Don't mind me, just pirating this Picasso.
Don't mind me, just pirating this Picasso
Copying art from museums is literally a crime, thought. That's why it's forbidden to take pictures inside of them.
Have fun in jail.
>Just gonna pirate your face real quick
Indians thought cameras would steal their souls.
Instead, the camera man just stole their land.
That's from Van Gogh, you idiot
Pirating is also a crime
If you are very unlikely to be caught or punished for it then it's not a crime for all practical purposes.
Retarded law that will eventually be revised since Google Images is a thing and voids it.
>it's forbidden to take pictures inside museums
What? I've never been to a super famous museum but for art class in high school we had to go to museums and take photos of paintings several times. Museum people are okay with that unless you use flash.
A photo on the Internet will never be as good as seeing it in person.
That's not why. The light emitted from taking pictures can actually damage the paintings.
user, it's not a real law
*klick* *posh*
Gosh why are all these pictures bleached. I guess this will show the social construct!
>pirate fags will defend this
This image lacks a lot of nuance.
For starters, a bike is a physical object where as a game is a digital one.
this comic is shit
Here is your [guaranteed reply].
ty for the laugh OP.
If i made a perfect copy of a artwork, the mere fact that i could have made a perfect copy should put value on it, even if it was 98% perfect.
if actual perfect copies of a work could be done, it would be a masterful piece of tech, skill and dedication involved in making it, even more so than the creation of the actual original piece.
the book the man in the high castle (not the shitty television show) talks about the value of art and this subject, how a copy could be equal in value and what value you should put on images.
there was also a museum in Sweden that put up framed high resolution pictures of famous artworks and just let people go watch them, the attendees where just normal people that were very impressed with the images, they would probably have had the exact same reactions as seeing the original
>A photo on the Internet will never be as good as seeing it in person.
I disagree, if you have ever been to Italy and seen Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, it's a tiny little thing, i was more impressed by it before i saw it in person
Those are actually funny for a change
fuck I lol'd
What's the point of taking footage/a picture of the mona lisa
>holy shit, I was in the room for one hole minute with a painting that is famous for some reason, isn't that cool
>1 like
Such an overrated painting.
People aren't actually falling for this, are they?
You can take photos, just not flash photography, as it can harm older paintings/be distracting
You can come in and draw/paint and use works on display as reference. This is common for artists.
Went there last year, it's literally like this all the time
As an actual artist I was pissed because I look at paintings close up to examine the paint stroke method and colour technique, I couldn't get anywhere near close to this tiny-ass painting. There are far, FAR better paintings in the hall off to the left.
>be me
>be hungry
>pirate a whole meal instead of buying it from a restaurant
Hahah the ppl at mcdonalds are so fucking stupid, literally anyone can pirate their food and they haven't got a clue!