Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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is this the sweaty basketball players part
That part cracked me up, why the fuck did he give him such an intense stare?
He didn't buy his game
>wagecucking throughout the entirety of E3
kill me, i'm going to have to watch cringe compilations if I want my traditional E3 experience
I think it's because he literally only got to show like a minute of footage and I think the guy thought he'd get to showcase a more thorough look at the game and suddenly the guys like "okay thanks for showing us that one move now back to the show"
Even on the weekends? Damn nigga that sucks. Live chat reactions with Sup Forumsirgins always makes me fucking giddy
I find it funny these people are making games that are almost all either blacks / women / mexicans, yet 95% of the people making them are all ghost white males. Also 95% of the people buying them are ghost white males too.
E3 this year is like social justice the games, I didn't expect much else from Euro though.
No idea what this is.
Kek. Thought I was the only one who noticed.
Liquid Todd
Is there a youtube link?
He can only tell the truth. He got the bad, recessive genes
Worked at EA Vancouver, 95% of devs are definitely not "ghost white males"
It's Dice. The place is run by swedecucks. I wouldn't expect anything else from those guys.
Hongcouver is a chinese colony. It's my home unfortunately.
Any cute Asian babes?
you don't understand the agony of living on the Louisiana/Texas border with an Asian fetish.
yeah, especially at the universities (ubc mainly) since its like 50% asians
gonna be using this as a reaction image tbdesu
Same here.
>tfw Sony conference starts at 2 AM here, and I have work in the morning
Lucky, lucky. If you had a Latina fetish I'd love to trade with ya.