Original or All-Star version, Sup Forums?
Also original vs remaster thread I guess
Original or All-Star version, Sup Forums?
Also original vs remaster thread I guess
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I hope you're kidding
SMB2/lost levels - SNES
SMB3 - either
really only the first game that is worse off in the remake, something about the movement feels less polished
SMB2 got the worst treatment out of all.
Nintendo knew that shit wasn't a true Super Mario Bros 2 game
>good pic of the nes version
>shitty pic of the snes version
what even is your point?
if you play the games on the same screen, crt or plasma or whatever, the snes version clearly looks better
I don't know what point you guys are trying to make but all stars looks way better in both.
something feels off about the controls in AS version
SMB Deluxe, Lost Levels the NES original, anything but Advance for SMB2, SMA4 with e-Reader content unlocked for SMB3, World any version works but I like the colors and R for spin-jump of Advance 2 more because I'm a fag
the music is worse in allstars
physics are broken in allstars 1 and 2 JPN
art style is more generic in all stars
art style is convoluted and messy
they ruined the entire theme and style of mario 3
they sucked the soul our of it
Not sure about the movement but SMB1 had some weird stuff like changed music for underground/sky bonus and also plastering the bonus logo in the background.
I guess most work went into Lost Levels (If I'm not mistaken the NES version is different from the AS/Deluxe versions) and 3.
I think he means the coloured blocks that look like lego while NES version looks more like a throne room or whatever
>game still has all that, it's just a higher production play
>somehow this ruins the theme
What on earth did he mean by this?
The Lego is pretty shit but I always loved how kooky the background was with the decadent Castle that turned into some creepy warehouse the further down you got.
Alot of Allstars backgrounds were cool like that.
Why not both?
They're short games.
That's a remake you dumb fuck.
Virtual Console + SNES Versions.
Why not both?
Fuck the aesthetics they did something to the physics.
The Wii's box was definitely GOAT though
Is this the best remake-collection ever made?
Five fucking games, and all with new graphics. Something like that is inconceivable nowadays.
>Something like that is inconceivable nowadays.
From Nintendo? Yes but they know they can get away with it
But it's probably easier to do nowadays. The Uncharted Collection looks and runs better but they probably just used the original models without having to lower their qualities.
Then there is the Crash Remaster which is completely redone.
But then again you also get shit like the Silent Hill HD collection
Crash is the closest thing to All Stars I can think of. HD Collection are just the same game with a paint of coeat, but AS and Crash are re-made from the ground up.
GBA Versions are good too, but washed out for some reason.
Probably the second best versions to play aside from All Stars + World
And even then, SMA4 has new content for SMB3 which is neato.
Well you can't just increase the resolution for PS1 games so those have to be remade for HD collections.
>but washed out for some reason.
It's because you wouldn't see shit on the oGBA otherwise
Even with SPs and their backlit screens?
Don't forget those sweet EReader levels
That's SMB3's GBA port.
Well, you can actually see shit thanks to the backlit screen but game colors are still washed out. There are color correction patches though
I'm surprised the game doesn't have a level editor yet. Every object from the Advance series shows up in SMB3, which is amazing.
An option to change some of the tracks to their SNES versions would be nice too. GBA limitations hit the soundtracks quite a bit.
Admittedly some tracks on the GBA sound better than the original though.
Smb2 is the only one that ended up worse. The rest look better imo.
remember when we called things like that "remakes" instead of "remasters"
All Stars was remade ground up