I know what will be shown during Sony's E3 conference. Ask me anything

I know what will be shown during Sony's E3 conference. Ask me anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


will aisha be there

TLoU2 trailer?

when is Spider-Man releasing?

how was your day

wheres bloodborne 2 at

Just tell me one thing. Devil May Cry 5. Yes or no?

Yes. No gameplay yet, though.

I'm not sure, but 2017 is doubtful considering the first gameplay will be shown here. My guess is Summer 2018.

Pretty good, and you?

Doesn't exist afaik

What will be shown?

Anything cool or interesting that we wouldn't have been able to guess at?

Is Kojima ruse real? Asking to btfo Caramel

is eat standing mgs?

I love ponys?

Only a new Monster Hunter is coming, sorry user.

what do you get out of roleplaying

What will be shown during Sony's E3 conference?

Fromsoftware when?

What's your favourite Hall and Oates song?

You already proven youre fake through "afaik" statement.

This is how I know you're a larper. DMC5 is literally confirmed.


Square just removed KH3 from Sony's conference.

Now it's up in the air, does Sony have anything to recover or will MS win with their console, or Nintendo by simply showing up.

There will be no bloodborne 2, get over it

Okay, then who's making it?

Or in other words, is there a Dragon's Dogma title there?

Honestly have a dull feeling a about e3 this year besides a few big releases we already know of.. I just wanted DS and FFVII R but they will not be there. Looks like it's gonna be another indie extravaganza e3.

Wait seriously? Sauce.

Nope :(

In order,
Infamous 3 launch trailer
God of War gameplay
Uncharted 4: The Lost Legacy gameplay
Days Gone gameplay
Horizon: Zero Dawn Expansion (Idk the name)
Exodus (new IP)
Final Fantasy VII (brief info, no footage)
Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer (no gameplay yet)
Deep Down (no gameplay, only a teaser)
The Last of Us 2 trailer

see above

I'm not privy to that sort of info but there's nothing to indicate its real

No, why would it be?

Usually a better video game experience, if the mechanics are done correctly (ie not like fallout 4)

see above
No idea


I'm only really care about new Elder Scrolls

... Infamous 3 exists already.

Sony are bringing a bunch of relatively big Japshit to show off at their show, according to Shawn Layden the other day.

A fourth inFamous doesn't exist; it's already been confirmed that SP's current project is entirely new.


I'm assuming it's the third Infamous with Cole. Second Son was a spin off. Same reason why Fallout 4 is not Fallout 5.

The only leaks you can provide are the ones from your anal leakage you fucking fruit.

>Deep Down (no gameplay, only a teaser)
>Announcement shows "gameplay"
>New trailer after years of nothing is just a teaser

I think you're bullshitting user.

Don't be a faggot user.

Why would anyone think there would be anything about TES.

Let alone an actual trailer.

Following Bethesda's historical release schedule you'll be waiting two more years at least. Probably more taking into consideration what Todd has said.

I know personally nothing of a new IP from SP. I just know Infamous 3 will be the intro reveal. Unless Exodus is from them, but that would make no sense.

What will be shown?

06 - Oblivion
08 - Fallout 3
10 - New Vegas
11 - Skyrim
15 - Fallout 4

Read the thread.

The Skyrim to FO4 gap is 4 years.

Todd has basically said the next game is going to take more time. So you're probably looking at a 2020 release.

Who really cares after Fallout 4 being shit anyway. They'll probably just suck all the fun out of it.


The game was basically in development hell. I'm surprised it hasn't been cancelled at this point desu.

>dat olympus
>dat fucking fight with the rock titan in the rain
>dat really nice looking temple interior in the middle of the level

Fuck me I promised I wouldn't get hyped about this game, I've been waiting too fucking long already.

Sure thing, senpai :^)

What will microsoft show off?

Close the thread, this guy is a shame, trailer got released.

>Trailer days before Sony Conference
>Sony can't be the first to show it
>Sony now must impress me with something besides the one thing I absolutely wanted to see

>Deep Down (no gameplay, only a teaser)
Oh well, at least it's still alive.

That's Ubisoft, not Sony

Square Enix already have a trailer at the ready. Now I know your larping

Are they remastering/rereleasing Metal Gear Solid 4?
Also, Resistance trilogy remaster?

No destiny 2 to announce exclusive song items. I'm a little cynical OP.

what, no news about Dreams? no release date? com'n man, not cool.

>no spiderman

nice try though

>Sony are bringing a bunch of relatively big Japshit to show off at their show, according to Shawn Layden the other day.

> look at OP's list
> Only FF7 remake brief info
So either Shawn's lying or OP's lying.

I sure hope OP is lying because that list looks like ass. He did mention Spider-Man gameplay and then left it off of the list though, so he has already tripped himself up. I'm expecting this e3 to be a bit of a recap year for Sony but I hope there's at least one good surprise in there, even if it's just something related to the PS infrastructure itself.

are they doing it in a theater again?

that was dapper AS FUCK last year.

Cole's dead, you dumbass.

Where's Spiderman? You fucked up


>No Kojima shit at all
>No Detroit
>No DMC5 (already confirmed)
>Teaser for a game that we've already known about for years containing nothing new

Usually LARPers at least attempt to put some effort into convincing people they're legit.

Out of touch


go out and do something with your life that is worthy of an ama thread.

you don't have to post fake shit to get attention


Any games that aren't cutsceneshit?

What a shit press conference

Is Exodus From's new IP?

Please answer, that's literally the only Sony game I care about.


obviously bullshit. sony are gonna show the psp3 this e3, screencap this.

also a from software new game is guaranteed to be revealed.

also sucker punch aren't working on a new infamous, they are working on a brand new IP

>no WW2 COD reveal


Itsuno doesn't work only on DMC idiot

>no crash

imagine fucking up this bad when they basically tell you it's going to be shown