Will you buy her game Sup Forums ?

Will you buy her game Sup Forums ?

somone buy her game

Game looks fun, so yeah I guess.

She's hot, but will people seriously buy a game because of that?

Because sex sells and people are fucking sheep with no original thoughts of their own.

>Star wars battlefront
you fucking idiots, why would you ever buy it, they literally showed info on the pre-order bonuses before ANY gameplay was shown

what's her endgame?

I wouldn't buy Battlefront even if it came with sex.

Why is she not wearing an armor?

only if she comes with it

I want her to dominate me!

It's not as good as the old battlefront ii

To have sex with me.

Yes. Just need to see or at least know Dooku, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Jango, Grievous, Anakin, Rex, and Ahsoka are in the game/will be coming

I feel like i'm the only male between the ages of 20-30 that doesn't like Star Wars.

star wars is gay. 21y here

32 here, I hate it.
It's trash.

Vidya wise though, I enjoyed the original battlefront games

I don't buy games for 3DPD girls

Game also looks like boring shit

Yes it looks fun.

Star Wars is for children desu but I like video games and Star Wars video games are pretty neat.

I don't give a fuck about the new films but being able to chop people up as Maul is always fun.

No goddammit I don't like Star Wars!

i like the idea of starwars, but everything it under that name is shit

I don't give a shit about Battlefield and I don't give a shit about Star Wars so no

22 Years Old and I haven't even watched the original trilogy
Revenge of the Sith is OK

No but my sister's normie husband will

No, I don't buy EA shit.

Doubly so when there's a chance of a percentage of my sale going to the UN.

How anybody outside of sport dudebros haven't permanently added EA to their shitlist of developers/publishers is completely beyond me.

Same with Zelda.

>have friend who is star wars fan
>watch video about how star wars took inspiration from all these sources
>he gets pissy and keeps saying the video is stupid and he doesn't like the idea of it not being 100% original
>he constantly buys star wars merchandise and games
>me and someone else watch third prequel with him and he gets mad when we laugh at the powerpoint-tier screen transitions (it has a fucking circle wipe and windshield-wiper wipe)
Star wars fans are like cultists tbqh, and I feel most like it simply because they haven't been exposed to any other good space sci-fi

this desu, like you got a setting with sith and jedi that could explore a more complex theme
but nah gotta be a good vs evil because western writers are bunch of hack


22 here. The two battlefront games that came out of it was the only good thing about the entire franchise.

26 here, I never got the appeal of Star Wars outside of light sabers.

20-30 year olds probably likes Star Wars the least. We grew up hearing about how the prequels sucked so much ass. Meanwhile those older grew up with the original trilogy and those younger are growing up with the damn good Disney ones.

Holy shit I fucking love Star Wars

24 here, I love starwars but I feel like they are raping a dead corpse

I'm a sucker for mysticism and lore, so I really loved SW:KotOR, following in the footsteps of Revan and Malak in the ruins on Dantooine, finding out about the Builders and the Star Forge. Finding the Rakata and that old temple. That was the best shit.
Later was really exited to play Inquisitor in SW:ToR. Expected to explore ancient Sith tombs and looking for SIth artifacts.
Instead get a shitty "chosen one" story.

she's the VA for one of the main characters of the game
so in a way she does

Jokes on them, I jerked off and closed the stream before the trailer even started

Why do women pretend to like Star Wars?

Female special forces?




Tons of merch that guys will notice them for wearing.

Battlefront and Jedi Knight were great games.

They should have shown some singleplayer footage.

I might if the multiplayer is actually fun and they fixed the spawning system. Fuck enemies spawn right behind you.

Don't care about the single player SJW trash story with muh forced strong black womyn protagonist.

t. guy with gigabytes of porn

Absolutely not.

Fuck no. Fuck EA and fuck Dice. Fuck them for killing my favorite series.