>remember TLoU 2 is happening
>just as I'm about to get excited I remember pic related
So what's the point of having a female character if she's going to essentially be a guy the whole time?
>remember TLoU 2 is happening
>just as I'm about to get excited I remember pic related
So what's the point of having a female character if she's going to essentially be a guy the whole time?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's empowering.
Because video game "critics" are self-hating SJW's who want women to be men, and for men to stop existing.
maybe you're not used to dealing with real women after years of consuming shitty moe anime garbage
So a real woman is just a man, huh?
>REAL womyn are flannel wearing lesbians
This is why you're still a virgin and always will be
>the girl isn't your typical animu waifu
>has to survive in the fucking zombie apocalypse therefore develops a lot of masculine traits
Why do you bother coming here to embarrass yourself?
Exactly. Gays are enlightened.
this desu
and no amount of shitposting will change it
So you're saying only masculine people have what it takes to survive a zombie apocalypse? Fuck off shitlord.
Why does she have to develop masculine traits? Triss wasn't masculine in the first one? Are you just looking for excuses to have your sexuality represnted in games?
I don't see the connection, you seem to be the one with unrealistic expectations for females due to years of wanking to anime.
triss wasnt a raging dyke and liked joel
>real expectation of woman is man
i think ellie looks fine
does that make me a gay
>unrealistic expectations for females
triss from the first game was fairly feminine looking.
Nigga not every fucking woman in games needs to get your dick hard.
So women who try to be men are powerful?
Really made me think. I think I understand feminism now.
Western gaming is a mistake
Yes shitlord, genders are a social construct and women are just men with tits.
>I don't see the connection
of course ytou dont, you've never interacted with a real woman, you dont even go outside
Not really, women will be always women no matter what, they always be fragile at heart
Western devs are capable of making actual females but they choose not to because the west is mentally ill.
What's wrong user, have a case of the nogays?
>Liking TLOU in the first place
That is your first mistake
Men are just women without tits, you fucking insensitive pig
You don't know any women.
it's the post-apocalypse, believe it or not makeup is probably hard to come by
They don't need to, but being fictional characters and all, would it hurt if they tried?
Im ok with cute gays that actually look like and act like females. You know, as nature intended--minus the gay part.
You seem to be the virgin white beta male here.
Well I did have experience befriending some of them and believe me, their hearts is fragile as fuck no matter how they looks.
>tattoo on arm
Joel should have left her with the surgical team.
She looks pretty gross
>triss wasnt a raging dyke
She kind of was though. The only difference in their design is hair length.
>physically weaker than men to the point of uselessness in most scenarios, can't even be equal with performance enhancing drugs
>more inclined towards irrationality and operating based on desire
>no hunting instinct
It diminishes the literary value of the work to force your fetishes into everything. This is the reason why nobody takes Japanese shit seriously.
>Are you just looking for excuses to have your sexuality represnted in games?
Are you?
Sorry, her name was Tess. Also, you're wrong. She looks very femjnjne and I would gladly rape her during the apocalypse. Nu-ellie? I think not
There's plenty of fictional hotties out there for everybody already, sometimes you just gotta have an plane jane or an uggo in there that's focusing on other shit.
Do they have to? Why are you asking to censor devs this hard?
Its to cover up the infected bite mark you fucking retard.
Why does everyone use the concept art and not the trailer image that looks way better?
I'd be surprised if the infection hasn't screwed up her endocrine system
most attractive naughty dog female was coco bandicoot anyway. nothing they do will ever top coco
>omg i can't fap to waifus
>game ruined
OP is a faggot.
Mine is supposed to be, because it's as god and nature intended. All other genders are social constructs, created by attention-seeking faggots and encouraged by Youtube personalities. These people are actually ill and go against nature and gods intentions. They must cease to exist, in media and in life.
>It's an "/r9k/ gets upset again" thread.
>infection makes the immune homosexual so they don't breed and spread
Truth hurts lard ass, doesn't it?
>SJW devs
Ah a bait thread. Anyway, she os not a socially made up gender user, she is female, keep up.
God never intended you to fap to fictional CGI characters
>it's a gays and mentally ill persons of similar varieties must seek validation through videogames episode
>It's an "Every character in a video games must think like I do. Why aren't women useless in fantasy bullshit?" episode.
>its an "OP incorrectly calls everyone gay just because they disagree with the unimportant shit he is going on about" episode
>He just cant seem to keep his politics OUT of video games
>She looks very femjnjne
1. Stop drinking.
2. That's a man face and she acted like a super cunt the entire time.
lmao she looks just as dyke ish as Ellie does.
TLOU has always been full of faggots and dykes which I always thought was hilarious because Joel being a murderer from Texas probably wasn't too happy with any of it especially Ellie winding up a lesbo.
Easy mate, it was just a joke. No one uses "shitlord" seriously anymore.
yuck. Didn't expect they were gonna turn Ellie into a butch.
She looks pretty okay in my opinion at least much better than OP's pic
>Sup Forums THIS desperate to censor non-gameplay elements of VIDEO GAMES
I was one of the people that actually liked the last of us and never bothered with the DLC. It's one of the games I would have bought a PS5 for eventually but noooo. Turn her into a lesbian and muh generic revenge story. What the fuck.The original story was good because it didn't end in a generic way and the characters were likeable. 99% this story is just going to be generic bullshit.
I like how weak minded you people act ever since that fucking DLC was released.A small half assed half a sec kiss between two girls and suddenly you people act as if ellie is going around topples screaming through megaphones at the zombies "IM GAY AND YOU HAVE TO RESPECT THAT"
How come Bill didn't get all this hate too? or ANY at all? That was a hell of alot more forced both through main and side gameplay
No, you go back to /r/The_Donald
No user, she looks like a skinny man, and acts like one too.
That's just concept art. Ellie will probably look very similar in the actual game, just a lanky short haired dyke with ass/titties and a tired look on her face.
Not them, but you are the one acting like a child, maybe you ought to go back. Its just a concept design anyway, what does it matter, we have already actually seen render Ellie so why keep fucking discussing this?
>"I am a literal freak of nature, a defective unit. I should have been killed off at birth, but I was allowed to live. I don't know my place in the world, and I have the audacity to talk down healthy individuals that were conceived as god and the universe intended. I serve no purpose to my species. I am a waste of space and resources and if it ever came down to it, my kind, next to the jews, would be the first ones to get killed off"
Any sexuality included in a videogame is the same thing as holding up a megaphone and shouting about it. It was deliberately included to make a statement. Whatever that statement may be, it was far more blatant a romance plot than anything Bill said or did -- even if the kiss came with little or no foreshadowing.
>Any sexuality included in a videogame is the same thing as holding up a megaphone and shouting about it.
Because you say so?
A dyke? Oh no!
You fags can both fuck off out of Sup Forums how about that?
I guess you haven't seen the DLC for the first game. Ellie is an annoying cunt anyways. Joel is the only likeable character in this gay series.
>the only likeable character in TLOU according to Sup Forums is the emotionally stunted and borderline psychotic murderer whose only redeeming quality is a sense of familial loyalty
Watch out user, facts are now considered hate-speech and you can go to prison.
Your rights end where my feelings begin. :^)
Thread theme for Ellie's new look!
shut the fuck up.
a NORMAL response (mine personally) was like "Oh, ok whatever"
but since it caught you off guard as you watched it on youtube pic related happened?
did they turn out to be girls or boys in the end? I still don't know all these years later
Nowhere does this picture explain how women are prone to your latter two points.
>It's a "Faggot on Sup Forums can't even meme properly and thinks I'm a) gay, b) a tranny, c) a woman, or d) all of the above, purely because I'm not assblasted over fictional women in video games." episode.
>a man this retarded
its even worse then user
>Calling somebody else retarded.
>When you're perpetually butthurt because there's a gay girl in a video games.
>very feminine now just means long hair, clean face, and big boobs
>apparently all women are supposed to look like that
I know the Hunchback of Notre Dame isn't supposed to be attractive, but being fictional, would it hurt if they tried?
>claiming someone is butthurt
>when he himself is butthurt over the fact that straight people have priority over the mentally ill and have a right to practice this privilege and voice their concerns.
I hope you join your mentally ill friends in their inevitable downfall.
Amerifats ruin everything because they are SJWs
This Americuck is an embarrassment
He ruined Uncharted 4
There is literally nothing wrong with homosexuality.
>Retard that has the gall to call others retarded
>Argues that a gay woman in a video game (aka fictional media) infringes on his right to practice not being a homosexual.
>Implies that a gay girl in a video game is anything to be concerned about
Because it isn't just about getting your dick hard. The Last of Us will always be a "cinematic experience" game that focuses more on the story than actual appearance of people.
americans arent confortable with pretty girls
inb4 the "muh population and nature" excuse is used
Isn't she a lesbian?
The flannel-wearing macho chick lesbian stereotype exists for a reason, you know.
This just means Ellie might be a realistic character.
Realistic characters in games are boring though.
>focuses on the story
>"ggrrrrrrr I'm the suepr special chosen one and I hate everyone becuz my friend died >:("
nah joel was pretty realistic and some of the other characters too. They can be boring but it was dynamics that really made the actual story and not the characters themselves. It's not a character driven story like tomb raider or god of war.
>Joel the brutal survivalist murderer isn't ""emotional"" enough
>Realistic characters in games are boring though.
Exactly. But Druckmann is making his games for his daughter now, so fantasy and general playing around with ideas and tropes is off the table. It'll all be straightforward and dull.