I want Asuka to step on my dick
I want Asuka to step on my dick
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why are the tekken devs so good at making waifu?
It probably helps that they don't use ctrl+c and ctrl+v nearly as much as Tecmo does.
Why are her hands so big?
>Made a Chie Asuka too
>not making Chie the character she'd most likely use
Are they?
Huh, i did thid too, but isn't your hair a bit too dark OP?
Kek, but the skirt?
They're massive. She has Street Fighter hands.
Asuka is for hugging
Have her boobs always been this big? I remember them smaller.
>her classic hakama isn't in the game
Same but with Lili
Oh wow she looks way better with that hair.
I just used spats since he doesn't have skirts
Why does she look like Drake from Drake and Josh?
>Have her boobs always been this big?
Come on son.
Whoa, just take it easy man.
There are not enough custom character slots.
Short hair is my weakness
waifufaggotry is a disease, please cease this sick act immediately
>that flash doujin with asuka and josie
p gud
haha no
Pfft... There is not enough decent custom shit to require 10 slots this time.
You must be creatively bankrupt for this to be even remotely true.
really doe?
I could make 10 alt colors alone, not even mentioning the hundreds of accessories and shit
Does anyone know how you can create a new thumbnail after you changed the costume?
click the stick and take another photo
Muh man Kazuya needed more suited and booted attire user, not a fucking mad max leather man outfit. Im actually feeling the new default outfits of a lot of these characters, i like to go proper TTT style Kazuya by keeping the trenchcoat black but making the suit and tie itself a dark shade of purple.
Let me guess; 7 is your first Tekken.
It's just not as character specific as T6, and not as good as TTT2. Like the Karate jacket say, it jas shitty short sleeves now and THE BOTTOMS ARE CLEARLY DARKER ON SAME COLOUR THAN THE JACKET. WHY DO THIS.
>worse customization than TT2
How did this even happen? They were one the right track.
What the FUCK is with her hands???
Some people have big hands i guess.
They couldn't bother with modelling feminine hands so they just copy-pasted male ones.
That's called martial arts hands
>500 treasure mode matches
>still no bikini unlock
Are the exclusive bikinis some special unlock or what the fuck?
is exhentai bad? just google josie hentai my dog
>t. Faggot who doesn't know about DOA5
>mfw im never gonna be martial arts because manlet hands on a 6ft 2 body
Itonically i actually get called "grip of death" in my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club because i have a bizzare vice like grip. Makes deadlifts at the gym easy too. Maybe thats more a forearm strength thing than anything to do with my little hands.
When you capture a thumbnail, how do you change the color in the background? It just changes randomly like the rainbow hair does.
Why couldn't you be good at martial arts because of small hands? Do you think all those asian martial arts masters have big hands or what?
Get over your insecurities and increase your dojo time, my man.
I got Katarina's on like my first 10 treasure matches, you're probably just out of luck
You need blue, gold or rainbow chests.
Keep farming I got everything for my char excluding some shit hit effects in ~700
Tag 2 had amazing customization, especially on the Wii U since you could draw on your character, I remember one of the devs would play with semen on the face of all his characters.
There are blue chests? Fuck me.
I was being ironic, i don't think that all, floyd mayweather has tiny brittle hands. Tell you what my grip doesn't save me against on the matts: qt's. Sometimes you gotta grapple qt's on the floor and their ribcages and breasts swell from all the breathing and they sweat on your face :S
In what kind of shit dojo are you to practice with women?
They really need a higher detail model option. These are less detailed than some PS3 era games.
They look better on PC but not much.
Those are clearly silver. Do you have shitty minitor?
>all those 5 star cosmetics I will never fucking get because treasure battle keeps giving me wood chests with coins
only like 1700 more matches to go before I get the free unlocks
Okay, silver. I call them blue because there are red chests and no bronze to go full trio: bronze - silver - golden. Technically this is blue color
i've seen you shoot fucko i'm not in danger
what did he mean by this
>at least one arm of the guy is constantly free so he could knock out the woman at any time
The AA & Post processing makes them blurry, turning that off on PC & playing at 4K makes the models look incredible
Better than getting gold chests with gold in them.
Why don't you see the gold chest as a yellow chest? Then you would you have your primary colors all ready.
>i have no idea what happens when you try to punch someone when in their full guard
Enjoy your broken arms faggot for "maybe" getting one poor leverage punch "maybe"
I love how these arguments always go
>"there is no way a girl could even overpower or beat even a nman their own weight and size"
>show proof
>"n-no, that guy is not 6ft 2 and 300 lbs of course they lost! Also! Men are natural boxers! Surley they are not as useless sometimes with their strikes as much as their grappling! Strenght!"
>They look better on PC but not much.
I have it on PC. It's annoying because they clearly have high detail versions made and rigged for the game for the cutscenes made in UE4 engine.
She only has them in that kind of position after the wrestle for quite a long time. There isn't even any kind of significant arm lock most of the time. Try to do this with a nigger that won't artificially hold back instead of a white cuck on camera. He will knock her out before they even start wrestling and if she manages a grab he will know her out shortly after.
Well, martial arts don't have much practical value anyway.
Why does it look the same as the last generations tekken. Everything is blurred to fuck.
>Everything is blurred to fuck.
You can turn this off on PC.
Fucking please, the same group of people that wanna fight for worldstar, get in a shitty boxing stance and if you so much as throw a leg kick or try to throw them they start shouting "EY MAN, NO, THIS IS A STREETFIGHT ONLY, STREET FIGHT STYLE ONLY BRUH"
>Well, martial arts don't have much practical value anyway.
>what is MMA
Well, gotta be a normie at something i guess. You csn make excuses for why men fail sometimes user, im not even saying its fair to pair a fully trained woman against a man, but fighting is a bit like say, swimming. If you can't swim, you wouldn't angrily boast about how you about to jump in the deep end with a woman who fucking can swim to a decent athletic level, BELIVE ME fighting is not that much diffirent. A lot of ya'll niggas out there a little too keen to die in da club. People say they learn martial arts to feel confident in their ability, you know what it taught me? "Excpect nothing" that manlet over there? Don't assume you can have a go. That chick? Judo at a conpetitive level, look at you going all easy on her and now you just got easily hip tossed. Expect nothing anons.
WTF is 'street fight style', to them at least? It sounds like the sort of made-up rules kids yell when they're about to lose, only to pull the same shit ten seconds later and suddenly claim it's fair.
It means he is making it up and thinks he can go anime on a bunch of "subhumans". I've seen enough street fights to know people can give a single fuck about a kick or a grab
To usetheir fists like boxing like "real men" its all they know, and all they like, so if you try anything else that is actually effective they think you are using "pussy moves"
Nah m8's you guys just can't actually fight. Your boy floyd? Against connor? In an even just an MMA fight let alone street fight? It wouldn't even be funny, floyd would get murdered the second you would be allowed to shoot for a double or single leg. If they ever DO fight, it will HAVE to be a boxing match or it wouldn't even be possible. It would be embarresing for the sport of boxing.
I love Asuka and I love Chie but that is ugly as fuck user, you've somehow managed to ruin 2 characters at once
"W-why is he choking him?!! Why is he choking him?! Get offa him man cmon"
Wankers always want to stop the fight when it suddenly isnt a boxing match anymore. Faggots. They just cannot into fighting is all.
you're ugly but no one comments