Reinhardt main here. What about you?
Who's your main?
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Good taste OP
Auto-picking Rein is the best way to start any game.
same here
started out playing him a lot just because i have shit aim but got better from there
Ana main. 73% accuracy, 12,536 healing average, 8 sleeps a game. Ranked gold. Fuck you blizzard.
>maining anyone
>in a counter based game
But really:
>overwatch thread
what's up, plebbit?
This is unscoped accuracy btw
Mercy cause I can't aim for shit and i'm useless if I can just press two buttons.
don't understand why I haven't gotten bored of this game yet desu.
who cares?
I just pick whatever role the team seems to be in need of.
I like the robot centaur with the minigun. I can use the deployable shieldwall to slowly encroach on enemy position, while drawing the attention of the enemy away from my flanking allies.
I don't play shitty blizzard shovelware
Zarya mains report in.
To all DPS, youre welcome.
playing on console, Torbjorn is best
if you don't like the thread go away fag
Attack - Tracer, Reaper, sometimes S76 or McCree
Defense - Junk, Torb, Bastion, sometimes Mei
Tank - Rein, D.Va
Support - Lucio if at all
I main Fareeha!
Great input
I want to be mercy
Tanks are for retards who can't play for shit.
I just realized there's barely any good Raindancer/thunderbird art for her.
anybody else over here training with mccree just to be like taimou?
For me, it's the Demoman.
My girl right here
Would it be a good idea to blow all my coins in the dances? I only have like 3 or 4, and I have hunch they'll be kinda rare at some point.
>8 sleeps
So you're completely shit?
For Tank just learn Winston and Zarya.
Winston is so criminally underrated and you can faceroll people that aren't prepared for it.
Although with rein being kind of shit with the way the meta has shifted, more people are picking him up.
Still, winston is great fun.
I've opened over a hundred of the boxes and only have like 5 dances. Fucking hell.
I really enjoy to play as her
One of the only characters you can really have such an impact with to the point of "carrying" without relying on bullshit luck.
Sorry op but we're in a dive comp meta and my boy Winston is the way to go
Soldier, Reaper
Hanzo, Mei
Roadhog, Zarya
Lucio, Zen
Soldier "four golds and a bronze" 76 is my nigga
Would you get /fit/ if it meant Pharah would go out with you, Sup Forums?
Even with that spelling out of the breakdown, every single level of play up to and including Top 500 is infested with Mercy mains.
how did zenyatta get that high?
Discord on dive targets is massively over powered and being able to move at a normal speed while charging Right Clicks is amazing.
Mercy mains are absolute cancer.
They're the equivalent of someone who picks a healer in an MMO to get carried through to the end game.
Zen, Ana, and Lucio are all acceptable though.
Just tell me how many reps and I'll get started right now, nigga.
>LoL players
>wow this hero is so fun, i'll main him/her!
>dota players
>wow this hero is so fun, time to try the others and learn everyone's strengths and weaknesses so i can be a versatile player!
Jeff, don't be mad. Now go back to r3ddit and watch all of those KUK XD SO RANDOM XD POTGs.
I was just reading this the other day.
So even this crap managed to get an anime?
Peaceful robot man of tranquility.
Had a few games where I had 4 golds, and one even with 5. Felt good.
>So even this crap managed to get an anime?
Yes and best girl gets no screentime
Shaco main all the way
Pharah is my favourite character to play by far, i mostly play her or support
>Tanks are for retards
Ah, the thinking man's toon
Ask someone who was rank 3950 ONLY through soloqueue last season anything.
When I tried OW I mostly played Lucio because he's cute
How about you ask me, since I made it to 4280 with solo queue only, as well.
Did I say 3950? I meant 4281. Fuck you
You don't have to lie user, here, I'll even show you proof. Oh hey, it was actually 4290, silly me.
Where's the proof that you solo queued?
Proof of the SR, no way to prove that I solo queue'd.
What are you playing? Is there any way to carry when 1 player left or you have a fucking Hanzo with 10% accuracy and Sombra player?
I believe him. Once you get to high master solo queuing isn't that big of a gamble anymore because mostly everyone knows how to play.
I find it easier to move up in that rank than I do in diamond.
> I just pick whatever role the team seems to be in need of.
So, you are a support 80% of the time?
I mainly play Rein/Zen/Lucio during S4, now playing Winston/Ana/Zen/Lucio/Rein.
At lower levels, it's a bit easier to carry dead weight, since you can take advantage of people doing stupid shit or they can retaliate fast enough. However at higher levels, it becomes nigh impossible. Only good news at higher levels, is that unless people are throwing/leaving, you rarely get people who are that bad.
Sorry, can't* retaliate fast enough. I'm really tired.
Zarya, or at least used to be. These days it's dive city 24/7 so I'm usually on Winston or D.Va, prefer Winston.
Also just got gold gun for soldier because nothing is more satisfying than fucking deleting a flanker with the old 3 to the face into right click direct instant kill.
Tank, actually.
But I can do support if really noone else steps forward. I think I am doing fine with the russian old sniping drug dealer.
Strangely I have never played vitamin proton pack angel or black hip hop enthusiast on roller skates, which I seem to see the most by far.
best girl
>maining in OW
Needs less twig arms and she's perfect.
name of manga?
Lucio, partially because he can fit well onto almost any team and partially because I like JSR too much.
>russian old sniping drug dealer
She has feminine but a bit buff arms
I wouldn't want to see her with something like
Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records Watch
it's not very good and the blond woman doesn't get a lot of screentime
I main Hanzo, come at me faggots
>I actually play with voice chat, team chat and all chat disabled at all times
Is russian because she is always russianing out the medicine to those who need it.
Is called battlefield triage.
I'm trying to learn more heroes but I can usually do pretty well with them.
I used to main Mercy or Lucio in comp but Blizzard punishes you for playing support, your rank barely increases. I won 6 of my placements with Mercy/Lucio, at least one gold medal in all 10 games, and got placed in bronze. Switched to and got out of bronze almost instantly. I just want a gold staff for Mercy but I can't play her to get one.
Fuck off Matt I thought you were going to bed
HEAR ME SPIRITS AND RISE TO MY... Oh you mean OW. I have only played beta and free weeks but Pha is bae.
Thanks, I was low Plat at the start of the season and dropped too 2200SR. I used to play Ana/Mercy/Lucio/Rein/Winston. Now I started maining D.Va, and with a character like her it's quite easy to take use of enemy mistakes.
But what annoys me to no end is that at times people act like total braindead idiots. I repeteadly told them no to trickle in and feed the enemy ult charge, and they still do it. And even when by miracle we get in a normal teamfight, even tough I have 3-4 people focusing on me, they aren't able to get 1 damn pick in a 6v3.
Did you experience any of the following? From personal experience and from what I read pretty much everywhere I looked S5 MM seems to be terrible, from Bronze to GM. 1/3 to 1/2 matches have an actual leaver/troll, and not the retarded Hanzo main type, but actually full blown spawn ice wall, cliff teleporter kind of troll. Not even winning is fun anymore when the enemy team is having suck a troll themself.
None, because I took a break of half a year from it. Came back and now apparently I'm dogshit tier.
I played with a guy that was straight up running into crowds or off ledges tonight. I also played with like 5 drunk people that I know of, and a furry that decided to bring up his sexuality in the all chat. It's been a long night.
>reinhardt who put up their shields when they see me
4k healing and 2 sleeps per game. Diamond.
I personally enjoy carrying raging metacucks to victory despite all their efforts to throw the game.
Reaper main, and i cant wait to see streetpig burn
i have less than 2 hours on everything except Hanzo
suck me
Pyro and Heavy in tf2
Pharah and McCree in ow
>things that never happened
>2 retard classes to 2 decent ones
good improvement
genji main here. please roast me
diamond btw
i only pick genji.
s1 diamond
s2 diamond
s3 gold
s4 bronze
kill me
Hanzo. I was number 1 hanzo seasons 2 and 3.
ana, mei and zen
>Playing some Kings Row this morning and aggressively dove the right alleyway wall riding and punched the fuck outta a Pharah
There isn't any character in the game that is as fun and rewarding.