Could it be that Microsoft might actually win this E3? Think about it...

Could it be that Microsoft might actually win this E3? Think about it.. Nintendo has a 15 minute presentation and Sony has nothing to show...

Nintendo had one game last year and they won E3 so they have a chance this year.

Microsoft also has no games since they cancelled all their exclusives.

i think it's less microsoft winning, and more everyone losing. Noone has shit this year

a win is a win, you can't say its only half

Is this your first E3 here?
All Nintendo has to do is be there and they "win" automatically.

>still pushing this meme

Every fucking year with the "GUYS MICROSOFT IS GONNA WIN" followed by "GUYS MICROSOFT WON", your shilling is transparent as fuck

Consoles live and die by their exclusives. Microsoft has been stagnant in that department for years now.

I still remember the DEAD RISING 3 XBONE EXCLUSIVE SONYGGERS BTFO threads. Hubris is a hell of a thing.

>15 minutes?

Not true IRL but for shit flinging on Sup Forums, yeah. The most played games on PS4 and Xbone aren't exclusives, it's shit like GTA, CoD and Destiny

>Random Boo amiibo had more preorders than Breath of the Wild.

What in the actual fuck?

>Microsoft and Sony, companies which do a lot more than just make video games, being more profitable than a company which just does that.
Proves nothing

Do you think "winning" the E3 according to Sup Forumsirgins, or even the media, will have any economical impact at all?

sony is showing RDR2

sony's only profitable enterprise is videogames though

Deep Down new trailer as it hasn't been cancelled for the ps4.

Capcom has always been that way. They're like whores, they might say they love you and you're the only one for them but you know they'll say the same to the next guy.

Prety sure TVs and Cameras aswell.

They're one of the biggest names in music production and technology manufacturing I believe.

Casuals don't care about exclusives, and they're the majority.

Call of duty and fifa will always sell better than what ever rando exclusive that comes out.