What games have the best animation?
What games have the best animation?
Mass effect Andromeda.
Heavy Rain
god fucking damn. Is this shit on purpose? Like so whenever they release the Blu rays they can tout the better animation quality? Cause god damn if its not then that shit is just god damn fucking sad.
Pretty sure it's modern Bioware as a whole.
Yes, and BDs will be the same with increased frame rate like etotama.
>play vanquish at 60fps
>player and enemy animations are glorious
God it was embarrassing how much the Scouts were getting wrecked
Evolve, prior to being stripened for f2p
Why is this anime so disturbing and spooky? I can't handle it.
Berserk is the musou of anime
You should see One piece.
that berserk clip always gets me because it is so bad
Not sure what's being implied posting a SnK/AoT webm. It gets a handful of amazing moments but the bulk of it is panoramic stills
I fucking loved the artstyle
I've always thought that whoever designed the graphics for Guiltr Gear Xrd Rev should be hired for animation work
Well to be fair aint this shit supposed to be seen in motion and not really in stills that show the super duper shittiness that would be missed in motion?
As someone who's never liked toriyama's style (it's actually vaguely repulsive to me for some reason I can't quite put my finger on) I can at least appreciate that he's got a crisp style and even when shit was low budget he made it work with the style. That said, what the fuck is going on with super?
Post the one where Grunbeld stumbles backwards, that looks so hilarious.
Or Skull Knight getting interrupted by a thrown Apostel.
It's way too time consuming for anything other than a fighting game.
But then again they make a fucking 3 hour anime for every release so it can't be that hard
Are Owl Boy, Metal Slug, and Skullgirls too easy?
this is normal and you can find this in the background of any anime ever
In one piece that is not the case.
Beast Wars looks better than this shit.
Saint Seiya seems to be the only improvement
This. Cherrypicking stuff like this isn't really showing bad animation. The berzerk webms are.
Holy fucking kek
I want this to e a shitty animation thread but to answer your question legitimately, Ninja Gaiden has the best animations I've ever seen. All of that is gameplay and not scripted, and that's just the first game (not even the remake)
why is he fighting winnie the pooh
オマイGOD.Fucking Puck.
>hey you need to animate this whole episode in one day, hope you don't need to sleep eat or shit
What are your favorite animation studios?
1. Used to be Trigger but now with Mob Psycho 100, Space Dandy, and BNHA, Bones
2. Trigger
3. KyoAni
>Cherrypicking stuff like this isn't really showing bad animation
Not even Toriyama likes the animation
god I wish that was me
Add some nujabes in the background
>my dick when a shitty 3d hentai had better animation
here for a second i thought i was on Sup Forums
THe fuck happened to DB
Is that Pooh?
This is like those fillers episode where they came up with original stupid enemy, like in those harem fighting anime?
What skyrim mod is this?
eh, this isn't that bad, plus it worked in the moment
what game?
Toei Animation happened.They consistently put out the worst animation in the business
That's beautiful. Pity I'm so bad at NG that I still struggled a lot with Sigma on the lowest difficulty.
It's time.
Holy shit i am dying over here...
Jesus Christ, that's borderline insulting.
>making fun of damn good anime
KyoAni is my one and only number one
I hate Tripwire but KF2's animation is gorgeous
Here have something to ease your pain
I wish mob psycho 100 got more attention, It's fucking great and the manga is even better. Current manga arc is going places, BIG PLACES.
I just hope we get a season 2 and that will bring more interest in the series.
It baffles me how these clips somehow keep getting worse every time I see a new one.
that looks like Guilty gear Xrd
You could put Benny Hill music to this and it wouldn't be any more silly.
whoops. supposed to be it's own thread, i'll take my faggotry elsewhere.
what is that from even?
reminds me of that satoshi kon movie that never got made
Who was in the wrong here?
If it was your first time playing a NG game then that's normal, it happens to everyone. It requires you to kick off a lot of "bad" habits from other action games.
Hentai games
it's pretty entertaining with how bad it is
what the christ
Guns don't wiggle like that
Lisa The Painful.webm
this game was so much fun at launch
What was it? It seems like janitor deleted it
Beserk: Renegade Angel
how the fuck are you suposed to control that with move controllers?
Is Sup Forums the only board that has problems with crossboarders flooding it with stupid offtopic garbage? We're basically a dumping ground for dead Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes. We're like the blue board version of Sup Forums.
Something fanservice-y that was still 100% SFW. And very nicely animated. It wasn't porn.
What game?
? It's still there
Do the background characters shift to the right a little?
Holy shit, too much work, but still awesome
Isn't this just straight up motion capture?
Cry more you stupid bitch, my main board is Sup Forums but I come here to Sup Forums to vent my frustrations and shitpost all I want
Good shit.
no shit, animation is often exaggerated for effect especially for chaotic actions like weapons firing in slow motion
Short anime film called Robot on the Road.
Never get too cocky.
user it's still there. And it's not NSFW to be deleted.
winning putt, bamco's newish golf mmo
idk how good or bad it is now, i quit because life stuff cam eup
robot on the road, a short film. it's 90% fanservice but very well animated. some of its rotoscoped if you look very closely (both rotoscoping 3d on the robot, hence the guilty gear xrd comment, and rotoscoping on the girl) but its integrated very very well
>tfw aside from the update to modern aesthetics, the parasyte anime was faithful as fuck
Humanity's finest at work.
At least the horse saved that one guy from being eaten.