Supporting high temperatures, lower minimum framerates, and higher FPS by buying Intel

>Supporting high temperatures, lower minimum framerates, and higher FPS by buying Intel

Why haven't you switched to AMD Ryzen user?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shit perfs.

You shouldn't support antisemites.


i ask you bro
should i go rysen 1700 oc or 7700 k
need bench with source and did the ram 3000 mhz is fixed on motherboard ?


7700 is literally better than any Ryzen.

Intel is a stuttering nightmare

>7700 is literally better than any Ryzen.
>links video comparing mid tier Ryzen to Intel's high end

>GNU/NEET amdshills from Sup Forums are now shilling on Sup Forums
back to your dying containment board

compare1600 with 7700 ok
i know why russian are retarded now

I need a new mainboard with it and am waiting for them to iron out all problems and shit. I don't wanna be an early adopter.

i'm poor so I use a 8350

>locked 7700
>Intel's high end
You aymdfags are so desperate. Here's another video with NON-K 7700 against Ryzen 7. Guess who won? Protip: Intel

R5 1600 with rx480 8gb
I can ultra everything no worries and it makes Intel fanbois mad.

Ryzen is shit though

>muh price and performance

The 1800X gets shat on by a quadcore 7700k save for meme synthetic benchmarks

the list goes like this:

budget tier: pentium g4560
low mid to high mid: r5 1500 to 1700x
high end: i7 7700k

This is obviously if you're purely using your rig for gaming and don't care about longevity of the platform or upgradability of your rig as intel likes switching sockets often.

Nice meme but sorry, Ryzen is shit.

barelly same framerate

>pay 100 dollars more on mobo/CPU just for 2 more frames and lower minimums



>high end
>4 core CPU
>buying a CPU thats on 90+% load

you deserve getting jewed

>100 dollars more on mobo
I guess you're fucking retarded. You can literally use 7700 with cheapest H110 mobo. Also, good luck with shitty B350 boards lol.

>tfw even the newest AMJEW processors can't beat an i3-6100

>almost no video games make use of them



>AMDshit cpu requires stupid expensive RAM

>SMT off

Feels like the point of this video isn't so much Intel winning, so much as it's how Ryzen keeps up even with the feature that was supposed to be their answer to Hyperthreading.

Still using an i7 990x, any reason to upgrade yet?

>Single core performance equivalent to 2-generation old Intel CPUs
No thanks

>Even jayz and linus from linustechtips have stopped shilling Intel after ryzen was released

Intel lost

The funny part is how with SMT ON things are even worse for Ryzen.


>tfw 1600 coming wednesday
>tfw no RX580 because bitcoin miners fucking up the market


Wait™ for Vega which will be released Soon™

got a ryzen 1600 already

high temps keep me warm when it's cold
in fact, i'm going to open gta v right now on my i5 7600 powered pc because my hands are freezing

Can't even recommend 7700k for gaming, it's barely faster at that now, never mind the fact that games are already becoming more heavily-threaded and Ryzen's 6-core and 8-core iterations are guaranteed to stay viable much longer than the i7 line for that reason. And that's on top of the fact that the minor avg. framerate advantage (and min. framerate disadvantage) doesn't outweight the part where the i7 is completely outclassed in every other respect by Ryzen.

The Bentium is literally the only sensibly-priced CPU Intel has left, which makes sense as it sets the pricing standard Intel needs to bring to their entire product stack: i3 core/thread count at Pentium prices, i5 c/t at current i3 prices, i7 c/t at current i5 prices. If they don't do that for Coffee Lake, second-gen Ryzen will destroy them.

>March 25th
Call me again when they redo the tests with AGESA Release day Bios tests are fake news at this point.





It's hardly minor when in some games the deltas can be up to 30 fps, which is incredibly important for 120/140hz gaming.

Yea.. most people do. Go look at a speccy thread.


how's those instructions per cycle treating you?


>Call me again when they redo the tests with AGESA

And in some other games, it's the other way around. Check out Mafia 3 and Civ VI benchmarks, for example.

>More cores is better for gam-

>it's still 2012


not now but later :)
how about stuttering ?


Wew, the buyer's remorse with the Intel faggots is bigger than expected. They seem really upset they got tricked by shifty jews.


Am watching it. Don't speak Lenin. Don't know if the tests are done on AGESA If you speak Lenin, maybe you can tell me if he does that. Uses 2100mhz RAM, which is known that makes the RYZEN CPUs underperform significantly. And while the i7-7700 would gain from higher mem speeds, it's nowhere near the gains RYZEN sees. No sign of Civ VI in the benches, nor MAFIA III. Still a fairer benchmark than most other I've watched.

1700 easily, 7700k even has heating issues, plus even if you'd get 5% maximum gaming performance, you get >50% performance in heavily threaded tasks, plus futureproof, intel will just burn up when the TIM goes to shit after time

They only managed to run RAM @2933mhz but difference between it and 3200 is not really significant.

>amd actually releasing a competitive CPU for once

actually kind of proud of them. didn't think I'd ever see the day where I can honestly recommend an AMD CPU to someone

Intel are je- Really makes me think

These graphs REALLY need a price on every entry


Yea when phone gaming takes over.

6950x is 1600 dollars

Shoo intel Kike

I have.

Yea. Almost as good as my 4 year old i7 CPU

And the first ryzen entry?

Now this is in leaf dollars, but an 1800x costs more than $150 more. It fucking better perform better.

like 600 senpai

460 usd

r7 1800x has 8 cores

6950 has 10

Weird how nobody ever mentions the i5 anymore

directed at


but i already switched to an R5 1600 from FX6350

Ubisoft games are designed with 6 physical core in mind because that's what's available on consoles. To get best performance on PC you should have at least 6 cores as well.

More kek


I have a question.

My 6 year old 2600k runs GTA 5 at 60FPS.
What are the are the points of those benchmarks?


But games don't use more than 4 cores. So you don't need more than 4 cores.

But you can't have less than 4 physical cores, even 2 cores with hyperthreading isn't enough, 4 cores is the minimum.

But Ryzen 3 won't be enough with its 4 cores, get an i7 because it will be more future-proof because of all its threads, you should get a CPU that will last you a while.

But don't get a Ryzen 5 or 7 because games don't use all those threads, and why would you worry about what your components will perform like tomorrow?

>They only managed to run RAM @2933mhz
Didn't even see that they did. I noticed the 2100Mhz at first. 2600Mhz to 3600Mhz ram is a 25-33% bump for Ryzen, though, while the i7-7700 only gains something like a 12% bump maximum? Props for banching the 1600x, though, because it's the best gaming RYZEN CPU. Still, the 1700 non-X Ryzen would be my prefered CPU.

To be honest, unless you're rich you don't care about the benchmarks unless there's a price attatched

>Didn't even see that they did.
How the fuck you didn't see it? Do you even know how to read the rivatuner osd?

I still can't justify a new build yet, despite my shit-tier case and still using an HDD as a boot drive.

Because I bought my 6600k & Z170 board on sale. (Prices are AUD) MSI Z170 Krait for $120, and 6600k for $210.
For reference, that board is about double that on retail, and the CPU is about $330 or so.

How about you being unable to drive 144hz monitors?

And I wouldn't blame you. When I was pisspoor, I didn't upgrade for ages even though I complained a lot.

You will get better performance on higher settings and lower minimum framerates.

You probably have moments where your fps drops to 50 if not the high 40s for a moment. Intel CPUs have a stuttering problem. You will notice higher minimum framerates on AMD CPUs meaning few random sub 60 fps dips.

The i5 range certainly has been pretty much invalidated by the existence of ryzen
4 cores/4 threads or 6 cores and 12 threads for a similar price, gee I dunno

This. This is the kind of reasoning I get from Intelfags. Which just translates to "just buy the i7-7700k, you don't need any other CPU".

Alright, bro, I'll go back and see it, No need to explode. Doesn't change anything else I've said, though.

I aint upgrading cpu. If it was as simple a switching chips cool but a new motherboard and os yeah fuck that im good with 3rd gen i5 for at least another couple years

I'll buy a 7820x just to shit on your ryzen "performance" you faggots, I've had it with your crap, not only this board's but reddit's as well, even linus the shill is against Intel's new processors, as if Ryzen had been any good, just look at its IPC, it's shit, it's only useful for multithreaded software and that's until we get the new CPUs, after that, AMD will go back into the trash where they belong.

AMD Vega will be the same, hyped and dead by the end of the year.

>Paying for your OS


If you think the 7820X is right for you, then I hope you are really happy with your purchase

How about to piss off back to Sup Forums? fucking pooinloo


What I don't like is that it's a little bit more expensive than the 1800x but Intel's current IPC and the amount of threads they offer me with this cpu will make encoding finish in the blink of an eye (probably 20 mins per 1080p 24mbps 2h video)

Can't argue with that.

I have the i7-4770, don't feel the need to upgrade for a few more years

>new motherboard and OS
>implying the HDD isn't what keeps your data

intel shill so damage control
can you just admit amd come back
it's good for the consumer
don't understand fags defend compagny so much