Post yfw Death Stranding flops
Post yfw Death Stranding flops
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Post yfw he goes to prison
hillary cuck detected
Its flopping because it doesnt fucking exist
Kojima needs to be banished to Holywood already, disgraceful hack
>is told he's not under investigation for russia
>decides he can't be overshadowed in anything, even drama
>causes his own Obstruction of Justice Charge and threaten's the fbi head by tweeting
>Special Consul has all of Comey's Notes and Watergate Laywers looking into Trump
He's fucked, ya sister fucker.
>hoping for an unrelated investigation to end equals obstruction
i mean i know california doesnt send their strongest but try a little, beaner
>I get all my news from CNN
>he bought the laywer's crap line
Nixon was literally brought down for saying less than that, and there are 3 seperate cases of "hope" being enough to charge with Obstruction.
Might help to learn case history, redneck
It's a flawless pattern.
Death Stranding will take 10 years to come out and it will be shit.
only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump
city people voted for Hillary
nixon didnt say anything, he was caught red handed and people involved were ready to testify
might want to take your own advice
>>I get all my news from breibart and pol
>only retards voted for Trump
Oh hey would you look at this, Comey's got people to testify as well. Hurp Derp derp
also infowars and the daily stormer
8 years you pathetic little cuck.
So if the president gets impeached for election crimes what happens to the guy elected with him?
>le Hilary
you sound like the republicans at the comey hearing
>lets talk about Hilary's emails instead of the current subject at hand.also, here is McCain having a weird stroke
I hope he gets impeached solely just so the obnoxious trump-cucks would finally put a gun to their heads and pull the trigger.
tfw trump and hilliary suck ass and so does the far right/left
no he doesn't, flynn acted alone and is completely insulated from trump and his campaign
I have a bunch of memos
No I can't show it to congress, but you better believe me they exist
Also let me perjur myself so my testimony is worthless
You're going away big time drumpfie
he becomes the sitting president.Theres a whole list of people if he/she keels over n such
>Admitting you get info from a guy who just had to admit to a court he makes shit up to keep his kids.
>Admitting you get info from a guy who got his ass kicked by Yoplay
8 years and your little bitch tears aren't going to change a thing.
Comey has everybody he fucking told you goddamn moron. He literally rattled them off in hearing.
How are trumptards this retarded?
I read "Justice Charge" as "Justice League" at first and was really happy for a moment.
Comey is a liar.
>During one investigation you did X, during another invedtigation you did the exact opposite. Shouldn't an FBI director be impartial
Yeah, I understand the line of succession but he got elected with the president who got elected illegally so wouldn't he be part of it?
Im with you carl wtf is this shitposting on Sup Forums
>>Sup Forums
Blame that guy for baiting the lefties and rights, I bet he starts console wars and fuck puppies too.
Well if he was directly involved with the crime of the stand president. He could theatrically be tried for the same crime. I can't say for certain because we have never really had that issue
>the president who got elected illegally
Why isn't it illegal for CNN to spew such lies?
so much delusion in one post
you're a nintendo fan, right? you're still 11 years old, even after 35 years?
hi shareblue, any spots open for me?
>when trumples forget that Comey stood against Bushes wiretapping shenanigans.
If the president committed election fraud to get elected illegally but the vice president wasn't involved it'd be interesting cause the vice president didn't do anything wrong but still benefited from the crime and then becomes president after the removing of the president. A hypothetical situation but an interesting one about how that should be handled.
If Kojima was good enough to make movies he wouldn't be making video games in the first place.
>The biggest fucking boy scout the fbi has had in years
If he was the head of the nsa and cia. you'd have a case. The guy gave no fucks when he investigated Hilary during election. he gives no fucks about your partisan politics now
If anything any investigation is going to confirm trump has no tie to the russians.
>doesn't know what image search is
>The guy gave no fucks when he investigated Hilary during election.
He just said, under oath, that he got cucked by Loretta Lynch, and he used campaign slogans not to hurt Hillary's chances
>"Comey better hope there aren't any tapes of our conversations!"
>Release the tapes right now motherfucker. Do it RIGHT NOW!
>"I'll, uh, have more to say on this in the near future, folks. Stay tuned!"
He gets caught in every single lie he tells. Trump couldn't cover-up a pimple. It don't be today and it won't be tomorrow, but he's going down.