>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who think Zelda sounds better as a weeb

How can anyone who understands anything but Japanese even compare? Not to say that English is the best, but come on
>defending this lack of emotion

Other urls found in this thread:


Okay so you only posted the Japanese version and I still have no clue what she sounds like in English.

Because the point is to show how bad the Japanese one is, no matter what it's compared to. I'm not going to cram 7 other languages in my OP.

You didn't even try to add one other language for comparison.


I find the English the worst of them all.

Do you even know what weeb means?

If you're not a turbo retard, you would understand that the japanese voices were written by the people who made thegame, directed by the people who played the game and is the intended vision by the peoole who made the game.

Doesn't mean it's good

It flows and matches best with everything else, because it was made that way.
Just play the original voices above all else. Be it French, japanese or Polsky.

Only the lip syncing does, honestly. The actual way the lines are delivered are just... wrong. Like everything Zelda says sounds so scripted and in that generic anime girl voice where if she expresses too much it's bad because it's not "cute". Personally I much prefer the Latin Spanish one. It "flows" much better than the Japanese ever could.

>inb4 spics bragging again about their taco shit

>Sup Forumsermin understanding anything outside of console wars, wojak posting or cuck threads
I wish.

>Polish voices in Witcher games
very, very, good.

Still better than english, homie.
German is best though

Original voices for European games. English for anything else.

>as a weeb
Just kill yourself.

Zelda crying in japanese
>Genuinely sad, real emotion and heartfelt sadness for her frustration and failure

Zelda crying in English

>Zelda crying in every other language than English*

Zelda crying in Japanese
>high pitched shriek not even a lynched kitten would sound like

Zelda crying in English
>You can literally hear her breaking down mentally, she barely even has the resolve to act out her emotions

>Zelda crying in japanese
>Cat mewling as it gives birth to a spiked IED
Isn't it a sign of autism that you people can't understand proper emotions from people?

An American actress portraying a fake British accent is better? btw only English and Japanese matters, kind of surreal actually when you think about it that only those two languages are relevant.

Fucking anglos at it again oblivious to their dubs not being any better than japanese voice acting.

see Of course the English is bad, but so is the Japanese.

Have you ever seen someone distressed to their very core? Not "boo hoo I had a bad day at work today", I mean "My entire world is fucking destroyed and I'm holding the upper torso of my six year old son while the rest of him has been blasted to smithereens".

>Zelda crying in japanese
>Genuinely sad, real emotion and heartfelt sadness for her frustration and failure

No, but i heard someone expressing that in the english version of BotW.

Oh please, just watch the Spanish/German versions already

You better not be talking shit about Haruka user

>its another: people that hate anime play an anime videogame and complain that its too animey episode
Wake me up

Yes. And the Japanese version sounds nothing like that

>b-b-but the English version!
Fuck the English dub. Listen to that moment in almost any other language to hear how it's supposed to sound. Except Russian, which sounds like laughter.


English is shit and no amount of crying will change that dumbshit.

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who continuously write 2/10 bait

I'm neither english nor japanese and i like the japanese version better. Quit shoving your opinions down other people's throats bigot-san.

turns out zelda and mipha sound bad in every language, they try too hard

She sounds way better in LA Spanish.

How can I turn the Jap dub on?

It's bad in every language, the story is poorly written and generically directed.

options menu before loading a save.

French Zelda is very good, I like the tone of her voice and her play


nope, you're just a salty American monolanguage retard

>Zelda sounds better as a weeb
>as a weeb
Did the word for weeb just stop having a meaning and just become a substitute for anything Japanese?

Nice generalizations. Cutscene direction doesn't magically change between languages, neither does central plot points like the 100 year gap (which neuters the whole thing right out of the gate). It could have the best voice acting ever recorded in a video game and it wouldn't matter.

the cutscenes are mediocre at worst, and nothing that a good VA can't heighten or rise out of.

>which neuters the whole thing right out of the gate

Japanese VAs tend to be better because they're actually involved in the development process.

Cheeki breeki: youtube.com/watch?v=APcPZIK0HWg

Being involved would indeed be beneficial if they didn''t sound like an anime character.

Nah man, Kraut!Zelda is cutest.

>they didn''t sound like an anime character
You're playing a Japanese video game, a Nintendo one at that. Don't pretend you're above anime.

Not if you understand it. It's horrible voice acting.

I went to a Hillary gathering on election night and even them didn't sound as bad as Japanese fiction crying.

>I'm neither english nor japanese and i like the japanese version better.
Because you're a weeb with a deficiency of taste.

Everything you say is irrelevant.

>Japanese game. Japanese audio.

But I come from a county were subtitles for foreign productions are the standard and dubbing is literally for kids so your mileage may vary. In kilometers.

Same here, I'm so used to subtitles that I prefer the original audio all the time, no matter what the language is.

I'm surprised as how good Spanish Latam and Russian Zeldas are
English is the worst one

Zelda is a qt

That sounds fine to me, this thread is shit and pointless.

>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW who still play stupid weeb shit like Zelda

>people still get baited by this old bait


I wish I could JUST change Zelda's voiceover to literally any of the other languages and keep everything else in English. Why does she have a british accent? Her father doesn't have one. No one else in Hyrule talks like that. WHY!?

>Why does she have a british accent?
Because she's white. She should have the best accent. Several of the other characters do too.

Her father's voice actor in English is shit too. He sounds like a young guy trying to sound like an old guy.

I'm enjoying the game in Russian but that's probably because I don't know any of it. I don't know how a multi-million dollar game ended up with such poor voice work.


Go jump, Corbyn.

Jap matches up pretty well actually, sounds like a curious young girl. English sounds like a dude doing an effeminate voice. Spanish good same as Jap. French boy 10/10. Ita is the good shit. German is German. Spanish Eu is horror, sounds like 80 yo librarian from my old high school. Russian Zelda could crush dicks!
Something good actually came out of this thread. Solid video.

t. Theresa May

I'm not a weeb and I barely watch anime, but what's the appeal of dubs? I've never had a problem reading subtitles, and most dubs feel so poorly done and out of place.

Every regal, powerful character has to have a British accent, regardless of how the other characters talk. That's one of the core laws of English-language film and television.

As someone who speaks fluent Japanese and English, I can testify that Zelda's Japanese voice acting is fucking atrocious.

That said, her English voice actor is bad too, why didn't they just get a native British speaker? It's not as bad as the Japanese voice acting though, not even close.

>tfw Ganon could have gotten voiced but then they decided he wasn't a character

>Why does she have a british accent?


VA strike

Well, Robin Williams dies, so they could have hardly hired him and his daughter for King Hyrule and Zelda.

For some reason, Latino dubs always sound spectacular. I don't know what the fuck is going on down there, but they really put their best effort into shit.

The ENG dub for her was seriously some of the worst voice acting I've ever heard. Easily top 5 shittiest voices of all time.
You can't name a character with a worse dub in all of vidya.

blame all of the unironic redditors plaguing this website

Why are you doing this

The british accents were what forced me to switch the Xenoblade audio track from English to Japanese. I couldn't stand the voices any longer.

Protip: they can both sound bad.

Spain's one is great. Spain has great voice actors in general. Is actually pretty common for burguers to have shit voice acting since they don't have to voice over their hollywood producitons.

isn't this just a function of the voice actor talent? is your point that jap VAs suck? They probably get paid a lot less and maybe Japs just don't care.

I guess I just don't understand what point you're trying to make.

I've been out of the loop since the election primaries started, did this game suck?
I predicted it would because it looked like it was trying too hard to be a watered down WRPG instead of a OoT rehash like Zelda is meant to be, also based on the trailers it was all just empty fields with nothing to do.

Latin American VA>>>>>>Shit>Spain

some are worse than others, but in all honesty, french is the only one that actually sounds good. german is meh but the rest are all subpar.

Nah, cartoon dubs fucking suck, anime and videogames are usually pretty good though.

>as a weeb

>switching the Xenoblade audio track from English to Japanese

Generally, I go with whatever I hear first - that sets what I expect the character to sound like and anything else sounds off.

BotW's English VA was so bad that even after playing the entire game with it, the Japanese still sounds more fitting.

played eng speak jap...jp is by far and away better


They're just ironic weeaboos, OP. Her eng voice is fine. An exaggerated fake British accent is way more fitting for a princess than a generic gook one.

Das rite, bitch.
t. Ian Paisley

>Not in English
That's absurd.

I'll be playing hard mode in Japanese.

Still amazed they patched in the sub option. Not that it's good on them or anything because that's how the game should've shipped, but I'm so accustomed to Nintendo fucking these things up.

I'm really glad they did since I will play it in a month and hoped for nip voices from the beginning.

>Talking about lack of emotion
>When the English dub exists

>Not that it's good on them or anything because that's how the game should've shipped
Considering they never do that, and how in fact no company ever lets you choose between all those languages, I say it's praiseworthy.

Hopefully it means good things for the future. If they insist on letting NoA handle localisations we might at least be able to use the original audio.

Really curious to see how all of this plays out. Nintendo seemed to have been interpreting "region-free" as "multi-region." Either the NoA cancer is metastasizing or it'll be kept in check by everyone else.

One person with a british accent is fine. But an entire party full of tea and crumpets makes my ears bleed. I played in English up to Satorl Marsh and just gave up. I couldn't take it any more.