>j shows up on stage
>face covered with a crystal zombie mask
>walks up to the mic
>takes off the mask
>"I'M BACK!"
Other urls found in this thread:
can i get a basic gestalt on what the fuck metal gear survive is?
Unless Kojima was lobotomized, then no.
MGO3 but vs waves of zombies
I can't wait to pay $40 to visit the exact same Afgan map but with zombies.
Metal Gear 5: Zombies
Watch this end up the better game of it and MGSV.
To be honest I wanna play that shit.
I'm a single man and I fell in love with MGSV's gameplay mechanics so if Konami wanna sold me more I'm on it take my money.
I don't give shit about the story or canon. I just wanna play it
It's a CO-OP zombie game using MGSV's engine and assets that won't be sold at full price, and a tranny believes it's fake.
I'm looking forward to pirating this
Me too... I'm just a single and simple man that want games.
Fuck pretentious fanboys MGSV was the best in the franchise.
It's Konami's version of Umbrella Corps / Operation Raccoon
metal gear solid V: undead nightmare
why would you make this thread? do you seriously have nothing better to do? are you just a little kid who looks at twitter all day?
Gameplay, yes.
Story, no.
While I adore MGSV, it falls behind in some critical areas. Still my second favorite, behind 3.
Simple is right if you thought MGS V was anythimg but objectively trash.
MGSV was certaintly good. Idk about the best in the series but sure as hell not bad at all.
Acid is true GOAT
>Literally set a new standard for freedom in open world games
>The story isn't what I wanted so it's shit
MGS fans are the only ones too autistic to appreciate how amazing MGSV is
Fuck off, summerfag. No new standards were set. The game is shit, even for an open world meme game.
Ground Zeroes showed how good the game could have been if they focused on well designed small compounds or made a game with like 2 or 3 shadow moseses.
Instead it's a massive piece of fucking open world shit with nothing to do. Even base building was an empty, hollow ghost if what it could have been.
You don't know fuck all about game design. Fuck off summerfag.
Comparison videos have shown the map is different and lacking the original walled off canyons.
Hard to say what this game will be like, it likely has a bunch of scrapped content from MGSV like that Battle Gear shit and probably a map or two.
Important to note, the motherbase in the game is the 1984 mother base. The motherbase tthat is shown in the cutscene being pulled into a worm hole? That is the 1975 MSF motherbase. These two bases are nothing alike barring hexagonal outer platforms. They share not design similarities.
There's something deeply fucky going on with this title.
Lmao Caramel btfo.
> Original trailer had boxes that has the Diamond Dog logo
I wonder if they noticed yet.
fuck i'm genuinely excited for this game.
I loved the gameplay of MGSV, and I'm optimistic about having fun with this game. I really hope there isn't actually too much 'survival' because I hate that shit in games, like press X to gather food/water/wood whatever the fuck. But hopefully I can convince my friends it could be a fun COOP game with solid third person shooter mechanics.
You are a goat.
I fucking hate Konami.
Any sane company would have shat out an Acid 1, Acid 2 and Portable Ops compilation by now. Include Ghost Babel to sweeten the deal and BAM you have another million plus seller at full price.
Konami also refuses to release any compilations of Castlevania titles which is just money on the fucking table, makes no sense at all.
Co-op zombie survival cash-in by the remnants of Kojima Productions who didn't leave Konami after the studio was disbanded. Basically just a cheap cash-in to recycle MGSV and Silent Hills assets.
but you dont understand, MGSV has a secret ending, death stranding is silent hills and it was all a ruse
I hope you can make your own characters in survive, the designs for the ones in the early trailers looked fucking awful.
It sounds fun, I just hope it isn't shallow shovelware
Part of me hopes they whoever they have actually working on this are busting their asses to prove they can make a metal gear game without kojima.
Decent sales for survive are going to be crucial for continuing the franchise.
I don't know how I should feel for the sorry fuck head who has to come on stage to announce Survive.
All the dead cold stares from the audience, the few scattered light applause.
then the next day they have to watch Kojima and the director of the MGS movie all buddy buddy as e3 loses their shit in happiness
post >yfw survive turns out to be an overall better game than the phantom pain
What makes you think that will happen?
not him but metal gear in general seems to work better when it's more focused and considering survive looks to be like an overall "smaller" (tighter?) experience. I think it will be more satisfying to play
because the phantom pain was a complete trainwreck on every concievable pillar of game design, and because the outpost wasteland maps were made as if they were supposed to be played with zombies involved from the beginning
All they have to do is finish it and it'll be a better product.
But don't forget that Konami is running things without Kojima's help and Konami can not only ruin good ideas but also somehow lose their pants while doing it. Kojima was the pretty much the only one keeping Konami out of the crapper.
>She shurvive??
It was hinted a long time ago
>base is literally a fence and a few pipes
could they be more lazy than that?
This is better than I remember. Unless they fuck it up somehow I'll buy it.
MGSV was the ultimate fucking piece of shit game. It had the fucking amazing tech demo even if you had to pay for it that was GZ. It had amazing trailers. It was hyped to hell and back. The first part of the game is fucking polished. Then instead of becoming unplayable it just drops dead when it starts to pick up. Making it a grind to finish. With a both unbalanced and laggy tacked on Multiplayer. Micro transactions for cosmetics and literal P2W features such as MB coins. It forever tainted the Metal Gear Name. It was also the last of a "good series". FUCKING PAID COSMETIC DLC HORSE ARMOR LOL. It didn't even feature the most "iconic" voice actor David Hayter. Tacting on some unused features and models into some shitty LITERAL CRAFTING ZOMBIE SURVIVAL BASE BUILDING dlc/expansion is literally the shit cherry on the perfect shit game sunday.
I'll try it out.
nice pasta m9
I got mgsv free with my videocard, it was my first mg game and not really my genre... I'm kinda interested in this, if it has clever mechanics and a wide variety of strategies I'll probably buy it, im a sucker for 1st/3rd person base defense.
Consider that in footage shown months ago, the map itself is just V's, but dustier.
>>Literally set a new standard for freedom in open world games
Lol nigger Assassins creed had openworld with stealth and there actually were npc and shit
They're lying you retards. Survive is not a real game.
Death Stranding is Silent Hills.
TPP has one more ending where we revisit Camp Omega.
The real MGS5 has not yet been released.
Kojima was never fired.
LMAO user spotted
what does it say?
I can't into moon runes
What took you so long...
>Survive is not a real game
Im i the only person who's kinda looking forward to this ?
>finally metal gear gets archery
No, user, you are not alone.
I have a certain morbid curiosity over how it will end up, but I'm under no illusion that there's any chance whatsoever that it'll be good
I actually feel kind of bad for the people who have to make it, but then I remember that they're getting paid to make videogames and I'm not so fuck 'em
The suicide rate for trannies is pretty high. If we just wait out FIB he will eventually an hero
>Survive is not a real game.
Then how will it be at e3 kiddo?
I sincerely hope this game BTFOs Kojimbo
That's why it's called a ruse, kiddo.
Suicide stream when?
If something doesn't exist then it's impossible for it to be shown at a trade show. How can it be shown if it doesn't exist kiddo?
they make more money selling individual games for $10 a piece on each console's store
How long was your last ban?
nah its great but 2 is best then 3
the only interesting thing is that the mysterious "J-San" who only recently was added to the staff is supposedly going to E3.
When is the Konami conference? Any info on when Survive is going to be released?
I just want ZoE3
The J obviously stands for Jeager since this game will tie mgsv into metal gear, it only makes sense to have Frank Jeager in it.
Konami doesn't have a conference, they barely make games as it is. Survive will likely be shown either at Microsoft's conference or Sony's.
My god the Japanese language is extremely annoying
It's a decent, unfunished game with great mechanics, but an awful MGS entry. It's like releasing SH2 as a Mario game, still good but it's just not Mario.
I like metal gear spinoffs, I also like zombies. This game should be fun.
It probably won't be shown at any conference. Maybe as part of a montage.
Daily reminder this was made by FIB to discredit me.
Learn to crop retard
There will be a Switch port, I trust?
How about you answer my question? How long was your last ban?
I've never been banned.
Someone please ding dong bannu him
You were and evaded ban
According to Konami's twitter there'll be a demo at e3, so it'll be a part of one of the stage shows.
Nice head canon.
Probably on Microsoft's stage.
Sony won't showcase it when they have Kojima on the payroll, it probably annoys him to see it.
horde mode zombie game, except they had some MGSV assets that were laying around unused so they decided to plaster them onto it
Just so you know, I completely agree with you. I just don't like being called out by other anons. I can't wait for E3, it's going to be fucking amazing watching their reactions.
So are your baseless fantasies
>J-San is going to e3
What did they mean by this?
i'll be honest.
Survive is appealing. MGSV gameplay is amazing, sneaking around, exploring the map (even if there isn't much in it).
But everything about the movement, controlling Snake, the development tools for your base.
Having a game more heavily focused on exploration and survival is great with the things MGSV did gameplay wise.
The major turn off and the thing that will make me not want to buy this game is the online.
The game is going to be heavily focused on multiplayer co op. They say it isn't necessary and you can play alone, but you know the game is built for co op, a lot of content is going to get locked or impossible to beat if you play alone, and I don't want to play a slow passing, exploration game with people distracting me.
Get ready for microtransactions.
They were already in V
>I completely agree with you
You're just as delusional if you think it's happening. No company would go this far for a video game.
>underestimating kojima
You guys never learn.
Sounds like a playable demo on the show floor.