d castlevanias were 2 on the NES and portrait of ruin, in both cases you get a lot of repetitive stuff
harmony of dissonance is shit
theyre all good (except for hod)
at the top we've got
1) sotn
2) ooe
3) com
4) aos
5) dos
6) por
Lords of shits
How do they top SotN?
You're not making any sense here, I don't have a radio and why should I turn it off anyway?
This is the same ranking for me as well.
Friendly reminder that OOE is trash propped up by a waifubait MC and "Muh magic" fags.
t. never played a castlevania game but I've been in the threads and that opinion seems to grab people's attention; what's the best game to start out with?
SoTN or Rondo of Blood.
Because Nigga didn't bother, so my father didn't help. So when my mom would beat my ass, she would always hit me with Vampire Killer. Vampire killer imprint leather welts.
symphony of the night is the best artistically, as a game its actually a little shit
aria of sorrow is a good 'game' that was a nice metroid structure and allows you to get OP a lot of different ways, it's fun and I've played through it multiple times
after you try one of these, you'll know if you want to continue with the others, the third one I would try would actually be Castlevania 4 on the SNES, as it's a highly creative and slightly more casual version of the original castlevania style, around bloodlines fans, don't relax
Dracula, we comin' for YOU NIGGA.
Play The PSP version of Rondo of blood.
It emulates faily well if you don't have a toaster and it even comes with Sotn and the original version if you don't mind doing a little searching to unlock them.
That version of Sotn is also has more content than the originals and most other ports, but the voice acting is less memey.
SOTN, then the GBA games starting with COTM and finishing with AOS, finally the DS games starting with DOS and finishing with OOE.
Then you can start doing challenge runs.
rondo is a troll answer
its like people who say 'la mulana' is a good game, they don't want you to have fun or have any new experiences, they just want you to be as miserable and pretentious as you are, since they have nothing else in life
*Exterminates Dracula*
how is it possible to be this much of a faggot?
Rondo is pretty great my dude.
If you're a newbie you should probably play as maria as soon as you unlock her, but the game's solid.
There's no bullshit until like level 7 so it's a nice way to ease in.
What the fuck does 'kino'' mean? I see people using it both positively and negatively. Feels like it just popped out of nowhere
The troll answer would be Dracula X.
Go ask Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is too braindead to explain it without buzzwords and memes.
Sup Forums trying to outplay people who use the word "cinema" with "kino" because kino is German for cinema.
it's a stupid Sup Forums meme.
it supposed to be better than a flick or movie but worse than "cinema"
>por being worst
fucking heathens man
What did you guys think about the last Bloodstained trailer?
looks nice
>this walking animation syncing perfectly with castle corridors
its the little things
castelvania 1
Pure Ludo (Or Kino if you prefer) because this is the same town from Simon's Quest.
a gum obtained from certain tropical trees by tapping, used locally as an astringent in medicine and in tanning.
>symphony of the night is the best artistically, as a game its actually a little shit
Why do people keep saying this when SotN is still one of the best designed Metroidvanias around?
Is Simon's Quest the game where you have to stand still for a certain amount of time in an arbitrary location to proceed?
Aria of Sorrow for the metroidvania
C4 for classic
why he speaking Mahatma
>Is Simon's Quest...
>tfw you can read the sign even though it has nothing important written on it.
It's the little things.
Its actually not arbitrary. There is a scroll hidden in one of the towns to tell you to do it.
How are you expected to figure that out without the assistance of a guide?
I see what you did there and I don't like it
Well guess that answers that.
Filter out the word kino. Make it say "shit" instead
Kino had nothing on true Cine
Why haven't you played Lecarde Chronicles 2?
by buying nintendo power
>only the metroidvanias and rondo get any talk in these threads
That's some funky ass shit, especially that bass line.
Post more Castlevania koncert.
Replayed SOTN recently, it's literally still the GOAT including gameplaywise. The gameplay is good but it could've made a better effort to prevent the player from leveling up way too much when wandering around trying to figure out where to go next. And even with all that, the reverse castle will still kick your ass. The reverse castle is underrated, has a very nice atmosphere.
Careful user, you might trigger Australia-kun.
>Grinding that one room in the Arena in SoTN using the bat form charge to grab the dosh to buy the duplicator
I think I still have that muscle memory
say something
and if you're a purist
posting the best IV song
>Treasury room
say what you will about siivagunner but there is some cool stuff that pops up
Wicked mind
that usually refers to the explorations gamesIif thats the case here, I'd put on CotM. Theres light exploration in not Dracula's castle, but the combat is good ol' fashion whip action
I quit after seeing the room with four portraits in it. I wasn't having fun at all. The only IGA game I legitimately don't like.
Whip combat is 100% unadulterated ludo.
will it happen? what would you want it to be like?
the art and music of sotn but with classicvania gameplay
fuck you faggot i played the shit out of this as a kid easily rivals SOTN if honestly not better just because of the souls system loved those different abilities
for some reason, this song always reminds me of Yu Yu Hakusho.
>i played the shit out of this as a kid
so your opinion doesn't matter then
So Rondo?
Do you think i don't get your reference?
Stop with the Kino meme. Please. It means nothing at this point.
Here you go, this ought to help:
"Kino" is kino as hell
Too much on the easy side.
Too much on the bland, uninspired low effort side.
Too much on the junk/key collecting style.
Every single time they don't shit it up again like they did with HoD.
I like Harmony of Dissonance
>AOS is 14 years old
Castlevania is about as kino as it gets.
Where my circle of the moon bros at?
I love how Alucard just stays in that pose after using the attack.
>Not dark inferno
How does OoE compare to SotN and AoS?