So his career is officially dead now?

So his career is officially dead now?

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before his career suicide, he'd been releasing like (1) one video every six months

People already forgot about the forced drama.

Beside he stopped doing videos a long time ago, i remember him tweeting that he will go back into doing comedy videos after the drama ended, but 3months later and still nothing

So who knows

not video games

Oh you mean because he offended a small but loud minority of sensitive little snowflakes?

He'll be fine.

maybe he just ran out of things to say

What do you mean? It's always months and months between videos.



His heart wasn't in it anymore. Even without the internet drama, his lack of interest was slowly killing his career. The "controversy" just sped up the inevitable.

He's secretly making a JonTron movie. Egoraptor is the main antagonist.

He has tons of fans, he can come back whenever he wants.

I'm not sure if youtubing counts as a "career" though.

he's richer than I will ever be but it probably proportionately scales out to us being equally well off because of how he's going to spend it

was going to say he'd be fine because muh e-celeb but I doubt that

>Implying he's wrong
>implying facts are wrong

he is just the personification of /pol and will never live that down (overweight, not really white, yet obsessed with belonging to the "aryan master race")

It was marginal before, but after the "adpocalypse" it's basically impossible to make anything regarding a sustainable income through Youtube. That's why even veterans of Youtube have to either beg for Patreon bux or shill crap like Audible or Squarespace before every video.

>magyar cigan slash mudslime crossbreed
>white supremacist


Yeah, if JonTron uploads a new video I'm sure everyone is so upset at him that nobody will bother to click on it out of protest. Good luck with that.

anyone with half a brain knew that the youtube bubble would burst, pewdiepie was the pinprick that started it all

Why the fuck do people even still use YouTube?

good. fuck these lazy wastes of space earning a living on the backs of lazy 16 year olds

He was never making any videos anyway

& none of his fans care about what he said, you would be surprised how many young people don't care about that shit, the only people were triggered where mid 20's redditors

>monopolized online video
>free hosting

Based PDP making his money and then salting the earth for everybody else is fucking hilarious.

>free hosting
>practically unlimited space
>well-known and well-established platform
>analytics, lots of other functionality
Gee I wonder

What else are we gonna use? Dailymotion?

Youtube is, like, the third biggest website on the planet. You really can't avoid it.

I suppose there's Twitch, but there's only so many kappa-spamming mongoloids and grandstanding comp streamer douchebags I can take per minute.

The only people who give a shit about what he said are NeoGAF.

Sup Forums is literally chink and spic who think they're white. What do you think

It wasn't really Pewdiepie, Google didn't want to pay up because they saw so many people using patreon

the whole ad thing is an excuse

Nah he's just a regular prick

Yes but now tells us how many views and likes per video he was getting. + the sponsorships he had and his patreon and this guy is filthy fucking rich.

He still is despite everything

It's also because all of the corporate giants of Old Media were smart enough to see the market shift, only to get in and take over with Vevo and shit before they lost any substantial influence. Once Google bought Youtube, it was all over.

Misanthropic Sup Forums nihilist in a nutshell. Find something, corrupt it to get your "keks" out of it, then destroy it. Somebody go back in time and take a garrote to Maddox and Lowtax, please.

So is his board officially dead now?


What career?

Fucking this, when his financials were revealed everyone and their mama saw dollar signs and tried to jump in without a safety net.

Now there's patreon/gofundme's up the ass everywhere. That also is gonna give eventually.

one of h3h3 videos stated he has like 3 houses.

There's Vimeo user...

I don't fucking care

And don't forget about!

It's been dead since 2008, after the SAKURAIIII threads diminished, post-Smash character reveals.

>Trump era
>Jon, former Bernie supporter, abandons the left
>Laci fucking Green is now laughing at SJWs
>meanwhile leftists are opening Sharia Law with open arms

What a time to be alive

Hes already rich, same as Jontron

>even shit videos get a couple thousand views


I'm convinced he only decided to make the rounds of the alt-right internet commentator circuit because he's looking for excuses to procrastinate. Can't believe I'd be saying that Arin and Game Grumps are putting out more and more professional content than Jon.

Pewdiepie doesn't do anything himself but stand in front of a camera, throw whatever at it, and see what sticks. He's definitely a beneficiary, but is largely irrelevant to the conflict happening between Google and the corps pulling their ad bucks

>more professional

It's just two guys playing video games, no other production value involved.

His sponsors have probably left him.

lmao next you're going to talk about how big is compared to old and busted Youtube

>Can't believe I'd be saying that Arin and Game Grumps are putting out more and more professional content than Jon.
Yeah, okay.

He got btfo so hard he can't show his face anymore.

They have other videos on their channel now. It's not just LPs anymore.

Patreon is entirely voluntary and doesn't depend on the decisions of large corps, though. Now that it exists, if Patreon goes under another service will pop up to replace it.

The drawback is that people become dependant on serving their patrons, but that's how it was for renaissance painters and shit back in the day so I guess it's old hat anyway.

so this is gamegrumps? woah...great quality

Who is this guy again?

Jon Aryan Jafari

he offended trump, user. he's dead

hes shit

only gen z tier retards find his shit interesting

I mean, it's awful, but it's better than Jon fucking around with chucklefucks like Sargon, which is evidently all he does nowadays.

Das rasict!

How the hell is he affording to live these days without videos? Revenue from old vids can't be that high and he lives in NYVlC.

Misinterpreting facts is wrong

He used a edited version of pic related to say that rich black commit more crimes than poor white.

He fell for the edited study meme


so he was right

>hold no white nationalistic beliefs
>be labeled a white nationalist


Where is the proof that rich black commit more crimes than poor white retard?

Are you into reading?

blacks just commit more crime than whites

it's a genetic fact

Are you a spics?

Because spics are as worst as nigs, not only they commit as much crimes, but they're mostly labeled as white.

>Can't prove that rich black commit more crimes than poor white
>What is gangs
>Damage control

>you are free to draw whatever inferences you can imagine from a piece of information without consequence or examination

>Genetic fact

What is the gene which provoc that then retard?

This, like this post prove

Why are you so obsessed with this out of context quote? Jon never said anything like that.

all these disjointed english containing posts makes me think there's a pajeet shilling firm hired to fight back against the "blacks are more criminal than whites" fact lel

50% of Sup Forums are spics that belive they are fucking white gods and the toher 50% are autistic and scum white "citizens"

Why are you retards falling for obvious bait?

His parents are super wealthy. If you see his videos from when he still lived at home, his parents own a large house on beachfront property in Southern California. Those houses tend to cost anywhere from 1 to 3 million dollars.

>what is the gene

It's probably the same gene that gives them gorilla features, smaller brains, and low, sloping foreheads.

He did though those were his exact words

He killed it himself, literally just abandonned everyone out the blue.

I get the feeling only the most autistic faggots are retarded enough to actually read these fucking infographs and spread them. You have to be a lunatic to actually think people will read it and give a shit.

You can't spell crimeblak without black

Where are all the white gangs hiding?