The last video game character you played as has become attracted to you...

The last video game character you played as has become attracted to you. What are they like and how do you handle the situation?

My male Draenai paladin is going to
stretch my asshole. At least it's a TBC private server. I only get up to lvl 70 asshole stretching.

I never asked for this.
But god yes, take me you sexy batman-voiced-tinman


I had to think, and realised I was just playing M.Bison a few hours ago

Shit man.

>that gravely voice
>that beautiful classy apartment
>everything tinted gold
>that smooth, soft facial hair
>that strong machinework
>probably smells like a fine cologne
>smoking a cigarette and watching the shitty news after a long day at work
>trying desperately to cope with his augmentations and trying to forget stupid megan reed

muh fucking DICK HOLY SHIT

>tfw I'm a fatass that can't even run a mile under ten minutes
The sex will be really fast

I'm parting that peach

doesn't he have a country to run with his new wife?

>some dirty gook hiding in a tunnel on hill 937

i dont even know he exists so it has no effect on my life.

>Draenai paladin
Patrician taste there

>the scout

Jesus, just imagining that gap tooth northern punkass fidgeting like lil girl in front of me just makes me sick

clair is his secret fuck and he wants another

>Skyward Sword Link
I'm not into guys but I can't break his heart. I'll date but no sex.

Oh fuck
Just what I wanted

I'm about to Tensei her Shin Megami, ifyouknowwhatimean

>Simon Belmont
Whip it good?

pure strenght barbarian in Das II
I think undead dont have sexual urges so i should maybe be okay

Is that Misato's head on girl marth's body?

>literally a truck
At least it's thicc, I guess.

The ambiguously gendered teen from Magikarp Jump.

Either way, some make up, and a bit of lingerie, and I'm good as long as I don't ask their age and just assume they're legal.

I-I love you too, default male Ashen One

>3 abominations and one antiquarian from darkest dungeon
since you can't see her face I hope the antiquarian isn't an old hag like her clothing implies