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Woah what? Was there actually a ruse all along?

You better beLIEve it boyo


Two days for Caramel to shut the FUCK up

When does E3 end? I want to know the precise moment that Caramel gets BTFO when it's either nothing or something disappointing.

Please tell me Caramel won't actually go through with offing himself.

what did they do to make it say that?

I love the crazy ruse theories more than anything else in the MGS franchise. Keep it up you crazy kids.


He'll just say "the ruse is deeper than even I imagined..." and move it along to another date. Whatever, the important thing is that we all know he's a moron and one day he'll have to accept MGSV is really just a regular disappointing game and not some masterful ruse.

It's the only way
Next e3 he'll revive as Liquid Caramel

Here's the copy-paste from reddit
>I saw "Zero" and what looked to be "GES"
E, 3, W, M can all be written the same way, so I swapped it's position to the only thing I knew with "GMS"
>Zero MGS sounded weird, so I swapped those. >There was a ":" in the picture as well between "ZERO" and "GMS", but I didn't like how it looked so I left it out, didn't change anything prove death stranding was the subtitle though, so same message, nicer looking edit (imo).
>The OMEGA/2 Snakes Fighting (E-S2-3) in the middle of MGSZERO is beyond my cleverness, which is what really tipped me off on the fact it might be correct.

Holy shit are you gonna do this non stop?? MGS is dead and you should deal with it geez

I don't even play MGS but i like reading these insane ruse cruise threads. I know theres no chance of them being true, so the best thing we can hope for is caramel becoming an hero on livestream when hes wrong

I really, really want to believe all of this, but deep down I know nothing will happen.and that MGS is dead.

>so I swapped it's position
No ruse just Reddit retardation

In the end you're just a sour caramel

There's already an anonymous poster (Caramel) that claims David Bowie is alive, Lynch and a bunch of auteurs along with Kojima are rusing the whole world and reveal the cure for death.

This is beyond simple mental illness.


He won't until Death Stranding is released

Can someone tell me how they made OPs image? Mirroring the Bridges tweet doesn't produce this.


Flip it, turn it together then flip it upside down

that honestly looks like Fib

Photoshop, and what's Photoshop do? Produce a fake imagery

>FIB's old thread dies
>He makes a new one.

I'm not FIB or Caramel, just a little boy with a dream.

even without more MGS madman kojima is going to show up with another trailer this at the sony conference. Probably with the next girl he wants to mocap naked this time.

Why are you reposting the same shit that fib posted.

beware, you're in for a scare.

Same as christians that repeat every shit the bible says. They follow and repeat every Caramel/FIB bullshit.

that abomination posted its tits before in an old thread and they legit look like this

caramel/fib are just repeating other people and adding extra autisms.

>David Bowie is alive, Lynch and a bunch of auteurs along with Kojima are rusing the whole world



We will not talk about Judy.

>Norman Reedus and Del toro literally post FUCK KONAMI tweets

Are you guys retarded

Fuck logic

After the E3.

what are you talking about, tarnishing your entire company reputation for a single title is great marketing

Of course he wont. Hell be back on MGS Anniversary, then GDC, then Sony Conference and we'll be back to this same shit next E3.

I want Bowie back ;_;

We all do. I still have to remind myself he's dead.

caramel where are you, you pee shy bitch

where are you, come tell me about how low roar's album has song titles that are words metal gear has used before

where are you bitch

you're gonna fucking kill yourself in 2 days and you're gonna livestream for all of us. Do it you faggot bitch. Do it

I never thought about him kek. I know him thanks to MGSV but after that to was an old singer and nothing more and I'm an 26 yo cunt.

n-no its just a fake demo!

Is that image real?
Is there gonna be a pc release?

Ah sweet. I hope they touch on the smaller stuff in this one, like how LIFE and CURE and all that shit is going to work now that it's back.

>wanting a delusional tripfag to continue living


>what are you talking about, tarnishing your entire company reputation for a single title is great marketing
This so much. Just imagine how many people would be in shock and surprise when the people who have been talking shit about Konami for about a year now, just stopped, turned around, and said "And thanks to Konami, here's MGS: Death Standing"

that picture forgot to mention

and is also backed by one of the most renown gaming conglomerates on the fucking planet and is headed by one of video games most iconic directors

yeah gee how did he get the money and people for this, its so weird

someone, for the love of god, please tell me what any of this means (im sorta new to metal gear)

Nah, it was made by someone on the Metal Gear subreddit. Its nice tho.

5 was a let down
people are so delusional they think it was intentionally a let down/was accidentally a let down but being picked up later with death stranding being the coverup

and people think this because for some reason kojima is le epic rusemaster despite not doing any interesting bait and switch since mgs2

Absolutely nothing. It's pure speculation spewing from the mouths of retards, trannies, and people with too much spare time on their hands.

seriously delete this shit

exclusive to Japan

Don't care if Konami fucked us this many times I would buy that shit like no tomorrow.

>despite not doing any interesting bait and switch since mgs2
Did you even play MGS5?

He literally never said that he would, an imitator did. Put your mind at ease.

deal with it caramel

survive is real and you're gonna kill yourself

The medic was the shittiest bait and switch. People called it the moment GZ released.


It's literally one guy

No. Kojima said even back when KojiPro was still actually active, the MGS4 code was in way too much of a fucking mess to warrant the hassle of porting it to other platforms. Plus Konami know full well that the overwheming majority of people who care about MGS4 played it years ago.

yes, medic twist was fucking garbage dude. THE MEDIC'S VOICE WAS LITERALLY BOSS'S VOICE PITCHED DOWN

you're missing the context of after this someone talking about the studio said it was only a modest 100 person operation.

Let metal gear fucking die already and let kojama do something else

I want summer to leave.

MGS 4 was a bigger letdown than MGS 5. MGS 5 is the culmination of all the best gameplay MGS offers. It's just the story thats bad. MGS 4 had the gayest fucking shit with the bosses and after you beat the bosses who have no personality Drebin(?) calls you and says how they became fucked up. Also that fucking shitty mission that drags on for ages of you tailing that cunt in Europe. There is nothing redeemable about MGS 4.

MGS 5 > MGS 3 > MGS 2 > MGS 1 > P.T> all the garbage like Acid, Peace Walker, etc* > MG1 > MG2 > Kojima's twitter > Sup Forums MGS threads > MGS4.

THAT's how bad MGS4 is.

*-The games are okay due to them being on PSP, but they don't hold a candle to the proper games.

And there are like 10 less crazy explanations over EPIC FUCKING RUUUUSE

At least it had bosses.

its not just story that sucks its the boring missions. some people don't mind farcry 2 tier missions but a lot of us hate that

Where can I see more pics of FIB?
That sissy is so hot I wanna fap.

the gameplay of MGSV is possibly my least favorite in the entire series

it's polished but it's not balanced well at all, the variety isn't there, the set-pieces are not there, the bosses are not there and everything it tries to do to give it a unique identity, like mother base, is handled beyond terribly

Before you're lambasted by autistic weebs, I gotta say this is 99% correct. Your only error is that pre-MGSV Sup Forums threads were better than any of the games.

MGS4 was fan service at its worst. The story could've been about about Otacon getting fisted by Snake as he blew Raiden's robo dick and it still wouldn't be as gay as MGS4 turned out to be.

It's unfinished, no question about it, but the gameplay offers a lot of variety if you are creative.

Tell me what your favorite MGS game is in terms of GAMEPLAY and tell me how that gameplay is better than it is in V.

Bosses is a valid answer, and I'll concede. But the basic gameplay, of tactical stealth espionage is done best in V.

Fuck Kojima, Konami was in the right.
the bastard just kept on playing with his money, like a kid in a candy store, doing stupid shit with it until it ran out and he couldn't afford to finish what he promised. And you wanna know what happened? The fucker tried asking for more money, After he was told no, he released the game with no real ending/conclusion and tried his hardest blaming everyone other then himself. the fucker managed to get everyone pissed at the company and not him for spending so much money on stupid shit.

It lacks level design. The actual gameplay shines on GZ. Those 5 missions where more diverse than the entirety of TPP.

>played GZ more than TPP
>had more fun with GZ, replayed some missions tens of times just tweeking every shit I could find, learning guard patrol pattern, doing the mission in whole different ways

>finish chapter 46 and never touch TPP after, most of the game felt like a chore

And codec calls
and an actual story
and an actual Snake

>It's unfinished, no question about it, but the gameplay offers a lot of variety if you are creative.
it's not novel though, you never get an interesting result from doing anything but the most efficient (and broken) strategies
>Tell me what your favorite MGS game is in terms of GAMEPLAY and tell me how that gameplay is better than it is in V.
favorite is probably 3, it's better because it has challenge, level design, set-pieces, bosses, pacing, a coherent sense of progression and many elements of the game are integrated into providing novel outcomes for minute-to-minute gameplay. for instance, bombing the food storage sheds impact soldiers, certain environments and types of damage has [cure] menu applications, holding people up gives you codec frequencies and GA-KO locations, you can do all kinds of wacky shit with the bosses, etc.

More like EGS 239
Ember's Ghost Squad September 23th. Remember.

Motherfucker that is MY crack theory do NOT give FIB/Caramel credit for that shit when it turns out to be true.

trip your shit up, bro

fuck off, I'd take the focused structure of 4 over 5's open world meme bullshit any day. The garbage bosses, the lack of any fucking direction or actual level design, don't care if snake handles like a dream when half the game is repeat missions.

let's break down 4

chapter 1 is great
chapter 2 is great
chapter 3 is a bad escort mission but it is a guided escort mission none the less, not too different from the eva mission in mgs3
chapter 4 is great, fantastic atmosphere and a great boss fight
chapter 5 is fucking fantastic. Great stealth section, nice little boss fight, some neat cinematic stuff, then a final fantastic bossfight with ocelot.

Yes mgs4's story is fanbait in all the wrong ways, yes many cutscenes go on for far too long with those fucking stupid info graphics that explain shit nobody cares about, yes the epilogue is fucking retarded, but the gameplay in many parts is metal gear to its core. Fantastic stealth action and wacky bossfights. It wasn't 5 that had zero fucking level design and no real bossfights (aside from quiet which was literally just a copy of The End anyway).

4 gets too much hate, 5 gets too much praise simply because the animation blending on snakes running feels good

also cqc feels like dogshit in 5 and sprinting ruined multiplayer.

CHOO CHOO, get on the train Agent bowieboner

>rusefags posting a thread every chance they get now that it's E3 time
That's how you know they've lost.

Why would I do that?

I dunno how to even respond to this

woah it's almost like studios hire more people as projects become more ambitious

>mads slips studio has 300 people
>weeks later kojima(or someone else that should know, i don't even fucking remember anymore) says studio has 100 people

Well which is it? did they downsize?

can I get a basic getstalt on E3? when does Sony present?

monday 6pt

Just ask yourself, even if it WAS a secret project, what reason would they have to lie about the number of employees? A game like death stranding could easily have 300 or 100 employees depending on how many resources sony wants to allocate. Often a good way to deal with conspiracy theories is to ask "what do they have to gain by doing this?"

YOU FEEL IT TOO, DONT YOU............................