ITT: Beta screenshots/Games that changed a lot during development

ITT: Beta screenshots/Games that changed a lot during development
Pic related obviously, Spore ended up being a SIGNIFICANTLY watered-down version of what was previously shown

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no wonder robin williams killed himself

Dude, too soon.

This kind of cancer killed Iwata.

>another amazing looking game had to be downgraded, technologies taken out because of consoles

b-based SONY!

Wasn't E3 I don't think but still hurt.

>believing ubisoft trailers

yeah because that's totally how the game was meant to look like, those graphics are definitely not just for promo material

>ubi meme
how young are you that you dont remember AC Unity shitting up the awesome nextgen consoles running at a flawless 900p18fps on the PS4 until it got downgraded in a patch?

How young are you that you don't remember the Assassin's Creed 2 downgrade?

>Amazing game

Alright let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Game had tons of issues besides muh graphics holding it back.

cant remember something that didnt happen since i played it on PC

>having reading comprehension

Ass creed 2 was pretty good tho senpai

Ubisoft showed it well how retarded majority of gamers are

>they dont downgrade
>people complain, because game runs like shit for poorfags and consoles
>they downgrade





So it's okay that Ubisoft is incompetent and can't optimize their video games to save their lives?

Operation Raccoon City

damn beat me to it

have FFXI's beta then

There was one ?

I remember the heavily orchestrated demo but I don't even remember it being downgraded.

its optimized you are just retarded

feel free to show me the so well optimized GTAV handling 1000 AI on your screen staying stable 200fps
engine would shit itself before even reaching half of that

>ITT: Beta screenshots/Games that changed a lot during development

MLB 17


If Ubisoft can't get the game to run on 900p on a PS4 at an acceptable framerate, it isn't optimized.
>your argument is invalid because here's a hyperbole!
Kill yourself.


not a hyperbole
Unity is having 1000 AI on your screen, probably even more at certain places and scenes
but its good to know you didnt even play the game

just letting you know that the previous gen engine that AC3 uses supported 2000 AI on screen, the current one supports up to 10k IIRC
how many AI does GTAV have in the city? 20 tops?

It's been more than a decade and I still haven't forgiven EA

The game as it was originally presented was quite literally out of my dreams, its design philosophy and aesthetic as presented was absolutely flawless. NuSpore and it's wasted potential gets me seething to this day.

Here is a full set of screenshots from World of Warcraft alpha development:

t. buttblasted autist

So Unity runs at 200fps on the PS4?
And saying
>x isn't shit because y is shittier
isn't an argument.

>look i am retarded: the post!
and real buttblasted lmao

shouldnt meme so much kid

This version of the game probably still exists on a hdd somewhere....

>cuts entire game

>get called out on retardation
>u-u-u-u-uhh... nuh-huh, you're the retard XD HAHAHA

>Cut scenes tell of giant rideable dragons, mine cart rides and discos filled with jiving pigs
>Cut scenes
el oh el

only one got called out on his retardation is you then you kept acting retarded

I think the beta still exists somewhere out there

I haven't played Spore since release. Is it worth playing now?


>saying "Unity runs at a stable 200fps is a hyperbole" is retarded
How far is Ubisoft's dick up your ass?
Can you see it coming out of your mouth?

still disappointed

>if a hardware cant handle a certain load its the developer's fault
t. retard
come back when Uncharted 4 is native4k60fps on the regular PS4

It's roughly the same as it was on release, save for a couple expansions

If a developer can't optimize their game so that the hardware can handle certain loads, then yes, it is the developer's fault.

you called my "1000 AI on screen" a hyperbole, except you got buttblastingly proven wrong
"Unity running at 200FPS" is your hyberbole which is retard on its own
its time to stop posting dear brainlet

or should i say
How far is Sony's dick up your ass?
Can you see it coming out of your brainlet mouth?
except the game was in development long before the devs actually got the PS4 and its specifications
they developed a game for an actual nextgen console, not PS3.5

>"Unity running at 200FPS" is your hyberbole
It isn't my hyperbole.
See I never said anything about the number of AIs on screen
>it's an "user is literally illiterate and can't follow a reply chain" episode
Every time.

>I never said anything about the number of AIs on screen
>its an user acts like he isnt as retard as he is episode
>dude it wasnt me totally!

It's actually pretty fun in a casual kind of way, as a little romp for a weekend or so.

And there is something pretty enjoyable in having your little cell turning into a galactic empire.

Gettin` lubed...

>d-dude there is 2 dudes acting as retarded as me every post!!!
shouldve just stopped posting after getting proven wrong

No that was me, but you should probably see the second part of .
Would like to point out where exactly in the number of AIs was mentioned, because I'm really not seeing it.

Damn, I must have watched that trailer a dozen times when I was a kid. Spore literally sounded like my dream game. It's a shame the final product was so shallow. I also didn't like how they switched to a more cartoony style. It just makes everything that happens in the game feel less "significant", if that makes sense.

Hold the fuck up. A spell list with TWO columns? Holy fucking shit.

ffxi is just like it's beta, you Mongol

Freelancer Beta.

Things Cut from game:
Auto-Turrets(Turrets are useless in Freelancer)
Dinamyc Lighting
A decent History
Capital Ships
Dinamy Economy

Fuck Microsoft.

>says i cant follow reply chains
>turns outs its actually him while also having reading comprehension

Ta FFXI өнөөдөp aдил бaйнa гэcэн, тa гoмoceкc хэлж бaйнa вэ?


Did your spell checker broke or something?

I don't think you get it, man. TWO COLUMNS.

There's no such thing as too soon, kys

I didn't even read your post but I bet you're going to reply to this like the buttblasted autist you are.

Not to be devil's advocate, but with the current budget/technology ratio we have right now you wouldn't be able to make a proper Spore game even now.
It's just too ambitious.

Please stop using the word "retardation" you angsty little underage fucks

>DivX Video watermark
Goddamn that takes me back. There was a time when downloading a short 1 minute trailer at 144p took me an entire day on my 56k dial up.

Here ar 50 minute of cut stuff from the first Serious Sam game and BFE:

sorry I don't speak Ebonics: white nigger edition
wooow, it's fucking nothing

some cut map data from Dark Souls 2




If you still gave a shit at that point about AC you're essentially admitting to being young as fuck




It's only worth it for creating the Phallon Empire and erupting all over the surrounding alien civilizations for a few hours before getting bored and closing it.


Caring about AC after AC: Revelations (with the exception o Black Flag) is retarded. Series died with Brotherhood, Revelations was the final nail.

Straight out of Game of Thrones.

Looks like Eleum Loyce, together with the pit in the ground so you can go straight to hell.

>Fuck Microsoft.

Freelancer dev is a hack with no concept of project management who ran out of money trying to shove way too much pointless shit into the game.

Star Citizen is basically what freelancer would have been with nobody step in an save the game.


i watched the original hour long video dozens of times

realistically though, the game was probably never going to be what they said it was going to be. people always talk about how much was cut, but the problem the game had wasn't that it was missing water creatures or a hut builder or whatever, the problem was that what was there was paper thin.

Prey 2

Space stage with the Adventures expansion is fun

What could have been

from this

to this

>we were going to get a more open, sprawling world
>got cut down into bits and pieces and felt disjointed due to being rushed to finish with what they had
I'll always be upset we weren't able to play the Dark Souls 2 that was envisioned.