how is this the same person?
How is this the same person?
The power of feminism
>knew a guy in school
>slickest mother fucker ive ever met
>skate boarded in daily
>always got away with listening to his walkman in class
>gave me game boy games
>see him randomly at my work today
>giant whale balloon man
>4/10 gf
>face is twice the size it use to be
>sadly wave at him
Eating someone doesn't turn you into that person.
wide load coming through
mountain dew, not even once
I like the right one more desu
She could stand to slim just a little bit for my personal taste, however definitely I would not consider fat. Just thicc
What? Why?
Wow she was actually hot when she was skinny.
If they have a big gut that folds I don't think they qualify as "thicc"
that's an alien
You're out of your mind. Without those slimming pantyhose her fat folds would be spilling to the sides.
Obesity shouldn't be encouraged. A healthy diet, no exercise needed, can have anyone at a healthy weight.
I'd fuck her, post more please
>being low test
>m-muh healthy diet
fuck off millenial
Women age like cheese.
Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, I fucking love a lot of extra mature cheeses and older women myself, infact I prefer a good example of each to the younger/milder versions, but they're both an acquired taste and most times they just get disgusting with age to the point you wouldn't want them in the house.
This, of the left one obvoiusly.
>I would not consider fat. Just thicc
fucking hell, get some standards my man
Most people are at least decent looking if they're skinny if not fit
I though calling her an ayy was just a meme, this actually convinces me we're not alone
dsp used to be the only one with a decent gf
but she dumped him
I like parmegiano regiano
thicc af my nig
I want the one on the right
How long ago? You talk with him at all?
Not since I last saw him at school, which was about 10 years ago
Did he go bald?
Left: wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.
Right: would go out with.
I don't find sticks attractive. Women who put so much emphasis on their bodies are usually boring, braindead bitches besides. The fact she got fat after marriage says, to me, that she is happy with her station in life now and who she is with and no longer feels the need to put up a front for the world, which is just way more attractive.
Spoiler that shit. Nearly gave me a heart attack.
>he fell for the thicc meme
just kys yourself my man
Feels just like Sup Forums.
her fucking eyes... soulless and they don't blink at the same time
my lads, I'm the first one who will call out a fucking fatfag masquerading as "what, she's just thicc bro!"
The OP girl isn't really fat. Close, but not there. It's a fine line. The fucking fat degenerates like literal whales with big soggy bellies and tree stump legs.
>subscribes to the health meme
enjoy paying for my medical
When you marry to a cuck that will provide for you no matter how fat you get, you don't need to worry about being "hot" anymore.
Her fetal alcohol syndrome face is disgusting anyway.
It's not about to show how good you look, it's about making you look good in that one instant.
She's definitely fat.
alternatively i'm going to ignore you and continue fapping to fat women
>Arin gets buff.
>Suzy gets fat.
Why is it that men gain inspiration from romance, while women just wrap it up and call it a day on life?
Why must we choose one or the other? If it wasn't attached to that face, I'd fuck both body types. There's perks to both
She used to be so fucking sexy
Men are passionate, women are expectant.
Is American cheese real cheese or is it just fake processed stuff
when boys find out that girls dont have movie quality skin without make up, yall niggas just took the red pill? yall niggas above the age 17?
She's fat, but she's not obese.
>Oh, another wandered, Come to lick my father's boots.
>Arin gets buff.
He got buff then he stopped and got fat again.
They're both disgusting heathens.
t. chub roastie
Who even is this? I want more pics of her before she got fat. Dat fucking outfit.
people can gain and lose weight you mongaloid
She's really gross, believe me, if you see her vids on you tube, you'll regret those words.
t. soulless faggot
Enjoy your media-manufactured culture.
Fetal alcohol syndrome, this is why you don't drink while pregs.
I'd say she's just gone past thick to fat myself.
Also even if she was just 'thick', the fact her tits are still barely there even after gaining so much fat, but her guts are bulging out so much, makes her low quality thick.
Without a decent rack to balance out the increased torso mass, chicks start to look stocky and masculine.
You could put most beer gutted, middle aged slobs in that dress and leggings and get a similar result. You'd just need to have both put a bag on their heads and you'd struggle to tell them apart.
>people have different tastes than me waahhhh
Even the Splice bitch looks better.
He's always been fat, but he's pretty jacked under his layer of blubber. His arms are fucking massive.
He desperately needs to shave, his shit chinbeard looks disgusting.