5 days until saltblood

When the launch-final tooltips come out, which classes are going to find out they got something awesome they didn't know was coming, and which classes are going to be devastated that they got "nerfed" compared to the media event tooltips?

Mostly the latter, I think a lot of the choices were made with the power creep in mind.

I should be excited for the new jobs, new skills, story, areas... But I just can't.

I know they wont fix a shit about the game problems. I know it will be HW 3.0 all over again, also known as 2 endgame dungeons, 2 shitty trials, 4 stupid raid bosses (easy as hell too like Creator) and nothing else but leveling all classes to 70 and jewing on the market board.

Give me some reason to be excited. Do it, please.

>all sequels to a game are the same
shocking right

Have you considered that mmos might not be your type of game?

Have you considered your mum's pussy

If you are anything other than Roe/Elezen/Hyur you are literally cancer and should kill yourself and improve your taste.

Reminder: If you raid you're stupid.
This game is best played as a singleplayer game with bad ally AI.

>if you are a white straight male you should check your privilege

this is how you sounds, lad

All the time.

I started playing about a week ago, I just reached level 38 and learned "Ruin II" and after a little reading I learned that it doesn't replace Ruin but instead functions as an alternative for certain situations.

Both spells do the exact same damage but Ruin II also inflicts blind and is instant cast but it costs double the MP and it can't be used in low level synced dungeons. So basically you need both on your bars just in case certain situations popped up.

Also I heard that the new expansion is trying to fix some of this, I don't know specifically what's changing but basically my thoughts now is just to not bother playing the game and learning anything about my class for the next 5 days since it's going to become irrelevant soon anyway.

I guess I'll just go hang out in the saucer for a while and play other games. Not that I'm not enjoying the game or anything just that I want a clear head for the new stuff. Basically this game is pretty great from what I've seen so far.

>2 endgame dungeons

How to fix WHM: literally Just give it WHM skills, it already has enough healing spells

>Shell: partywide cd that reflects a small % of the damage you take from enemies back at them for 20~ seconds
>Reraise: very long cd that gives target one auto-life stack, automatically brings target to back 50% health when hp reaches 0, bypasses weakness
>Replenish: Partywide cd doubles the effect of food for 1 minute
>Haste: single target cd that doubles percentage based procs for 20s
>Valor: Add 30 potency to a target's next weaponskill combo. activates on use of first skill and ends when the combo finishes or the combo is broken.

I don't know why yoshi hates them in XIV, they were utility kings in the other games

SICK meme my dude!

>being so autistic to care what other people play in a video game
tipping my hat to you, good sir

Couldn't disagree more.
The only part of the game that's fun and relevant is the race to server first.
Maybe you're just a shit tier player with shit tier understanding of the game calling everyone else stupid because you're literally a retard.

So, HW got us 4 (counting NIN kinda as HW job) new jobs and a new race.

SB pruned skills, got only 2 jobs, no new race and seems to be same otherwise.

I thought the game was doing well. How come they have comperatively less stuff this time around?

Things will be a bit confusing at first for everyone, no need to worry too much about it now.

Ruin is better than Ruin 2 if you don't have to move; same potency, cheaper on MP.
Ruin 2 avoids the DPS loss from movement, but costs more MP instead.

Stormblood will barely change anything summoner has from 1 to 60, it will only add more. So, don't avoid it for a week, go level that shit.

game is bleeding subs and they are not investing into a bigger crew to improve overall content quality

EVEN SICKER meme my dude!

that dude really cant draw ankles/shoes
rest is top tier tho

Please look forward to 40-minute leveling dungeon runs because shitters can't adapt for shit.

Trips, also, wait for release or patch notes that will inevitably show up by Wednesday. Don't trust the tooltips you saw at the media reveal.

Rhiki obviously.

It's not confusion. I understand it fine, maybe I said that wrong.
What I don't want to do is get my hands used to keybind layouts before I change everything up.
If half my spells are going to consolidate in a few days I can wait.

>character's pretty much balthier
>no fran AI ever

>It's the people who can't network in an MMO call people who raid stupid episode

upvoted, be sure to submit this to the official forum in the thread with 250+ armchair developer suggestions under: changes that will never ever happen

Bold statement with nothing to back it up.

>The only part of the game that's fun and relevant is the race to server first.
That, let's face it, you've never gotten. Nobody who actually knows how to play the game on that level is on fucking Sup Forums.

>Maybe you're just a shit tier player with shit tier understanding of the game calling everyone else stupid because you're literally a retard.
And maybe you're just a shitposting autist with shit tier 'goals' you've never actually reached yourself but fellate people who do, because you're literally a tryhard retard.

>tfw want to play FFXIV but always feel overwhelmed with all the content i have to catch up on

I guess YoshiP got sick of people saying "I JUST WANT TO HEAL" and decided to go full "pure healer" on WHM.
Like WARs and "MUH DPS, MUH CLEAVES", since they got nothing but new ways to DPS even harder in SB.

I bet you call Sephirot all the time.

If you're memeing about the one interview, it's 2 new dungeons every even patch, 1 new dungeon every odd patch
4.0 is an even patch :^)

What's the best way to earn 2.5 million gil before early access starts? Besides whoring myself out for ERP.

>server first
>not even world first

Actually I obtained it for T9, T9S, A4S and A8S.
We're better at the harder ones and not as good at the easier ones.
And it's one of the highest pop servers.
Not that you have any reason to believe me, nor would I provide any proof on Sup Forums.

>this post
fukcing lmaoing IRL @ u

>I guess YoshiP got sick of people saying "I JUST WANT TO HEAL"

That is pretty much why I prefered the way XI handeled their balancing by simply ignoring the NA crowd. Nothing but WoW 2.0 can come out of this if they keep listening to those people.

I know this feeling. That's the reason I eased myself into it by focusing one thing at a time until I was comfortable to move onto the next thing. It gets worse if you stop playing for a while.


Just buy it.

Didn't ignore the NA crowd, user. They were just less of a priority until bad press happened.

It's not. Instead of a new race, they decided to rehaul existing jobs. To get rid of bloat and filler.

I think they made a good decision.

>Haste: single target cd that doubles percentage based procs for 20s
>Reload CD is 30s in SB
>Quick Reload CD is 15s
>DOUBLES percentage based procs for 20s

>tfw can't choose which superior nihonjin job to be

>press Scourge out of habit
>end up using some other shit
>remember that Scourge is kill

Are Jump Potions coming out soon? Do we have concrete details on them yet?

WHM has the highest personal DPS though. It's stupider to not DPS on WHM than on any other healer.

16th and we've had full details since the live letter

Just let me give it to you

WHM has the worst MP management when DPSing. That's why WHM can't be the main DPS healer.
It wouldn't last longer than a single phase.

The trick isn't to ignore them, but to do the exact opposite of what the NA community at-large wants.

>Hardcores crying for harder content
Nuke the difficulty so more people raid
>Casuals call for nerfing the content, or story modes of shit
Make more difficult content with exclusive rewards so they have to step-up or step-out
>People want more male glamours
Tell them to get fucked and make more female-exclusive stuff

>they decided to rehaul existing jobs

So, are we going the WoW route of completely reworking classes with every expansion now?

If so, fuck this shit.

When will the combat be more than puddle dodging
When will the open world actually have something to do in it other than walk through once
When will fights consist of more than gated DPS and HPS checks and debuff icons
When will crafting, food and potions actually do something and be necessary
When will free companies actually be able to do half the shit they're supposed to
When will gathering be more than a UI window
When will the game be more than a town-idling queue-for-puddle-dodger simulator

>Come back next week to replay the same content to move through the next portion of the progress bar for increasing your number until it is equal to or greater than the number selected for this patch's content!

Sell crafted mats.

aruso swimming yes yes hai hai preasu rook forwado to ito

But it's getting better in Stormblood with Thin Air ad 60s Assize, and they're still the highest personal DPS healer and also now by far the best AoE DPS healer. The idea that WHM is intended for those who only want to heal is stupid.

Rehaul was the wrong word, they condensed and pruned skills. Classes still play mostly the same, they just lost some fluff and gain a few things in SB, often things that just amplify or augment the job's unique feature that already exists.

Unless you're Bard or Machinist, then you get overhauled pretty hard every expansion apparently.


Reflect: single target, reflects 100% of the next damage instance back at source. Duration: 3s. Cannot be cast on self

we parry now

When you quit and find a different game.

>MCH main

I just don't know user... they took everything and returned very little other than a really dumb GS tier minigame. There is literally no reason to take a MCH over a BRD at all.

Oh sure, sure, but it cannot compete with extended shroud with possible ewers, nor with aetherflow and shroud and energy drains.
WHM should absolutely not be "only a healer" of course, but in raid it couldn't do the job of the second healer because it literally wouldn't be able to last long enough when DPSing.

>When will this genre stop being this genre
Some time around half-past fuck off.

that'd need a gigantic cooldown for how powerful that'd be, imagine the damage from using that on huge tankbuster

Let's be real though, the GCD is way too long.

sounds pretty damn exploitable

>reflect a big 20k damage tankbuster
>free dps lb3

lets hear your suggestions

>Reflect: single target, reflects 100% of the next damage instance back at source. Duration: 3s. Cannot be cast on self

>Cannot be cast on self

What happens if I cast reflect on someone and then cast it on them a second time?

>MMOs are not allowed to have side content, usable crafting or an interactive world

WoW, Silk road and Mabinogi say hello

They honestly couldn't have made more changes unless they had thrown out the battle system entirely and done a 1.0 -> 2.0 level of rebuild. Although I know that's what most of you here want, given all the constant miserable whining.

>20k damage tankbuster
Final Punch in A8S was 62K.

A1S' tank buster, A4S' 4th Mortal Revolution, and A12S' Mega Holy and Holy Bleed are all 28k.

Fuckin lol

None of the crafted mats I can make sell for anything.

>reflect a12s final judgment
>you win
Holy kek

>reflecting ~30000 damage on a boss with probably ~5-8 million HP
Not really. If you gave it a 30 second cooldown that'd be about 1000 DPS. Compared to the 4000 DPS the actual DPS classes will probably be doing at level cap that's not that much. Give it a 90 second cooldown if you're really worried about balance.

Sell tomestone/GC items.

Yeah I'm not really confident they know what the fuck they're doing with Bard/Machinist. Bard's changes look extremely welcome just by nature of fuck Wanderer's Minuet, but Machinist was already in a great place, it didn't seem necessary to totally overhaul them just to maintain the parity of 'well if one ranged doesn't have to cast than the other can't either'

But who knows if that was the thought, that's just my guess considering that's seemingly how WM came about to begin with.

I mean, Monk essentially didn't change at all. They still do the exact same shit in the same order at the same times, just minus ToD and Fracture. Black Mage still revolves around Enochian, Dragoon around Blood of the Dragon, most job's core rotation did not change. And that is by and large a good thing (Monk could've used a bit of a change or at least something new).

They could have Bard level re-done every godamn job.

Make ones that do

Whm has the best mana management in 4.0 with 48s assize, shroud and thin air, sad that to can't use your brain and need to rely on le whm is bad meme

just hit 50 MIN

the fuck do I gear up, just auction board?

suffer until you can get the moogle shit at 51

Vendors in Ishgard.

That's still a shorter CD than it takes to build up an LB3.

i said huge tankbuster, not your average "one cooldown and you're good" ones. already listed off some far more potent ones that could fuck up bosses a bit
there's also the fact that a smaller cooldown for something like that could negate the need for tank cooldowns entirely for the most part unless a boss fires them off one after the other after the other, and if that ends up being the case tanks will always cheese it with invuln cooldowns

which vendors? any?

If you got a DoH at 50+, go through the Moogle stuff, otherwise buy it from the Ishgard vendors. Moogle vendor offers stuff up to 58.

No, I main raid WHM you cunt.
Its spells cost a higher % of its MP pool than any of the other healers, and it has the worst MP generation of any of the healers.
>AST can draw ewers, though tries not to, and ALWAYS extends Lucid Dreaming
>SCH has Aetherflow AND Lucid Dreaming AND Energy Drain
>WHM has Lucid Dreaming, Thin Air and Assize, but its spells cost so much it cannot DPS nearly as long
Fuck you. Learn the shit you're talking about before preaching such utter bullshit.

During Broken Seal, can I still prevent aoe damage if I handle a mark WITHOUT having an element debuff?
It's not Zurvan EX if it matters

Agreed. A good MCH would never spend too much time casting anyways. And if they want to maintain a parity between the classes I have no idea why they gave BRD tons of support and left MCH with... whatever pic related is supposed to be.

Seriously, do SCH ever use their Pet eat skill?

Silk road style world-based trading integrated with FCs or market board or some shit
Major rework of gathering so it's actually viable income
Major rework of food, potions, crafting, etc. so that it is essentially mandatory to participate in or at least purchase rather than the faceroll useless distraction it currently is
Major rework of gil so that it is far more useful and required, such that economic power translates into better ability to complete battle content and obtain rarer glamours, etc.
Severely cripple the duty finder so that most higher level duties require active communication and cooperation to form a group for
Revamp dungeons and combat so that consumables, food and armour are now required, and exploration, choice and randomness are now present in dungeon design
Revamp battles so that classes have actual utility and interaction beyond "put out a slightly larger or smaller number on the enemy's head"
Actually give company airships a function
Uncap tomestones because fuck off
Introduce permanent equipment damage and durability, requiring high level crafting to avoid/mitigate

I could go on
Basically tie all systems to all the others so that everything that is presently irrelevant and ignored is finally given some impact, rather than being thrown to the side to make it easier for the battle team to balance content.

The ones with gathering gear in Ishgard, silly.

>dying on Zurvy normal

fuck that crafting autism

just levelling MIN for the hell of it

MNK got fucked over. They are the only job with ZERO new attacks, not even upgrades of existing attacks. Even the healers all got new attacks. I would have even settled for making Tornado Kick not garbage.

Riddle of Fire replaces Blood for Blood. Riddle of Earth replaces Tornado Kick in most circumstances. One-Ilm Punch is still shit. Arm of the Destroyer is still shit. All their other abilities are identical just with less potency. The only real change they got was free random chakras and a raid damage cooldown in Brotherhood.

Norlaise in the Jeweled Crozier sells level 50 gear
A moogle in churning sell 51,53,55 gear but you have to unlock the beast tribe I think

I get it, you want to destroy the game.