You know this game was better than GTA 4 right?

You know this game was better than GTA 4 right?

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no joke this is in my top 3

Indeed it was.

Yeah it was

Better than GTAV maybe but not GTAIV

that game was the best game of its generation.



pc port is shit

SR2 has the undisputed GOAT of licensed soundtracks.

Got fixed by modders years ago.

That's a joke right? GTA 3 was better than this piece of shit, 4 is on a whole different level.

A sunbaked dog turd is better than GTA V.

Better than any GTA actually.

>Purple is my favorite color
>mfw playing this game

Good joke kiddo

this broken mess barely qualifies as a game lmao

Not really, great game though,

Who remembers the days when Saints Row was constantly compared to GTA?

Then saints row 3 happened.

Those side activity disguised as "Missions" still haunt me to this day

Infinitely. It was actually fun instead of the tryhard overly serious "muh realism" shitfest that was GTA4. Side missions where you blow up everything or try to get the longest possible chain of being hit by cars without touching the ground are so much more fun than gay ass ambulance missions in GTA4.

Too bad it had a horrible PC port.

Twas. And it's better than Saints Row 3 and 4, even though I actually still like those games.

fixed a lot maybe, but that port was so broken that it still has plenty wrong with it. I'm playing it right now with the up to date mods and characters are still flying all over the place during cutscenes and the game still speeds up in parts.

Saints Row peaked right there to ne honest. I hated how none of the sequels had house customization

It did GTA better than GTA did, that's for sure. I'd still love for them to make SR games like this, but I also still love SR3 and especially SR4, but only because its the Prototype 2 that P2 should have been, but was actually way smarter than it let on.


This game was better than all the GTAs.

So much nostalgia from this game.
>tfw you will never again sit in your grandparents hot as fuck house playing this into the wee hours of summer night not worrying about school because summer
>tfw you will never hear the map music loop while you send and recieve nudes to and from my big blonde tit slut ex gf
>tfw me and my best bud wont run around with backpacks and mullets getting into mischeif, dying laughing ever again

kill me pls

Nice blog, faggot.

best soundtrack

Its tough for me to say if SR1 or SR2 had a better soundtrack, some days id say 1 some 2, both great.

GTA SA had a superb soundtrack, thats def a game that stuck out to me.

Anyone else always leave the Sons of Samedi for last to keep NPH on the radio as long as possible?

Sup Forums finally realizes Saints Row 2 is the best GTA ever made

the official driving fast song:

Post this in the saints row reddit next time faggot

I usually went after them first, always thought it was weird that your HQ would be in rival gang territory for the majority of the game.

Always had a good kek when your chracter would sing along to some songs

>last time I played this was in 2006

Fuck you anons

Yeah it fucking was. But that port, Jesus, it's just horrible.

CB Decaro
best girl.

GTA IV, Watch Dogs (1), and Sleeping Dogs are the three great open world games ever made.

I couldn't get into SR2. I may try replaying it sometime.

>Watch Dogs


Is the world in the game supposed to feel so sparse?





>some shitcunt putting Sleeping Dogs in that company
KYS yourself, Sleeping Dogs blows both of them away.

Yep. You heard right, user. Not even trying to be a contrarian.


I do.
Pity about the PC port being so terrible (which is surprising considering it was cd projeckt that ported it...)

What in the world made you like that game? I tried playing it two separate times months apart and both times dropped it like two hours in. It's joyless and boring to the extent that I'm baffled they didn't cancel it years before release.

I also tried the sequel, and while better I still didn't keep playing it beyond the first session because nothing about it grabbed me.

Ever since SA, ChannelX has been my station of choice.

>(which is surprising considering it was cd projeckt that ported it...)
Witcher 3 was their first game to not be an unoptimized pile of trash, bud.

2 was fine as long as you didn't use the meme ubersampling feature.
1 was impossible to be good, since it used a BioWare engine.

>good atmosphere
>great story, once you get into it
>Online Hacking is very fun
>Digital Trips to mix things up, also fun
>AR games, chess games and puzzles, and poker
>quality DLC

WD2 is just generic trash in comparison. A boring setting, a terrible story and characters, and tons of things not carried over from the first game or changed for the worse.

I like the idea of SR2, but this piece of shit port regularly dropped to mid 40 fps even after installing the mod on the system with i7 CPU, GTX 1080 and SS.

You must be autistic. Saints Row and Saints Row 2 are games where the creators must have had a vision of another dimension or universe where instead of getting super serious or attention to detail route that the GTA series took it went into a completely different direction, with said vision it was clear what the man who had it must do, to assemble a group of the biggest piece of shit inexperienced coders and artists and to try copy his glorious vision, what we got was an objectively bug ridden mess of a game with humor only funny to most banal of people(Last season's shoes was legit pretty funny though), I'm not talking about funny to the lowest common denominator I'm saying it was only funny to the lowest denominator, the controls for the vehicles in the first game were unintuitive and kinesthetically displeasing, the second game improved on the driving controls, but was still notably buggy with the same old terrible humor intact, despite all that is objectively wrong with the game, both manage to be fun with a plethora of activities to do, with which to waste your time, controls that you can't criticize except for the first game, a grinding system that wonderfully fails at making things a grind, and a customization system that puts GTA to shame both games are greater than the sum of their parts, SR3 only fails at being the rough diamond that it's predecessors achieved if for nothing else than the fact that it has worse customization than SR2, you now know what to expect of it, and missions that are essentially just the side activities, though I'm pretty sure that occurred in SR2 as well, just not to the same extent. Play Saints Row 2 and then SR3. One is just a more polished version of the other with less features.

I bought gta 4 for the ps3 again boys, who is your favorite girl?

You're thinking of SR4 where they jumped the shark instead of just rebooting it back to it's roots.

>good atmosphere
Mundane Chicago with some shit on each block you can hack is not good atmosphere.
>great story, once you get into it
I got up to the super secret underground hacker HQ and the story had zero fucking draw because the protagonist was a bland douchebag. They fucking AC3'd up the game.

Oh, I know it. I refused to believe it for a while but it's twice as much fun.

>Mundane Chicago
The map has some good variety. You have the city filled with electronic signs, the broken down slums, dense country, industrial area, and residential area.

>only got to the bunker
That's not even halfway through the game. Sorry you can't stand playing as a relatively normal guy for once.

Definitely not that cunt.

>That's not even halfway through the game. Sorry you can't stand playing as a relatively normal guy for once.
Nice assumption man. The protagonist is a dick with zero redeeming qualities and none of the supporting cast give you any reason to care about them, not even his sister and nephew. I like everyman protagonists a lot, but Aiden isn't an everyman he's an everybland and the whole game is tonally identical to its protagonst.

What does a marketing job at Ubisoft pay?

You literally just complained about the protagonist. You said it was your main, if not only, reason for dropping the game. Fucking retard.

Give me an example of an everyman protagonist. The kind you like, I mean.

best soundtrack of any SR or GTA game except maybe san andreas

>marketing a 3 year old game
>when the sequel is already out
Fucking moron.

>watch dogs
>gta iv

I feel like SR2 has the better soundtrack than SA because they didn't have over a decade of hindsight to inform their choices, and they didn't have a 1:1 equivalency of a real setting to their fictional one like Los Santos to Los Angeles either.

Provide an argument for why they aren't, or fuck off.

If you didn't beat the three gangs in the order of Samedi,Ronin, and then Brotherhood you were playing the game wrong.

>take themselves too seriously
>boring characters
That said, GTA IV blows Watch Dogs the fuck out in every area except integration of the cellphone into gameplay.

Stunning points. I hope you didn't strain your mind too hard coming up with them.

>cities are mostly grey

The city in GTA IV is lifeless. It's filled with buildings you can't enter, hallways that go nowhere, and nothing to do outside of story stuff. You can't buy any property or anything important with your money either so aside from guns cash is fucking useless and considering that's the main reward system it's a massive bummer.

Watchdogs feels less like a city and more like a weird interactable playground of stupid hacking bullshit. Aside from basic ass collectible shit like those hidden camera feeds you're not particularly incentived to explore. Especially considering if you klutz your way into something that's story related you 100% can't interact with it properly. The issue with this is there is a very red-light-green-light design to the city. You can tell which buildings and locations are important to the story because they're fleshed out and interesting, whereas other random places aren't. They're static buildings you can't enter or empty parks etc.

>Cruise control
That alone made it the better game.

Motherfucker I'm not the one defending a game that was boring in hindsight and one that was never considered fun at all. Maybe you should provide reasons that they're not dull as hell, and "I have patrician taste and you plebs don't understand dull and uninteresting games for dull and uninteresting people such as myself."

>in order
i did them all at once, one mission at a time from each
makes no sense to completely defeat a gang in a all-out high stakes battle and topple a huge gang leader then suddenly go back to entry-level missions about discovering who the gang even is
having the entire plot of all three gangs build at the same time is master tier

But Saints Row 4 was better than 3 and one of the best super hero games ever made.

>All these Zero Punctuation contrarians actually think the buggy mess that was SR2 is anywhere near as good as GTA IV
The game broke for me when I got infinite pistol ammo early on by doing some police side mission and used the really powerful fully auto pistols the whole game.

>nothing to do outside of story stuff
These are what I could come up with off the top of my head.
>vigilante missions
>pool, bowling (hurr), darts, and that 3D tetris game
I agree about the cash/rewards.

>you're not incentived to explore
Knowing the map is very useful for the 1v1 multiplayer mode. Also, there are rewards for collecting stuff and doing side content.

The only location I felt that way about was the Viceroy building.

If you will forgive the meme response, it was a good game but it wasn't a good Saints Row game.

>a flawed gem is greater than a polished stone

Settle down, sperg. I've already provided points for Watch Dogs in this thread.

Here are GTA IV's
>Liberty City feels like a real place (not saying the AI are mindblowing or that the graphics are amazing)
>little details like the in-game televisions
>interesting story
>driving is fun and sometimes challenging (not saying it's perfect)
>excellent DLC that ties back into the main story

This. More fun than 3, but even less connected to SR than it was.

Still the best Superhero game ever.
Also it's pretty funny that Gat out of Hell was originally a DLC for SR4, which itself was originally a DLC for SR3)

I think they've realized that people don't want Saints Row to go full retard with this new game they're making. Hopefully they can return to the series in a few years with a SR2 level of wackiness.

I would say that SR3 is definitely the point where the series jumped the shark, SR4 just continued going down that hill.

>bowling, darts, pool
>tennis, golf, save property 6 times in a row for all properties or earn fuckall, exploit single player stocks, darts
>deathmatch with mascots
>incentivized ragdoll physics simulator (more fun than it sounds)
>destroy everything
>destroy everything but with shit hoses
>acquire gang territory
>motherfucking fashion! how are you not fashionable mother fucker?
>find and eliminate the target
>run around naked
>survive and kill multiple waves of enemies

Fuck those games, and tentatively fuck Watch Dogs

Reminder that Hulk Hogan was set to play Killbane in Saints Row 3 but he refused to put the Saints over so they created Angel for him instead.

Saints Row 2's assassination missions alone were more fun than all of Watch Dogs.

>comparing a game to its sequel
Of course the sequel is going to do some things better/different, dumbass. That being said, GTA V was a step backwards in a lot of ways.
>tennis, golf, darts
Congrats on having different tastes in minigames. I noticed you left out yoga. Cuck.
Pretty pointless. You can't go inside the buildings, and the missions are just little fetch quests.
So you can save up to buy what, exactly? A handful of cars per character? The best aircraft in singleplayer can only be stolen, your non-personal vehicles aren't insured, and weapons can't be utilized to their full extent thanks to the "no fun allowed" wanted system.

In dead online, or are you talking co-op? Sorry if that's wrong, I'm not that familiar with the game. I beat it once and immediately returned it.
>ragdoll physics
>shit hoses
That's more of a personal preference. Realism vs. wacky fun.
>survive and kill multiple waves of enemies
>destroy everything
Like what? Cars and shit? Welcome to every open world game set in the modern age.
>gang territory
That's fair, I guess.
>motherfucking fashion
GTA IV had clothing, too.
>find and eliminate target
Like vigilante missions?
>run around naked

Nice counterpoints for WD, btw.

I'll agree that SR3 was the plateau, but SR4 was the decline with the addition of superpowers that eliminated the need to steal cars, if they wanted to do superpowers they should've just made another game in the same universe.

Best open world crime game of all time, shame retards who kept calling saints row 1 and 2 "gta clones" ruined it.

Best clone coming through


Of course.

>no Digital Trips
>no AR games
>no chess, poker, or cup game
>no collectable audio logs
>no Criminal Convoys, Privacy Invasions, etc.
>can only carry 2 weapons at a time
>Blackout is gimped

>fucking eagle vision
The above points ruin Online Hacking (along with the terrible setting) and make the campaign way too easy.

>story is really bad
>characters are all cringey
>Bounty Hunter is almost always a waste of time
>driving isn't improved, despite Ubishit announcing that they'd "spoken with driving experts" and other such bullshit pre-release
>they literally just added a nitro button, which uses your phone's battery for some reason
>they didn't even bother to make the speedometers work this time