Just pirating this car, don't mind me

>just pirating this car, don't mind me

Just pirating your life white boi, don't mind me.

>downloading car_pkg.bin
>download a clone of binary files
>there are people living in this world that think downloading a clone of binary files is against the law
you fell for the copyright meme

stop stealing images from alamy

No problem, because my car will still be here after you made a copy for yourself.

This is the shit piratefags try to get away with, and then they'll throw a million fucking excuses why their behavior isn't abhorrent and inexcusable.

Fuck YOU pirates for killing the industry we love.

Let me just make a copy of my favorite 100 dollar bill


Pirates are fucking commies

And they deserve to be shot like the leftist crap they have as a ideology

>digital binary file
pick one

Just pirating your freedom

don't mind me


>someone buys car
>people start magically cloning it endlessly
>car is wildly popular
>car manufacturer only has the money from the original single sale
>goes out of business

I wish the ruskie will cut the craps and start arming blm.

>it's another moralcuck butthurt thread

if I could pirate the games directly off your shelf or out of your steam library with a 99.9999999% chance of not getting caught I would do it. stay mad moralcucks.

>pirate some guy's weed at a party
>he whoops my ass for it

wtf I love Denuvo now

Just pirating this bread, don't mind me.

this is not the Sup Forums i remember

You know that pirates are a real fucking political party?
We've more than 10% of government seats in Island, dumbass.

Fear not, o sweet child. I have pirated this bread to share amongst all my beloved flock.

Just pirating the title of best girl, don't mind me.

and the serial number on all of the bills will be the same that's what counterfieting is dumbass

I always wondered what was the goal of these threads?
Like, people who pirated games are going to continue to pirate them.
People who bought their games are going to continue buying them.

To be honest, I think it's more of a minority trolling Sup Forums's common practice.
I am more concerned about Sup Forumstards infecting every boards.

So a fucking bunch of commies


I hope you get stabed

>happened once, in a fantasy tale
>gets mentioned as if it was everyday occurrence

>Sup Forums always pirate games
>games start shifting their target market to normfags
>wah wah why dont games cater to my taste
>always online more draconian drm
>wah wah my consumer rights
It's all your fault you fucking piece of shit oldfags.

>install RAZOR1911-D0774R-B177-k3yg3n.exe

problem solved, Denuvo BTFO once again

Which one?

>leaving the pc on all night for the game to download
Now I remember

shut the fuck up virgins lol

"You want to sell me this product you create for money? Heh, I'll just copy it for free and leave you with the original. What problem could you possibly have with this?? I DIDN'T STEAL YOUR ORIGINAL AFTER ALL"

The one with ice.

You can use whatever 1337 speak you want faggot.The principle, and way society works stays the same.

Yall need to get a job if you cant afford 60 bucks

Hoes get more money sucking dick

Crackheads get money for their habit

Yall can't afford 60???

Fucking whiteys lmao

Yeah, because oldfags are so much numerous than normfags.
If they had bought games, in no way would the market have sought the so small candycrush and farmville audience.

I know they pronounce it 'pirating', but I'm pretty sure they still spell it properly.

Don't mind me guys just pirating this fire

So the minority opinion in your picture is becoming normal.Good.

What if I buy previously owned games for 15$?

>Have 60 bucks of disposable income
>waste it on a child's toy, which is available for free at no risk, cost or consequence
LMAO. Pirate the game, pretend you bought it and then treat your mother to a nice steak dinner instead.

No one made, and sold that fire.This is a false equivalence.

It's to stir shit, just like everything else on Sup Forums

Previously owned games are sold at nearly the same price as retail.
>waste it on a child's toy

$60 is such an insignificant amount of money, I can't believe people have to actually think about spending it. Get a job.

Then you ain't broke like these chicks

>60 bucks for a steak dinner for mother

Yeah if shes some type of side hoe then of course 60 would be fine. It's your mother treat her to something nice. Get a job lilboy

People have other real hobbies and use their disposable income to facilitate those hobbies. Video games are free and there is no reason not to pirate them. Buying video games is paying the idiot tax.

The day we can copy cars is the day car manufacturers need to rethink their business model.

I'm not a 16 year old burger flipper, I can actually afford, you know, multiple hobbies. You'll understand when you're an adult with more than 5 figures in the bank.

>someone made that fire with the matches they bought
>someone else came, lit their candle on fire without buying matches
>the original is duplicated, but hasn't become less than it was
I'd say it's apt

Good goy, keep paying the good boy tax. The poor cooperations need your NEETbux after all.

>someone made that fire with the matches they bought
Fire is something anyone can make.No one can own fire.This is retarded

>tfw still have to do this
3 megabit internet should be declared a cruel and unusual punishment

I haven't bought nor pirated a game in ages. I feel like I'm getting too old.

Japs otakus are also small and few but they still got their industry to bow to them. And we don't need to get into extreme with candycrush, i'm talking about shit nugames like hzd and other piece of art.

>Sup Forums used to actually be funny and fun to post on
What is this alternate reality this screenshot was taken from?

name 1 game company that went under because of piracy and not EA tier publisher fuckery

>I bought some firewood the other day
>Plan to have a campfire
>Put logs in a ring and start a fire and enjoy some cold beers next to it
>Some idiot comes along
>"Hey, you don't own that fire buddy."
>"But I paid for the wood, how could I not own it?"
>"Anyone can make fire, so you don't own it."
>Proceeds to put fire out

>paying for wood when you can just take it for free from the woods

Ill keep on pirating if it makes cucks like you unhappy :)

I assume you could just walk on government land and cut a tree down and haul it away, but if anyone caught you, they won't be happy.

Tree poachers are shot on sight.

Smile buddy, I'm about to pirate your corporeal body.

this guy nailed it. Piratefags are literal retards who don't understand basic economics. You vote with your wallet. If nobody buys a game, they stop making them. Support good devs and don't buy bad games.


It is pretty good though
>m-muh vote with m-muh wallet
Stop being such a blatant shill, everybody is smart enough to give money to what they think deserves it, even the piratiest of pirates, so these retarded arguments have no place in Sup Forums, go shill your shit somewhere else

stop using that word like you know what it means you fucking retard

all i said was "buy games you support" and didn't even specify games or companies

not everything is shilling, jesus christ

You're going to make a perfect replica of my car and I'll still have my own? Ok don't see the problem.

No, see, the bait is to get you to argue under the preconceived notion that piracy is theft. In other words, to actually deprive someone of a thing instead of making a duplicate. The idea behind the bait is to get you arguing with this false premise already taken as fact, as opposed to arguing against the false premise itself.

Or there's actually retards out there that actually believe it. I can never tell which.

>he gets speeding tickets out the ass all writen to your adress
This analogy is fucking retarded anyways, only slightly above food analogies