So since Nier:Automata and Nier is basically confirmed for E3 including Taro what are your hopes and dreams...

So since Nier:Automata and Nier is basically confirmed for E3 including Taro what are your hopes and dreams? New Drakengard announcement? Nier Remaster confirmation? Nier: Automata DLC?

Other urls found in this thread: DVD

Nier Vulva

Nier Musou. Only thing that could come out this soon.

>Nier:Automata and Nier is basically confirmed for E3


Maybe they can sell us some Concert Blu-Rays?
Anything? Please? I just want at least some of that jap-only side material here.

So, Drakengard 4 then.

I never got a chance to play Nier, and while I picked up the PS3 one last year I never got that far in it. At this point, i'd like to play it at 1080p/60 FPS on PS4/PC.

Or hell, have Platinum do a remake with the Automata engine.

>Emil's Entertaining E3 Extravaganza

At this point Nier remaster with replicant finally translated is pretty certain, imo.
If that sells well they could try a low cost relaunch of drakengard series, maybe with a drakengard 3 port with good framerate.

I would like something like that.

I'd be happy with a Nier remaster.

idk I think a break would be best

>Nier remaster with replicant finally translated
I would pay for that, even though I am a big Pro Dad faget.

I want Drakengard 5. The original idea for DoD3 where a game gets skipped and you try to find out what happened in the non-existent previous game. The world is ready for it.

We already had that with Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, and we never got that in-between game.

New DoD.

Or DoD 1.3 that's fine to.


Also skeleton man is on the move.

Holy shit, yes.

Taro dies on stage and everyone laughs

It's not like you're going to get shota ass fucking if Replicant gets western release.

Guess we'll get to see those "agressive plans" Square has in store. Pretty hyped honestly, hoping for some story DLC for my girl A2. Already played Nier, and I'm definitely not doing that shit again, but a remaster or PC port would be nice for the automatafags who are interested.

The Children's Crusade would be neat.

I want to FUCK A2

Somebody post the picture where Kaine and 2B are comparing penises.

>hoping for some story DLC for my girl A2.
You people keep saying that you want that but I'm still not sure what exactly you asking for. I mean, I'm sure you aren't asking for just a bunch of secondary quests, but in a story heavy game suddenly inserting important contents isn't easy and automata is still pretty recent so they didn't even have much time. So what does remain? I can only think about making Pearl Harbor Descent finally playable, I'm among the people who complained a lot about the lack of A2 contents, but I don't see any other reasonable solution.

So? I still wanna play it.
Some scenes DO work better with younger Nier.

You could make it so you'll have to play as A2 right after Pearl Harbour traveling around the world and by the end ending up in the City Ruins. You could also maybe explain it why she went there because she found out the location of the Machine Network. It's kinda strange how the entire plot happened to be located right where the Machine Network is located too.

>Automata DLC
There's a lot of stuff that could be used

>A2 dlc
>legion dlc
>whatever dlc

will never ever happen

next game will about some animal kingdom or some shit 18472928 years in the future and there'll be more stupid lore added to the pile of shit that will never be explained

>but in a story heavy game suddenly inserting important contents

You're saying this about the previously one game that was expanded upon int: dlc, novellas, drama CDs, manga and a stage play

dlc user here, there definitely gonna be a A2 dlc so shut up and pray

a dlc and then we wait for the next game

Isn't Taro working on his own project at this point?

Don't get your hopes up as Taro is only given barely more than a hour at the end of E3 after two hours of merchandise shilling. They will probably announce more Automata merchandise and a BD release of the concert at best.

Yes, and he ceased his work with Platinum. At this point he's probably making side materials for SINoALICE.

oh my fuck


look he might be lying or just doesn't want to reveal some stuff about automata

A new Drakengard or at least a remake/remaster of D3 with an improved frame rate, gameplay and graphics
I'd like one for D1 as well but some people would actually complain if D1's gameplay was anything other painful to play.

Nah, he literally posted a screenshot of leaving platinum's office a month ago.
Chances of anything Automata-related aside from merchandise or maybe q/a session are extremely slim. Given that half of the time is dedicated for showing concert highlights, i wouldn't expect much.

No. Someone already tried that and it sucked.

Or have you already forgotten?

>I'd like one for D1 as well but some people would actually complain if D1's gameplay was anything other painful to play.
Only faggots will.

I personally think D1 had some of the most interesting gameplay concepts in the series, I would LOVE for them to be expanded and improved.

he's trolling us lol

you know the taro man A2 dlc lel

SINoALICE just came out, I don't think it's user base is big enough for side-materials to happen yet.

Automata had Memory Cage/Thorn released around the same time as a base game as well as q/a session in strategy guide.

>June 15

Seriously? We have to wait til Thursday for this?

Memory Thorn only came out a month after the game and Cage was released a month or two before release with the World Guide Book.

Also Automata sold 1.5 million by the time the concert happened.

more stupid A2 is coming up

What the fuck is a stamen

Dude, seriously?

Male part of the flower.

I'm sorry, I was retarded. English isn't my first language thus I didn't know what stamen actually was.

Are you trying to say A2 is genius



Cavia die, automata was very random game, squarenix don't believe in yoko taro, successful automata could make or break yoko taro.

Drakengard 1-3 and nier just sold 770,000, automata sell 1.5 millons.

Do you think the androids watched porn for data gathering? There was this Ragged DVD item, which seems to be porn. Is it? DVD

No reason to believe that's porn, the description makes it look like gravure

Sounds more like a gravure idol.

Have you seen what the robots were doing just before you first fight Adam?

it's just old world's relic

A2 seen that and examined her wet pussy in the next day

If robots know Adam would had penis.

>mfw that was because the machine found a porn dvd.
>mfw humanity will no longer be on earth and the next earthly species will learn about human sex through porn dvds.
And people say that porn can't have high cultural value, in the long term it will actually be one of the most important cultural vectors ever.

>learn about human sex through porn dvds
Well basically the average Sup Forums user

so hot

>wanting a nier remaster
What? If anything gets a remaster it's got to be the first Drakengard.

>he doesn't know about the leak

>he doesn't know about A2's dlc

What's going on? What leak?

Just did a little searching. You both talking about Taro saying that if Square funds him they'd make a remastered collection? What I'd give to have that.

being this retard

Taro answered with "I guess that is fake picture. Maybe."

Just found out and was about to post the picture.
>getting a fucking Nier collection before Drakengard

Nier is more popular and accessible, Drakengard is the real niche stuff.

We might get one later, but who knows.

Why would you want a Drakengard remaster? That game needs a remake.

That picture itself is fake, there are Automata/Platinum games trademarks at the bottom.

Depends on how Taro remakes it

I'd rather it be 1:1 with the original save for upgrades to the gameplay, not any bullshit that DoD3 was doing or infinite bonus materials like in Nier.

Sure he can try to incorporate stuff from the cancelled Drakengard comic (not 1.3) but for fucks sake please leave the story alone, the way Taro writes now I feel like he'd forget what made Drakengard 1 such a fun ride.

Remastered by Platinum?

>Nier collection
>Just two versions of the same game with a different player character

Ready to ship.


>the way Taro writes now I feel like he'd forget what made Drakengard 1 such a fun ride
It's just the Squeenix execs begging him to write a happy ending. On that note he thought Nier 1 Ending D was a happy ending.

It's not really about the happy endings, hell I had feelings that were like happiness at Ending B of Nier.

Its just that now Taro relies so much on dank twists and obfuscation of characters to pull his stories along, and honestly it got in the way of both DoD3 and Automata telling their stories in full capacity..

Drakengard 1 didn't rely on those and just played itself completely straight, that's why it stands out to me so much.

I don't think Automata had a happy ending. It was hopeful, but if we disregard the concert (is that shit canon?), the chances are they'll arrive to the same conclusion.

Concert is canon

Timeline is 100% canon and there is peace for the next 500 years until the machine lifeforms create their own society and there are revolts

It also follows Route C

Where is this? Never seen this area. In the DLC?


It also reads character designs by Akihiko Yoshida, who only designed characters for Automata. This is a pretty cool shop though

Thank you, kind Sir.

to mekishiko shitty?

Drakengard is basically a dead series at this point. You can hope that square will try to relaunch the series after neir 1 remaster proves that there is enough interest in taro stuff even when the gameplay isn't good, but aside from that any complaining is pretty irrational, people forget too easily that it's already a miracle that we got automata.

but nier 1 has good gameplay tho
>tfw when you use spears and hit triangle in midair in front of a bunch of small fry and the game goes slow motion as you plow through them

>Emil's Entertaining E3 Extravaganza.

>tfw crashing the resolution with dark execution on a roomful of imps

Dark verses were the fucking shit.

Is this canon? Because it solves a lot of plot-holes that I encountered playing the game.

> it solves a lot of plot-holes that I encountered playing the game
>my doubts and dumb questions are plotholes.
Every time, frodo.