What went wrong?
What went wrong?
from the time I played persona 4 to the time p5 came out, I grew out of anime, so the writing and the tropes of this game irritated me to no end.
it was never going to be as good as 4 people were set up for disappointment from the start.
The main plot is honestly totally underwhelming.
I just want to fucking get on with my social linking and dungeon exploran but everytime the whole DUDE FUCK ADULTS shit gets in the way. Kamoshida sets the bar way too high in the beginning and most things after that often feels very forced. P3 and P4 had much better motivation for what you're doing.
Protagonist goes back home at the end
You have to have max proficiency (lol) to even start on haru level 2 rank when she come so late already. Fucking bullshit.
Also you need max charm and rank 4 knowledge to even do makoto.
That why I rather just use morgana, ryujj, and ann for the endgame.
Ryuji and Ann are the best party members but Morgana is inferior to Makoto in everyway
>yeah we should totally get famous
>I think that's a bad idea
>we totally gotta look for a big name target to get our name out there
>yo I really don't wanna do that
>let's have a forum where people just call everyone out by their real names when we have absolutely no idea what the history or story between these people is and are just going to take them at their word
>why don't we just not do that?
>now we have to take down okunura, then we'll be famous!
>I really think this is a bad idea, can't we just go after the fiance instead?
>oh shit! Look what happened! We got too carried away and lost sight of our goal...
Pretty much nothing, desu
Nothing. Goty
It's a dating sim that pretends to be an rpg
I liked the characters in P4 better.
Some of the stat requirements for S links were kind of high. Kindness was a bitch to get up.
Other than that it was great the whole time.
>hey do you think the change of heart worked?
>>Let's believe
>>I don't know
No, Morgana. I don't need to sleep.
>no salvation
>no samarecarm
>weaker magic
Waifufags need to gtfo
You don't need either of those skills.
While I think it's a great game it had a lot of problems which should have been fixed considering how long it was in development
One thing I really disliked is how absolutely terrible groupchat is in this game
After futabas dungeon and the xth time "do you think it worked" came up I just started skipping all phone related shit
It ended.
True, but I still fail to see how makoto is good. She can do a lot of things, yes, but nothing well.
I like Yusuke's and Futaba's random text chats.
>was never going to be as good as 4
It's literally better than 4 in every way..
Except Morgana is equally as bad as Teddie.
P3FES with p5 gameplay/graphics would be perfection
>forces you into a week-long cutscenes that force you to sleep instead of letting you level up skills, hang out with confidants and prepare for your next trip to mementos/castle
>romantic relationships do not change the way people interact with you other than valentines/christmas
>castles got boring after the 3rd
>ending has 0 pay off
>re-treads same narrative about 50 times
>also this
the only redeeming factor of this game was the first 20-30 hours and the option to fuck your teacher
The game just think the player is idiot
I honestly hope they drop the mascot type character and the "full teenagers" team and go for a mix with adults like eternal punishment
sorry meant for
Morgana is insufferable. He's completely unnecessary after the first dungeon but he constantly acts like a cocky asshole and pretends he's the only thing keeping the Thieves together, and we're supposed to feel bad for him after he almost ruins everything with Haru. Fuck that cunt.
They seriously need to drop the highschool setting for P6, it's so played out and they need to change the formula.
If it aint broke (money wise) dont fix it
inb4 P6 takes place in college and nothing actually changes
didn't they literally say "no more high schools" for their new fantasy title?
Well having a defense buff, an uncommon weakness, an element that plenty of enemies are weak to, and lastly pretty well rounded stats is why people prefer using her to Morgana.
Play persona 2 EP
There ARE idiots who thought the pancake is supposed to be a twist, you know, like screaming that they knew it because it was so obvious it should be a red herring and that the game clearly insulted their intelligence.
It isn't a twist btw.
She can take damage while Morgana is made out of paper
She has a higher SP than him
She has Marakukaja for better party survivability
And she can second awaken her persona way earlier than Morgana's because he can only do it end game
That i actually don't know, but for the persona series It'd really be a breath of fresh air if they dropped the highschool and tried to surprise us
then what is it?, pointlest filler?
It really feels like there's a lot of cut or shuffled content after Kamoshida. Like the team had tonnes of ideas but the director had to pare it down to just 1 year.
persona was literally designed to be high-school SMT
that's the base concept of the series
Not much, it was a great game.
Oh sorry, we have to hate it because its the Sup Forums hivemind. My bad.
A red herring for the real twist. But that's not much for the final twist. Since I'm that twisted kind of person I just enjoyed the good ending.
P4fags still haven't been gassed.
>persona was literally designed to be high-school SMT
Director has said he originally wanted to make P5 a backpacker game.
Too much overhype
>twist aren´t a twist at all
>the real twist was i knew it all along
>w....why aren´t you surprised?
ok user
You'll get it if you play the game. The traitor's identity isn't a twist.
EP sales figures shows this is not what their fans want
*the real twist was that I knew it all along and I also conveniently only forgot the exact 2 parts where I talked about our plan in the flashback that other than that covered every little thing that happened over the span of half a year
P5 gets way too little shit for that
Morgana is fucking awful and forced on you for 80% of the playtime until he's replaced by Futaba.
You get the last party member when there's barely like a month and a half left in the story, it's almost impossible to romance her or even do her S links.
Main villain is fucking carbon copy of the last game, even his name is incredibly similar.
The most memorable villain was Kamoshida, the rest weren't nearly as impactful or well written or detailed as he was.
Mementos music is the worst thing ever.
The game is fantastic, those are just the issues that stuck out to me.
It's a real shame that a character that starts out so good winds up being such a completely worthless piece of shit later on.
What you're referring to isn't a twist either and you're a faggot if you think it is.
The real twist is that your group wasn't a bunch of reactive buffoons like SEES and the IT. The PT was extremely competent after being BTFO during mid-game
That they bait and switched on protagonists about a forth of the way into the game. I honestly had no idea Makoto would end up being the mc after all
Teddie didn't follow you around in a backpack or sleep in your house and shit up literally every dialogue sequence in the game.
seriously, not only is Morgana the worst, most annoying character, he also has probably around a 70% or more share of the game's total dialogue, and has about 90% of the screentime. He's more the protagonist than the MC.
That's a none issue, really. Japan is pretty small, everything is just a couple of train rides away.
>main villan
>carbon copy
Shido... and who? Adachi?
or are you trying to say that Izanami sounds similar to demiurge?
>Main villain is fucking carbon copy of the last game, even his name is incredibly similar.
>Main villain
>The most memorable villain was Kamoshida
>Masayoshi "Armstrong" Shido
>Not memorable
I agree with you on absolutely everything but
>Mementos music is the worst thing ever
You for real nigga? I jammed out to that every time I went there. It gets a little repetitive but I adore that tune.
I just want to post a picture of best girl.
>here's our villain he's a supernatural serial killer with brown hair named Tohru Adachi
>here's our villain he's a supernatural serial killer with brown hair named Goro Akechi
seriously I actually rolled my eyes when I first heard his name and immediately assumed he was going to be the one. It honestly would have been a more shocking twist if he didn't betray you.
She was not.
He gets better though.
Teddie was extremely annoying. Morgana got tolerable after setember
His english voice is a pain though
>The real villian helped the player because muu humanity resolve etc
Persona 4 already did that
Akechi was not the main villain you stupid idiot.
It was already gonna be him since the dude didn't even appear in the opening.-
Morgana only gets tolerable after September because he gets replaced and even fucking leaves your party for a bit, thank fucking god.
Game was introducing characters like Yusuke, Makoto and Futaba as sort of villains as if I didnt already know they were party members from like the first fucking trailer, and the opening credits, as well as the fucking start menu.
Writing was all over the place.
Story days were railroaded as fuck.
Romancing is incosequential.
nothing went wrong user, it's the top rated PS4 game of all time.
Makes sense, gods would probably start to become interested in humans after a bunch of kids managed to stop something like Nyx.
>Romancing is incosequential.
But this game not only has the best selection of waifus but also is the only one where you get legit confirmed laid.
>>The real villian helped the player because muh humanity resolve
It didn't happen in P5. Stop embarrassing yourself P4fag
>I didn't play the game
This is the twist >P3
>SEES got fooled by Ikutsuki through the whole game
>All the IT did was react to shit
>You expect the PT to job like the other teams
>They actually actively plan their shit and screw up the bad guys
Honestly only Makoto went really "antagonistic" on the group but that goes through the window when she decides to act like a retard and get you all in further trouble.
>Game was introducing characters like Yusuke, Makoto and Futaba as sort of villains as if I didnt already know they were party members from like the first fucking trailer, and the opening credits, as well as the fucking start menu.
Maybe you were not meant to think of them as villains? They never felt villain like to me desu
They played it safe by turning Persona 5 into a NEET ego stroking game. P5 is absolutely terrified of pissing of the players, that's why all the wifus are fuckable, all the bad guys are hilariously evil so you don't really think about the implications of the change of heart. Like P4 before it the game exists so you can have the high school experience your anime tells you, you deserved. If the game kept the general mood and feel of the Kamoshida Palace then It really would have been as good as the P5 fag say it is.
It also has the most romance events (well if you romance Ann or Makoto anyway) in any vanilla Persona to date.
And then along came Okumura and shit went out of the window.
>Game was introducing characters like Yusuke, Makoto and Futaba as sort of villains
Only you got that impression. They were introduced as party members from the early trailers.
Antagonistic =\= villain
L is the antagonist of Death Note but he isn't a villain. Makoto acts like an antagonist for a short amount of time but you are bombarded with scenes that show you that she means well and people aren't giving her any other option.
Neither was adachi you stupid idiot
But if Makoto never went full retard they wouldn't have put in the bad end where she becomes a drug addicted prostitute and I couldn't masturbate.
>If the game kept the general mood and feel of the Kamoshida Palace
What mood? A personal vendetta one? You knew that wouldn't be possible since your group was trying to spread out AMD target people that not only were bad to them but society as a whole
That actually kickstarted the best part of the game
He certainly was. Kinda.
Sure there was an entitythat behind him but Adachi was the human puppet master. The mastermind
Akechi was just a tool and he died like one too
Nothing, ending was underwhelming though
Bitch please in my fight against C&J, Makoto was the only dodging the shit of their attacks
That was a pretty weak end if you ask me.
The story sucked and the end of the game felt rushed. After years of waiting, you can't help but have expected something massive to happen at the end. Nothing does. It has such an underwhelming ending, and for a story-driven game, that's a sin.
Gameplay wise it was a massive improvement though and I loved some of the characters. It's just a shame they never seemed to get to interact as a group together much. Scenes like Futaba at the beach made it seem like it was going to go in that direction but after that nothing. It was just as though they were now friends and nothing else was needed. Haru is on another level of bad, so tacked on.
That shit only matter if you are minmaxing in Newgame+
But what if I dont want to max out makoto huh? Morgana is obviously better.
I'm unironically not buying it because I can't take screenshots
I'm not buying a fucking capture card just so I can take a screenshot
persona 5: crimson when?
>Nothing, ending was underwhelming though
That is pretty much any Persona ending after 3.
But they confirm Makoto becomes a drug abusing prostitute. It's the only bad end that's anything more than HURR YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR BEING A PHANTOM THIEF
also it's the only bad ending that fuels hentai where she becomes a pregnant gyaru
villain is probably a poor choice of words on my part
my point is that the game spends hours building the arc of these characters somehow in opposition to the protagonist, but its entirely pointless. from the first second you see them, you know they will join you eventually, so youre just waiting for them to change their mind.
I would mind as much if it didnt take up literally majority of the game length. thats actually my other complaint - you spend way too little time with the full party. I really like Haru but you have to rush in order to complete her arc. that is if you dont get rank-blocked.
3+ years from now
>4 having an underwhelming ending
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nah
I just got a 100 dollar gift card to Gamestop and I kind of want to get a Ps4 for this game but I also think its stupid to get a system for one game. Are there any other games besides Persona 5 thats worth buying?
and Donts say Yakuza 0 I already saw it all on YouTube.
>I already saw it all on YouTube.
Get a different hobby and save your money
The actual darker tone and subject matter instead of dancing around it like with palace three. Not to mention have the fucking palace shadow show up more than three times so it feels like an actual villain
>What went wrong
Contrarianism. The game definitely lived up to the hype it was given. It has flaws, but so did the previous installments. Gameplay wise, its a step in the right direction. Only if you're deluded will you think anything major went wrong, and that's Sup Forums's twisted perception that any game that "went wrong" means its utter shit.
yakuza Kiwami
That's because you got overhyped easily. I didn't expect much from a persona series to have extremely good writing. I was in for enjoyable gameplay experience. And I got what I want.
The story itself is good but the writing is fucked due to the calendar system. The gameplay is improved but I think it just lowers the whole level of challenge with confidant bonuses. The characters are good for the most parts. I like the music and the whole comfortable atmosphere of a coffee restaurant in a rainy night.
The ultimate persona's designs are meh though.
unironically too long, they could have cut out 30% of the game easily as it is just padding