Ever met someone from Sup Forums irl? What was it like?

Ever met someone from Sup Forums irl? What was it like?

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What the fuck is wrong with the speedrunning community?

I have a friend who browses Sup Forums if that counts.

We've known each other since elementary school so it's whatever.

Salty milk and coins.

Mainly social rejects who have high autism levels, it's that simple

I like how that one guy at 7 seconds just gets up and leaves like it's obviously not a big deal, which it obviously isn't, while the star remains trapped by his autism sphere.

>on /soc/
>some Sup Forumsirgins are there
>decide to meet up at a convention
>4 of us
>me and 2 others were mostly normal
>fourth guy was fat and spouting racist and Sup Forums shit in real life
>dude chill out with that shit in public
>in line for an event
>it's long
>retard: wow, why are there so many fucking niggers here?
>people in line turn and stare at him
>chill out you fucking niggers, it's just a word
>um...we're not with him
>we bail on him
>security eventually kicks him out
>have fun the rest of the day
>retard got bitchy at us for not sticking up with him

It's fine hanging with people from Sup Forums as long as they don't fucking act like they're still on fucking Sup Forums in real life.

Someone else put it better than me, but essentially the kind of people who have nothing better to do than ball up and play the same game enough times to speedrun it are depressed rather than autistic/retarded.

Hand in hand depressed/generally sad people that also play videogames tend to be furries, sufferers of gender dysphoria, unsocial, etc.

one of my good friends used to/browses /lit/ and a few others are at least familiar with the shit

really doubt that anyone would be able to tell from talking me or him and I've been on this shithole since 2008

>on /soc/

stopped reading there.

AUTISM. Many such cases.

I was all alone browsing Sup Forums on a college computer and all of a sudden two autists appeared behind me and started asking what my favorite boards were, I could kind of tell they were spergs by the way they spoke.

I've only met 1 person who browses Sup Forums before.

It was a 24 year old guy with a girlfriend, they had 3 kids, none were his.

I bet he went and bitched about it on Sup Forums that very day with an extremely exaggerated story where he was the victim. Bet he called you a bunch of good goy cucks etc lol

Unless you're dealing with the real puss of humanity most people from basically any website will act normal, if not a bit extra shy/quiet due to a lack of social skills in real life.

SeeIt's not the "I have nothing else to do" audience either, it's just people are so stupid that they let Sup Forums (or any website, really) pervade their mind and taint it. For Sup Forums, most people lack social skills are just stick to silence and head nods. This sort of shit for Reddit, Tumblr, and other websites ends up with the SJW and memespouter trends.

>on /soc/
It's time to go back

That said, I use nigger a lot on Sup Forums and in private with people I know who say it as well, but jesus fuck I know not to use it in public.

I love people trying to act like video game characters in real life. is this guy trying to be crash bandicoot or something?

Nothing wrong with swooping up a single mother

Yea, when I was in highschool. This kid always smelled bad and had a mild case of autism but he was really good at making up stories and he told me he wanted to make Vidya games one day. He would get really ambitious with his stories so it was always interesting hearing how he would make games with over 200 endings. Well I should've put his autism in check 'cause he would go on to make Fallout 4. I think his name was Toad Hobard or something?

$20 says he went to the bathroom and posted on Sup Forums how he was jumped by 5 niggers but valiantly fought them off

No, there's a lot wrong with it.
There's nothing wrong with having a single mom as a fuck buddy, but at 24 if he's in a relationship with someone he's likely heading towards or looking for marriage, and you don't marry a single mother.

Once met some Smashboarders back during the Nintendo E3 2014 event at Best Buy where they had the Smash demo.

Once it became clear we were on different wavelengths (I wanted to talk about SSE and Smash 4 rumors, they wanted to talk about Melee and PM), the conversation dried up real quick.

Why are you so obsessed with Sup Forums?
Move on. Holding something as a boogeyman is bad for your health.

>you don't marry a single mother

You may not want to, but your preferences have no impact on his relationship.

Yeah just a quiet sperg who played video games all day. Pretty friendly but wouldn't go outside.

>those people making sharp 90 degree turns out of the door to beat up that nigger
what the?

I still think he forgot something very important like a phone, wallet or keys. He checks his pockets and then tries really hard to remember it before finally remembering it and turns around to fetch it.

I'm pretty forgetful too and know that stomach ache when you check your pockets and keys/wallet/phone aren't there.

>Holding something as a boogeyman is bad for your health

I'll stop when people cease freaking out about reddit and SJW's

You're right.
If he chooses to be a cuck, he chooses to be a cuck. I cannot stop a man from self cucking if he so desires.
I'm just saying he probably shouldn't, for the sake of his ancestors that got their genes so far.

>muh genes

Having 0 kids or 100 kids doesn't mean shit when your cold and dead buried six feet under.

everytime i see this i can't get over how 3 lemmings pop out of the corner all on queue. most bizarre shit ever.

for starters learn what a cuck is.

I can agree at his age there's a question of being prepared for taking care of three kids that arent his, but if he has the means and loves them then there's no real problem

No, I'm serious.
You say a webm of a black guy and a white guy, and your instant reaction was "wow I bet that white guy is some racist who hates black people and posts on Sup Forums about how evil black people are".
That was the first thing you thought of because of how bad your mental state has become. It couldn't just be two high schoolers that got in a fight, no, to you it MUST have been racially motivated, and the white guy MUST be some racist from Sup Forums

Do you think you're better than them? Do you?

This doesn't make me cringe so much as laugh. He just seems to be a silly person in general rather than painfully awkward.

>ever browsing Sup Forums where autists can see you
that's a mistake my dude

Raising another man's child, without having a child of your own, is the LITERAL definition of a cuck.
Learn the origin of the word cuck and you will understand.

>those clones at the end

>browsing Sup Forums in public
typical cucklet

>implying underage children from reddit and tumblr dont populate Sup Forums after GG, and ESPECIALLY after the recent election

This isnt 2007 you retard.

>Raising another man's child, without having a child of your own, is the LITERAL definition of a cuck

No, it's not. Plus most societies valued people taking care of the children of others since death from war and disease was common and few families survived intact from childbirth until maturation.

What other site is there to go on when I'm bored


It's not that difficult to, considering this site is ranked among the top 300 most used sites on the internet. I know for sure people from my uni use this shit just based on their internet jargon.

Looking it up I can see where he's going


But like you said, we humans in general have no real problem with taking care of another's kids if we're able to and the kid isn't a problem. He's just hung up on his genetic nonsense.

Reddit. Not joking.


Are all pretty fun to read

Will you Sup Forumstards fuck off?
Every time there's the potential for an interesting thread you faggots shit it up.

>No, it's not. Plus most societies valued people taking care of the children of others since death from war and disease was common and few families survived intact from childbirth until maturation.
>The word cuckold derives from the cuckoo bird, alluding to its habit of laying its eggs in other birds' nests.[2][3] The association is common in medieval folklore, literature, and iconography.

>typical trump supporter

Admit it you're that weird kid who got bullied aren't you

Nobody cares, fuck off

I've only met one person in real life who comes here, he was a typical old Sup Forumstard and when he asked me if I knew about the site I lied and said "no" to get him to leave me alone instead he preceded to explain everything about it and why he liked it. I never saw him again and I was happy with that.

Raising another man's child in any context is just raising a child, that, biologically speaking isn't yours.

Having a wife that fucks other men, or even just has an affair that reaches third base, is getting cucked. You could even be a stickler about it and only use cuck in the sexual fetish definition if you really wanted to.

Stop letting Sup Forums rot your brain. Don't be afraid to represent arguments from here, but don't disregard research either.

get some ebooks or some shit, the degens I saw browsing Sup Forums in gen ed college classes looked like they were beyond help
I read so much scifi in shit classes
this is bait right?

Psychologically we desire our kids to look like us, and we generally have stronger affection for them when they do.
I don't really find asians unattractive for one thing, and I don't have anything against anyone of any race, but it's probably the one reason why I just couldn't race mix. When I have kids I want to see myself in my kid.

You have a containment board for this shit

Yes, that's where the term came from but it was never fucking used as a derogatory term for someone who raised children not his own.

This fucking thread took a damn turn.

Keep posting those webms

I didn't say a single thing about my political beliefs. I just compared how you're seeing something that's not there and making assumptions to the same way Sup Forums assumes things that aren't there and jumps to assumptions.
You're no different. You think you're infinitely better than Sup Forums, but in this delusion and deception to yourself you've ended up becoming just like the people you hate for the exact reason that you hate them.

>When I have kids I want to see myself in my kid.
1 : you'll never have kids
2 : you don't wan't your child (that you'll never have) to look even remotely like you
3 : fuck off back to pol

>explain the use of the word cuck in the context of responding to someone who don't get words
>get told to go to Sup Forums
I expect nothing from this board and still get let down

uhm sweetie, what do relationships have to do with politics?

>not browsing reddit

People talking about how bad pol is are literally worse than poltards. They are usually the ones derailing a thread. Just because some guy used the word nigger


Bit late for that since my wife and I are planning to in the next year or two once we finish our move.

Stop acting like poltards are normal people. Just a bunch of autistic anime loving kids with no cultural background whatsoever.
Also refer to this post

>the 3 clones at the end of this

someone give a sauce or explanation pls

>did it on purpose at uni
>no one gave a shit
I'm glad I dropped out, it was a normieville

>shit we have to get to class
>but Tyrone and XxX360_no_gfXxX are fighting in the hallway
>oh shit, Tyrone knocked his ass out
>let's book it boys

You shouldn't use it if you don't feel like you can say it in public.

Me, a sensible person, does not have language I'm afraid to use. Why aren't you normal?

Everyone I've met that browses tumblr or Sup Forums has mostly fit the stereotypes. Don't know anyone that browses Reddit 'sides one of my Chinese friends

I know 3 people that browse Sup Forums, and would consider 1 of them my friend. All 3 of them can be kind of embarrassing to be around irl, but otherwise alright guys/girls - unattractive, loud, greasy, overweight nerds.

I know about 5 chicks heavy into tumblr and they all fit the stereotype looks wise - all 5 of them are obese - fatter than the Sup Forumsirgins, yet somehow way less greasy. They all have dyed hair, all the time. They're all annoyingly chipper and upbeat one moment (emphasis on annoyingly), then depressing and sad the next. They all dress like fat scene-girl rejects, and are way too black and white politically.

I mostly fit the Sup Forumsirgin stereotype I described, but have been turning it around the last few years

I've never met anyone from Sup Forums irl, but every guy from Sup Forums that has ever added me on Steam/PSN/Skype/whatever has been extremely similar.

Like almost all of them talked like retards when they first added me, saying weird words like Brovismo, and just generally really weird meme words. They'd be hyper excited when chatting for some reason (I mean via text, not mic). Eventually every single one of them ended up deleting me lol. I wouldn't be online much and/or invite them to games etc and I think they took this crap personally. Like I got a vibe from them that I'm supposed to be their best friends now or something, rather than just being some random dude from the internet that they've added (which is what I actually was, duh), it was really weird. Tbh I found it kind of endearing though. Didn't have anything against them at all but they always ended up deleting me, because I may have missed a message or whatever and they took it personally. Oh well.

One guy though... he was actually a full blown sperglord... and not in an endearing way. It was ages ago so I don't remember much, I just remember the guy being a prick, like unironically being Sup Forums at its worst all the time. He had no self awareness about it either, just hating on so many things/games/people/whatever for no reason. And this dude had even googled/pipl'd my Steam name which is kinda creepy. My steam name was the same as other account names I had on the internet, like on imdb, and I had made a thread on imdb about Toy Story 3. He randomly asks me if I liked Toy Story 3, so I knew he had googled/pipl'd my steam name and come across my imdb posts because I had recently made a thread on it. I replied that I hadn't seen it, why you asking. He replies with nvm. Dude had a Max Payne 1 avatar, was definitely the weirdest guy I ever met from Sup Forums.

The "go back to Sup Forums" / "anti-Sup Forums" types are so obsessive and delusional. They're batshit, and assume anything they don't like or anyone that disagrees with them is Sup Forums. It's become a boogeyman to them so bad that it haunts their every waking minute on Sup Forums.
Some of the craziness can be seen in
They're nuts.

wow, what a cool guy you are

>*walks forward*
>whoah whats this
>whoah i found myself up in the front
>projectors in front of me eh
>*scratches head*
>well gotta find my way sooner or later
>ah theres the exit! *points*
>okay so lets go... oh wait
>lets turn around this ways faster
>ah dang it the problem of the projector persists
>nobodys coming? coasts clear!
>*ducks and sneaks across like the fucking hamburglar*
>now to fuck my friends mom in the ass


This is how I play Tekken

well what did you tell them

what about them came across as 'spergy'?

I remember meeting up with OP and other Sup Forums last month. We had fun and ate yakitori together

Not on Sup Forums but I have a cousin who I was surprised goes on Sup Forums. Every fucking cousin I have heard about Sup Forums but think it's the dark evil place on the internet.

Instead he entirely sticks on Sup Forums and unsurprisingly is a crazy fucking religious fag who likes Mike Pence.

Like pottery. Hate Sup Forumsniggers.

I got to know a guy who browses Reddit on his spare time

He's not that bad; while he sometimes uses memes when talking in real life and he's extremely shy if you don't know him, he's a total bro, he's always willing to help with Uni assignments and he's got good taste in vidya

>samefags at the end
every fucking time

>You shouldn't use it if you don't feel like you can say it in public.
50 years ago you couldn't say swear words in public without getting seriously glared at or threatened, so that's not exactly a solid rule to live by.

I don't agree with calling someone a nigger in public, but that doesn't mean I'm going to refrain from calling you a nigger right now.

Watch shitpost videos on youtube
Watch cute baby animal stuffs on youtube
Learn something that you normally wouldn't ever think about learning, like how to fix an air conditioner or facts about the black hole, also on youtube

Crowbcat the meme.

>That kid in the red running away

I've never added anyone from here on Steam did they have Anime avatars and talk about the sexual stuffs?


there's nothing wrong with reddit for niche communities but I'm drunk as shit, it's 4AM and there's no way anyone with a proper mental state could recommend those subs. you truly earned this reply friendo

>50 years ago you couldn't say swear words in public without getting seriously glared at or threatened

Bullshit you fucking retard. You could use racial slurs but most other swearing was banned and most municipalities would fine you for swearing in public.

Sounds like you added one of the many friendless losers that compose a significant part of Sup Forums posters.
Perhaps they expected that you were the same?
I know a lot of us get anxious after talking to people we've added because they're afraid that people won't find us interesting after talking to us for more than one day.

Winston did a multikill on these muthafucckers.

>We disallowed words then so we should disallow other words I disagree with now
I thought you lefties always argued that we should be less like the 50s, and we should be more about freedoms like free speech. What happened to that line of logic?

>this is a real reply in 2017

I don't remember anime avatars but I remember meme avatars. A recent one had pic related for example.

*not this OP though

Gonna need a source on that because that's directly anti 1st amendment and someone could have easily taken a town to court over it.


No one is saying to ban any speech you fucking retard.

unexpected toddpost

Only added on guy from Sup Forums to talk about stories and writing with some years ago, turned out to be a total bro.

Shame we havent talked much in a while, he's been dealing with alotta personal/financial issues.


That head scratch thing isn't that weird. When I lived in Japan, it was actually pretty common.

But it can be argued I guess that japanese people all have some form of autism.