No. No. That doesn't even give me the credit I deserve. I fucking invented New Vegas Threads! Do you like eating? Good...

No. No. That doesn't even give me the credit I deserve. I fucking invented New Vegas Threads! Do you like eating? Good. You owe me your entire goddamned garbage existence.

Other urls found in this thread:,

whats stopping me from grabbing an incinerator and cleansing the cannibal casino

Gotta get that casino money first.

I dunno if the securitrons go apeshit on you for that. I imagine they would.

Basic human morality

Killing is wrong

>tfw no Three Nog radio to bitch about how killing off the cannibal clan was evil and racist and they just bout to get they lives back on track and dindu nuffin

Gotta take a screenshot with my kamen rider armor


Is there a way to get the flesh-tone skin to actually display? Installing it with that option just gets me the standard white and matte skin.

Do you have the DOA update file installed?

F4Quickloot just stopped working after doing Veronica's quest and 20~ hours of playing.
I installed another quickloot mod but it doesn't work either.

Nope. I managed to find version 2.2 off some backwater website, but haven't heard anything about an update file.

Ok, thanks for letting us know.

>lorebreaking mods

quick, claim your raifu!

gimmie a few, uploading it to my drive if you wanna trust a random new vegas user

Obsidian will be present tonight at Bethesda's conference. Fallout:New Orleans is coming this fall!

What's a good survival mod? Preferably one with realistic damage, to opponents and myself

Can any body tell me what mod(s) this video shows? I want my NV to look like this:

>be at The King's place with Cass
>one of the Kings catcalled her and she shit talked him back
What the fuck, I didn't know that companions could interact with random NPCs other than Veronica and the BoS

They don't. You can shoot up any of the casinos with no repercussions outside the casino.

Much appreciated, user.

DUST is the best one out there. Just make sure you get the tunneler's perception fix at, for some reason the original modder who made Dust set the tunnelers levels absurdly high and makes them impossible to hide from.


looking for something similar. not necessarily a survival mod but something that will make the combat more challenging without making the enemies bullet sponges

because quickloot is buggy as fuck, just get rid of it permanently

I think Veronica will respond if one of the female hookers in Gomorrah flirts with her

Here you go, 2.2 plus the update file. You should know what to do. Coulda sworn you need a version of Lings, but don't quote me on that.

Lemme know if it works user

It saves a lot of time though.

unless it doesnt work :^)

>"Have you seen what one of those anti-materiel rifle does to a deathclaw?"
oh yeah i did
.50 MG explosive = red mist

>works for the first few hours flawlessly
>occasionally you entire HUD is getting fucked/not functioning afterwards
>stops working altogether plus other things too
>spend the saved time from looting to fix a broken mod
>it cannot be fixed anyway

don't get me wrong, i love the mod but it's just not worth it
it's like getting a dream gf just to lose her shortly after, scarred and living on with the great memories that you'll never experience again

this just takes out all the fun though
>not crippling their legs with grenades and playing with them just to finally finish them with the super sledge

Stay back ain't too shabby, nothing like living on the edge, wrangling an entire pack

it really depends on the target though, at least for me
i try to use big guns when there's an opportunity because i love explosions on big targets
Annabelle, Esther and so on is no fun indeed on a few humanoids

for torture i cripple the legs too, shoot the gun and melee out of their hands, joggle next to them for a while while fleeing and once i get bored i just place a mine in the path where they are fleeing to

Ah, nope. Still stuck on the matte white skin. I've gotta get ready for work so I dont have time to tinker with it more now, but thanks for trying, user!

Why did the Great Khans think it wqs a good idea to team up with the faction that would massacre them when given the chance?

Post your favourite quotes, guys
>they asked how well I understand. I said theoretical physics. They said hello.

Because they were told by the Legion that that is not how things would go, and they were desperate and ignorant enough for Papa Khan to believe it.
You completely fucked up.

Because the Legion lied to them

The quote is actually

>Do you understand theoretical physics? I have a theory in degree

>truth is, I had a rig to start

>i enjoy killing, but when I do chores, it's any other

I have a THEORETICAL DEGREE in physics. They said, "Welcome aboard."
Oh, so we're just meme misquoting?

which armors in unmodded NV are best at showing that FemCourier ass?

also Fallout NV: Redux when?

Vault Jumpsuits, obviously.

Cass's outfit. Thank me later.


No, you're wrong, he had a degree in theoretical hello. Physics?



The purification of the waste from degenerates, mutants and abominations goes beyond morality.

>using heavy script mods in NV
>not knowing scripts are tied to your save game
>not knowing the longer you play the more unstable your save game becomes

Also mods can break in this game. and the best way to resolve it is to load a game before it broke.

1 more thing, FCO - Glowing one should be removed. especially if you plan on playing through russell and the inheritance. FCO glowing ones has issues.

please refer to pic for heavy a load order guideline

>not dynamites and a silenced .22
Step it up profiligate.

Post your mod list and explain in detail why it's better than everyone else's modlist and you are the best New Vegas poster on Sup Forums.

I am too lazy to do my own research so I am appealing to Sup Forums's ego.

Anything new on the sex-mod horizon?

When can my trap MC get bred by geckos?

What's so special about NV,that it has it's own thread everyday?

> INB4 I'm not trolling,I like the game too.Just like.


get this fucking tumblr gif out of here

It just works.


If you haven't found any Communists in your back yard, you're not looking hard enough!

What stats would you recommend for a Moira Brown run?

>A nuclear winter, makes you patrol for wish the Mojave


Charisma 1.

Why would you want to roleplay as a retarded unfunny obnoxious bitch?

You like the sight of your own blood?

>nobody has a dick. my name is Long Johnson, hence the name

The last time I tried to use Mod Organizer over FOMM, bad things happened.

How do you not have problems?

>Nerd Rage
>Wild Wasteland
>Math Wrath
>Jury Rigging
>Vigilant Recycler
>Certified Tech

This one made me kek

Had enough?

0 All combat skills
70 repair
60 science
90 speech
10 sneak
80 medicine

2 strength
7 agility
5 int
9 luck
3 agility
2 perception
9 charisma

I mean honestly she seems like a fucking moron.
she gets so fucking lucky that vault dweller is giving her the time of day
and she manages to convince the vault dweller to
>check out a area with a high chance of raider activity
>run through a mine field
>get irradiated for the fuck of it
>break all your fucking bones for the fuck of it
>sneak into a mirelurk lair
>manages to make chemical that literally makes mole rats heads explode

and on top of all that she manages to survive a fucking nuclear blast.

so yea.
more of a charismatic and lucky type, than a combat one.

Hope I helped

[Hands hold smile]

Nyeheheah high-roller!

Then why did I want to shoot her in the face the entire time?

I killed him every Fo3 playthrough. BOS shill who won't STFU and let me listen to the radio, also whines about "muh ghouls" if you teach them a lesson in Warrington.

I don't the only real issue I had is that archive invalidation is not set up right for NV. took hours to figure out how to fix it.

little did I know that the invalidation bsa has to match its location in the ini, regarding the archives. and the archive text in the profile folder needs to be matching as well. No where on the internet could I find this. also bEnablefileselection=1 will sometimes revert to 0 for no reason. so, that was fun

>best girl in the game
>turns out to be a lesbian


Want to is not the same as doing.
Also you most likely did her quest for her right?
even if you kill her, most other players did her quest.

>Best girl in the game

Caesar has marked you for death

It was a time when hearing Laura Bailey would give my willy the jitters.

Veronica ran her tongue in Christine's unshaved pussy.

If only...

I didn't do the quests for her, I did them for the rewards.
When a person is truly charismatic, you don't want to stuff a grenade in their mouth the second they open it

Caesar has marked you for death

how can you play without interior lighting overhaul? or electro-city for that matter

>when a mute girl has more personality than all the npcs in New Vegas combined

Caesar has marked you for death

More like marked me for free money

My point was that she isn't best anything retard. She's an awful degenerate lesbo who can't do anything for herself.

>interior lighting overhaul
You can't.

Everything about it is pointless. Especially the part with the ghost power plant near Helios I. It's never getting fixed, is it?

NCR has marked you for death

>walk north out of Goodsprings
>casually brain an NCR Trooper at McCarran with a lead pipe and take his uniform
>take the monorail into Vegas
>walk straight into the Tops
>talk Benny upstairs and come back down wearing his suit
>walk outside
>"Das Kaiser admires your accomplishments!"

But I didn't do anything

>ED-E and Boone spots them from a far and takes down the faggot with the sledge
>kill everyone
>jury rig sledge and sell

What do they actually say? Ive never done a full "fuck the NCR" run before.

you walked all the way to vegas to just to kill someone possibly also to continue your courier delivery

Gloria has marked you for death

what do you mean "you can't". and electro-city adds a fuck ton of ambiance to the game if you're using a darker nights mod. it's absolutely essential IMO but I see you're using Clarity for some reason instead of Nevada Skies, i've read that Clarity doesn't work at all with superior weather/lighting mods

doesn't electron-city fuck up nights?

4 rangers come and shoot you