I threw my Wii U off a second story balcony onto a concrete sidewalk a few days ago. It's still working but the hdmi plug in port is bent down to where the plug in won't fit into it.
Now I wanna play xenoblade. Is there anyway to fix or repair it without sending it into (((Nintendo))) for major repairs? Not paying those thieving kikes a nickel for repairs
Benjamin Kelly
Just play it on dolphin/cemu
Jacob Collins
My pc is at home 700 miles away so I can't
Lincoln Watson
If been serious you can fix it or just get it component cord for the Wii U or the gamecube cord work too.
Samuel Powell
Wow I forgot this miserable pile of dog shit even had an av port. Hope I. Didn't fuck it up from the fall, I'll go order a cable on amazon
Thanks user
Joshua Howard
None whatsoever. Shouldnt have been an autist throwing your shit around.
Owen Jackson
why did you throw it
Nathaniel Howard
Liam Diaz
Surely this is a troll right? I have never seen levels of autism this high
Mason Lewis
Nintendo's customer service is pretty damn good. If it's still under warranty, it's likely they'll repair it for free and have it back to you within a week so long as you don't mention the damage was self-inflicted.
Brandon Nelson
Two crazy redneck druggies beat the shit out of me for 20 minutes, long story man. Front teeth are broken too. Least they can be fixed I guess . I was enraged after and threw it out of my balcony because I lost control
Ryder Flores
>This is what the anti-Nintendo-fags are actually like Jesus fucking Christ, I knew you lot were autistic, but this is pushing it. Smashing consoles hasn't been a thing since like 2008.
Jacob Moore
Not trolling. I also threw my PS4 and that fragile piece of shit immediately shattered like porcelain glass when it hit the sidewalk kek
Can't afford a new one til the holidays either; cest la life
Nicholas Foster
I'm not really anti Nintendo I just loathe their cunty underhanded business tactics
I'm not loyal to any shitty company but PS4 is what I been playing more than the others
Adrian Bell
>(((Nintendo))) for major repairs? Not paying those thieving kikes a nickel for repairs >Wow I forgot this miserable pile of dog shit even had an av port Sure
Henry Harris
Sasuga Nintendium!
Wiimotes are the hardest substance known to man. I took one to the temple once.
Alexander Long
As I posted above, you'd be pleasantly surprised with Nintendo's customer service. I've been dealing with them since the Wii days and I don't think I've ever paid for a repair once.
Isaiah Sanders
thats a fucking waste of hardware. at least give your stuff away or something.
i hadnt played my ps2 in about a decade because i thought i didnt need it after getting a ps3. ended up getting it out of the attic and playing all of my old vidya for months after the blu ray drive on my ps3 wore out.
no point in destroying your stuff when it can be put to use somehow in the future
Christian Nguyen
That's interesting. Never called them before. My warranty is probably barely out of date I bet
Thomas Flores
>I lost control And now you lost controller.
Carson Butler
That's actually happened to me once, by less than a month. The guy waived it, and said, "Look, we'll make an exception, but try to call us sooner next time." Not to mention that every repair, covered or not, comes with a free new year of warranty.
Give it a try user, it's likely you can get it fixed for free. 8002553700.
Leo Allen
>it's likely they'll repair it for free and have it back to you within a week so long as you don't mention the damage was self-inflicted. You seriously think the service techs wouldn't notice the damage on a console thrown out the window?
Blake Lopez
You'd be surprised how many hits my old DSes took and they still never charged me for anything. Walmart concrete after jumping a rail isn't exactly pillowy.
Levi Morgan
Did one of them slide two fingers up your anus after they were done beating you? Or maybe they took turns urinating on you? Just asking for laughs haha.
Robert Taylor
Ryan Rodriguez
Post the story. It's not like you have anything better to do
Brody Perez
Well, if you wanted to play Xenoblade maybe you shouldn't have thrown it. How about you throw yourself off of the same balcony, head first?