Tell me your ideas for a game, Sup Forums

Tell me your ideas for a game, Sup Forums.

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Ignoring tech limitations?
Those games in those shitty stuck in an MMO manga. You know when they're practically complete new worlds where you can do fucking anything? Yeah. I want that.

Realistic approach?
A faster, more heavily funded Dragon's Dogma with an even bigger world, more replay value and different biomes. Maybe an added online if it didn't cause the developers to get lazy with single player like they always do.
Or a really, really good hero MMO.

>set in prison
>mostly a semi open world where you can do a bunch of shit (yard, cafeteria, etc)
>2 factions where you can join 1 or none at all
>you do your best building up your reputation so you don't get killed by other prisoners
>last mission is breaking out of prison

A sword art online game but you play as your own character in that 100-floor dungeon and never see or interact with the characters from the shoe

That would be fun but I imagine it would be hard to think of 100 unique floor concepts...

So "hard time"?

I want a good and fun rpg with a lot of customization, dying parts of your armor, changing material (leather and metal), etc and make it moddable so people can make porn mods.

a story driven game, following a girl and a beast that possesses her. Half the game is highschool sim choice making sort of similar to persona I guess but with more emphasis on these sections driving the story forward. The other half of the game is the girl transforming into the beast, doing cool rampaging and destruction.

so you can steal them? no thank y ou. they will die with me because i am very lazy and have no marketable skills

A game where you can do anything

A good game

Early Access

I'm going to make a fortune.

what manga is that?

This is a nice ass piece of artwork user, is it from anything?

And I have many game ideas, one of which is a Metroidvania with a wide variety of items, souls style multiplayer and super smash bros melee like combat (with health meters)

A game similar to Samurai Flamenco with mechanics like to Yakuza

Well, I'm kinda doing that now for my game. I've got everything from an insect world to a music world to a furry convention where you slaughter all the patrons.

A game where you explore a completely weird, alien planet, documenting and occasionally fighting off the local flora and fauna.

>ancient persia
>all those domes and minarets

A game about the SCP-foundation
all sorts of spooky adventures with a team you train and equip
imagine the possibilities
could even have game ending keter class scenarios that you have to stop by certain dates/whenever..

Fuck off.I am not giving you shit for free.

Down the Casbah way?

those are clearly islamic domes and minarets though. ancient persian structure is much different.

t. turk

I'd make a game about being a swordsman in Japan. It'd be way of the samurai or godhand in way of picking a moveset, yet souls-esque combat, but it'd be harder to transition to say an over head slash from a move that ends with you sword lowered. Animations would have to be intensively worked but you'd ultimately want to have a smooth skill set. Also moves would improve with use, the more commonly used it was the faster, stronger or misc. effects would show, kills would also help serve that function. This in hopes you would end up with a completely personal style. Also death would be permanently, and you'd die fairly easy think Bushido blade.

Object of the game would be to challenge dojos, and increase your game and iron out the ultimate style to start your own dojo. Challenging would be the bulk, but you'd also have to defend against challengers.

Online is a must, challenges could be "written" via invite, or your students or a passerby might mention another player's dojo. Fighting in the street would also be possible but could lead to an arrest.

Go away EA

a game where you have to save the prince instead of the princess

>souls-esque combat
>souls style
Kill yourselves

>furry convention where you slaughter all the patrons
Atty, I remember you. How's progress?

Heres my idea
It's an Ace Attorney like game.
>You're a super corrupt politician who has no beliefs that dies and goes to hell
>Hell is actually super bureucratic and ruled by a Senate made of the most powerful and influential demon.
>Someone saves you from eternal suffering and you have to uncover this political conspiracy involving heaven and hell.
>Lie, cheat, bribe and blackmail you to thw top of the Senate.
>First half of a "case" is collecting info and contacts about the bigshots
>Later half is a climatic phillibuster where you have to convince them and their parties using all you colected to answer to your demands while maybe becoming a better person

Some user suggested the name "Capitol Hell"

>How's progress?
HA. My last hard drive took a shit and I lost EVERYTHING. I've had to start over from scratch, but at least I have time to work on it now that Summer's here. I still need ideas for levels though.

PvP dojos would be next level intense. You'd have to take on the style of your dojo, but interchange maybe 40% of the moveset. Players higher up in ranking make challenges while lower ranking members defend. Master dies? Next student takes over but you get bumped in priority to be challenged, and lose most of your Fame. Sick of a bad master? Duel him for right of ownership.

Rewards for high fame would include money and priority when you challenge or amnesty from the law. Defeating someone with high fame would very rewarding.

Fame and money would be used for food, blades, estates, etc. Weapons would have durability that would decline sharply with 1-3 duels. Blocking would be the largest drain, parrying the next, and cutting the least. Striking different materials would have different effects, wood would catch your sword, water would splash dramatically, stone would severely damage your sword.

Physical skills would included dodging kicking and jumping, that sort and would level the same as combat skills.

A game where your only power is blowing up. But you get stunned for a couple seconds so you have to time your explosions correctly.

This is my Molyneux pitch:

Civilisation sim.
You start with a tribe and you manage their growth whilst exploiting geographically specific resources and developing particular tech and resource trees.
So a geographically specific resource could be a wild grain which your tribe keeps harvesting enough that the option to plant in becomes available. Then breed it.
A tech tree could be iron-working or bronze-working: bronze is easier and gives an immediate competitive advantage, iron needs more fuel and a better infrastructure but can be upgraded to a higher level.
Probably would end before gunpowder is developed, because you've got to draw a line somewhere.

Something like Black & White 2 without the god stuff and also good.
God/city sim population growth (so people need houses, marry, babbies born, grow old, die)
God/city sim resource production and building construction
RTS ordering system for armies and ability to assign labour groups to work on specific projects. Can't directly order civilians.
Branching tech tree with complicated resource/tech chain.
Random map generation.

So possible scenarios:
Start Chinese people in Scotland and turn them into sea raiders.
Start Finns on the Nile and have them built one of the earliest, greatest civilisations (just like real life)
Do you think the Egyptians were white? Now they can be.
Do you think the nigs were kangz? Make your tribe negroid, the geography of the map western Europe and the surrounding tribes whities and watch them get blacked.

> People like things I don't like!
Oh you

I dig it. How would you see the dialogue or actions done? Like that old jack the ripper game? " Do x because you don't want y to find about Z" ? Or would it be dialogue trees?

Grand strategy where you play as the leader of a country when the Earth is invaded by aliums. You need to adapt your military, your government, your economy, and your society to the new world as many other countries collapse and you need to set up uneasy alliances with other countries to try and survive. It would have lots of politics, backstabbing, and military action.

>powers are related to your environment, but skills are unlocked with progression
>skills change depending on environment
>opposite skill unlocked midway through the game, i.e. fire abilities in the foresty place instead of foresty abilities in the foresty place
>things get weird when dealing with alternate dimension physics

Kind of an extension of the ideas in tje Wario Land sequels, I guess.

A Battlefield game to surpass DICE's stale and tired series. The perfect middle ground between Battlefield/Planetside and Squad/ARMA, and it has mod tools and map tools standard, so the community can once again make maps and mods and dedicated servers and support for 128 players on massive maps. Less arcadey and chaotic than BF4, but less autistic and "muh squads" than Squad.

>setting is WWIII, factions are US Army, Bundeswehr, Royal Marines, Russia, ISIS, JGSDF, PLA.
>maps will be European and American cities and land, Chinese artificial islands in the South China Sea, UK, Asian cities and land, and Middle East.
>vehicles available will be hundreds of land, sea, and air vehicles, each tank of each main faction, as well as warships you can sail, destroyers, cruisers and LHAs, even carriers
>heavy focus on naval warfare on the South China Sea maps between China - Japan or China - US
>you can fly bombers too like B-2 and B-1, B-52, Tupolevs etc
>large open maps with lots of flanking routes and on city maps highways and suburbs leading into cities
>shitload of weapons for each faction
>combat is focused more on frontlines and flanking than chaotic running around the entire map going from control point to control point
>vehicles have limited ammo and need to return to logistic bases set up by commanders, and HQ airfields or carriers to re-arm
>bases and airfields and HQ's of each faction are captureable, and the final stand takes place in them when control points and frontlines have shifted all the way back to the rear which means your assets are available, reload is quicker, the enemy has to bring their vehicles all the way back to their base to reload on the other hand so theres a fighting chance

That will all serve as the base game, the platform on which mods will be supported, and no time and resources are wasted on singleplayer campaigns but of course there would be bots, even 128 full bots, on instant action., with decent vehicle and infantry competence.

LA Noire + Heavy Rain with Max Payne 3 gameplay and not open world or at least a not shit one.

diablo clone but it's actually good RIIIITE?

What other game has the souls multiplayer system?

Besides, not my fault you have bad taste. If you don't like the souls series then you don't belong on Sup Forums

Comfy hunting game
>lots of environments and animals
>camping and stuff, need more supplies for longer expeditions
>huge variety of guns- everything from brown bess muskets to ar-15s
>different challenges that limit what weapons you can use and how much gear you can bring
>also fishing

diablo clone but it's in third person and you have a large moveset at all time like dark souls

Niche, but one I'm happy to see filled. How in-depth would fishing be? I'm fond of the idea of dropping a rod to grab a rifle at threat of a bear.

>If you don't like the souls series then you don't belong on reddit

>Ancient Rome RPG
>The story is that your character hates carthage or the gauls or the parthians or someone like that and you want war with them
>three paths to get your war:
>Play as senator and put all your skills in intelligence and such to become consul and declare war
>Play as a priest and become Pontifex Maximus to read in the omens that Rome must declare war against the people you hate
>Play as legionary and become the biggest general of Rome to get the masses behind you for your war


An FPS built entirely around movement systems. There'd be a bunnyhop-based character, a grappling hook character, a skiing/surfing character, etc. Every character would have a gun which creates temporary (ie. fades after a few seconds) terrain when it hits a non-player, and the type of terrain would be different depending on the character's movement system.

The bunnyhop guy's gun might create little hop-scotch pads, the grappling hook guy would make stalagmites, the surfer/skiier would make slopes or hills, etc. Every gun would do more damage the faster you're moving. So there'd be a metagame of trying to go as fast as possible while creating favorable terrain for yourself and unfavorable terrain for the enemy.

Hunting would be the main focus, but there would be plenty of fishing options using different lures and boats and stuff.
I'm not sure how the mechanics would work precisely, as for the most part fishing is just waiting.

liero, but with mouse aim, physics, liquid physics, dynamic lighting (it's dark underground), and just shitloads upon shitloads of unique weapons

Sounds like you want 'Cortex Command.'

Outside of the tribune you would present info to them to trigger dialogue and inside the tribune you would see the entire senate divided into parties and who agrees and who doesn't.
They will ask shit to you and once again you're using the info you collected to trigger shit.
Outside of the senate its more collecting and finding allies, inside of it you can't be completely dirty, but you can find dirty info about a party and leak it to another so that they can fight each other and break alliances and whatnot.

I don't really have a design document but thats what i have so far

Another Warhammer MMO like age of reckoning.

I have a big one, but im not gonna do it.

i've played cortex command and it's great fun, but it controls like absolute shit (you are just as likely to kill yourself walking down stairs are you are likely to die to enemy fire), has terribly unwieldy RTS elements, is unfinished as fuck and guns aren't really that creative (although I appreciate the ability to load up a small drop ship with two thousand cubic meters of FREE crabs and send pressurized crustacean legs flying through ten meters of reinforced concrete)

liero was always the quake deathmatch of freeware games

>CC with liquid physics
Check out a freeware game called Wings 2.

I actually dig this idea. Someone make it happen!

It's a pseudo jRPG, where instead of battles you talk to people. You can level up and make your build based on Myers–Briggs Type Indicator. Your goal would be solving the mystery of a cult in a small town, cut off from civilization. Different "skills"= different dialogue options. The game would look kinda like classic RE games, but with clay and cardboard (i meant that not so dynamic camera and tank controls).

Not to be a cocksuck, but I love it. The idea of turning other damned souls/demons against each other seems so satisfying.

>Check out a freeware game called Wings 2.
eh, liero looks better
there actually was a liero clone with water physics too, but the downloads were lost to time
gusanos was cool too

I think Soldat is better than Liero.
BTW, there was a mid-00s 3D FPS set on small asteroids that are fully terraformable, and I can't recall its name. It had multiplayer too.

The thought of an hours long game with a come back after being pushed to near failure. Im hard. Would you want to have the commander actions like supplies and airstrikes? Would the kinda be left to modding? Bullet drop or no?

soldat probably plays better, but it doesn't have cool features like destructible terrain, ninja ropes or guns that aren't boring realistic shit

that's why I have my liero dream, the lierosphere lacks the perfect game

A futuristic fps with really really vertical maps.
The main gimmick would be that you hold a button and your aerial movement transforms from basic falling to gilding. If you look down, you speed up, looking to the side makes you bank and turn etc.
Almost every weapon is projectile, with only some sidearms being hitscan. There would be three classes: fighter, hybrid and bomber.
Fighter would gain a significant speed boost when switching to glide mode, and use rifles/smgs
Hybrid would take reduced frontal damage when gliding, and deal damage on contact with enemies at high speed. Their weapons would be lmgs and light explosive weapons
Bomber would be able to drop out of glide to fall quickly to deal aoe damage on the ground, while also having a higher health pool. Armed with powerful rocket/grenade launchers.
Gameplay would be based around the movement system. The main mode would be like ctf but there's a single flag at the lowest point on the map and the goal is to bring it back to the top.

Asymmetric "horror" anthology series where one player is a ghost and the others are paranormal investigators with classes (cop, camera guy, priest, etc). The goal is to exorcise the ghost from the house and the ghost will attempt to fuck your shit up by scaring you to the point where the player bolts or just flat out kill you with the environment. Also another game mode where a witch in a swamp is being hunted by various villagers and she can raise traps and undead to clear them out. Same class type shit with an emphasis on teamwork to make things like black powder gun vollies effective, saving your mates from possession, quicksand. I'm not very smart

Yeah Commander would be similar to BF2, so a good, compotent commander will drop ammo crates nearby the enemy base on the final assault so tanks and APCs, LAVs, IFVs, whatever else will re-arm there instead of driving all the way back to base or some distant re-arm point, and a good commander on the other team will prioritize those ammo drops and the vehicles gathered around them for artillery strikes but a good enemy team will have targeted the artillery emplacements behind the base and ideally surrounded the base and knocked out commander assets in their final assault, a certain level of coordination is needed to succeed, capturing the final base should be an intense but rewarding struggle. But all aircraft and helicopters will need to land at base to re-arm, so the ammo drops dont work for them, in order to prevent a situation like in BF3 and 4 we so often saw.

Bullet drop definetly modeled in, no hitscan weapons. Whats left to modders and mappers is to expand on this huge base game and add more maps usually but even entire new factions if they want, there would be dedicated servers but also official ones, and of course no gay ass, pointless unlocks system, every weapon, vehicle and tool will be available for every person from the start, it will be skill with the weapon/craft that matters and not unlocks and grinding. Similar to Mount & Blade Warband Napoleonic Wars in that sense where everything is available from the start but you have to git gud at using the assets and weapons.

What about some Salem with stuff? Every player has the chance of doing witchcraft except for a few males, killing someone who's not the witch results in being jailed or hung. The witch has to constantly try to shift suspicion. Dead players would be muted. Almost like terrorist townt. The witch has to survive, escape or if the mayor and priest die she wins?

Also what would the cop class advantages be? Seems like a better slot for a medium.

I think it's a fun idea though, I'd spend money on that.

haha nice try
i’m not giving my ideas away
one day they will make me millions

Oh I like that a lot. I only included the cop to fulfill the horror tropes, but I thought of him as being able to administer first aid and keep people calm when they start to panic. Maybe even be able to put someone down if they get possessed beyond the point of no return, which would save the characters physically but make their mental state start to fray.

TPS about RWDS

So my pitch is for a multi-game/genre franchise:
The setup: In the near future, the Goliath starts it's manned mission towards Mars, it's like a smaller scale enterprise with less people, the first of it's kind. But after an impossible anomaly appears out of nowhere on their scanners, they decide it better to stop and investigate. Everything goes to shit, the ship gets consumed and everyone has to run to the escape, only 5 escape pods exit the ship and enter the wormhole.

The first has Arthur Earle, the ship's navigator, and 2 other scientists. They crashland on a planet that seems stuck in it's medieval times, with extremely human-like creatures. It's your standard fantasy setting + the fish out of water element. Arthur wakes up before his 2 mates and has to explore this world to find them, and a way to get back home. He quickly gets tangled in politics and war on this nation, especially when he discovers he cannot do magic, unlike his similar counterparts. In the end he helps the humans in the war agains Orcs and is crowned king, deciding to stay with his 2 friends.

The second had only Hunter Hardin, the ship's captain, still feeling guilty over the massive disaster of the mission. He crashlands on an massive industrial cyberpunk planet, and quickly finds himself to be the only human there. Cut to 10 years later, he's a renowed bounty hunter who has given up on returning, but it all changes when on a job, he discovers that in a slave-train, there's a scared little human girl. And she's somehow connected to the biggest crime bosses on the city. It's basically Prey 2.
In the end he manages to come back to Earth with her, but he returns before the Goliath lifts off. In a final cutsceen we see him and the girl amongst the excited crowd watching the spaceship running off.

Fuck that's good. I like the idea of different maps making the ghost harder to exorcise. Church is small not a whole lot of environmental kills but plenty areas to hide and lots of ways to fuck with players mental state IE flipping crosses and playing piano. Whereas a house would have dangerous areas even more hiding places but not very much to actively mentally attack players. And a hospital would be really hard for the exorcists due to dangerous objects, multiple floors decayed areas. A full ghost town could make for a long game. Or even mines, a hotel, really the maps and locations could be beyond diverse.

user you should make it happen. That's sounds dope as fuck. I didn't even think about the aspect of having to shoot another exorcist, can you imagine another player telling you to shoot him, but you hesitate because he's the priest but he's walking at you with a weapon?

A sequel to Arkham Knight.

It's set 10 years after the ending of AK (when Bruce faked his death and became the Nightmare Bat). Bruce is now too old to guard the streets so he's retired and lives full-time in the Batcave, assisting the new Batman, Damian Wayne. The setting would be kind of like if the Gotham City from Batman Forever had modern day technology so not quite Batman Beyond, but more advanced than previous Arkham games.

I know, I know, it's a longshot, but you never know...

I would love to peddle my idea to someone who cares, like the people who made the new Friday the 13th game. I was thinking of having phases to the game too, such as having the investigators acquire certain levels of preparation (discover the corpse in question, gather materials for the exorcism, find the phylactery that's keeping the corpse around). It'll all culminate in a final phase where the ghost becomes berserk and erratic which would have drawbacks and benefits for the player controlling the ghost, such as more ability to inflict physical/mental damage but harder to do so while the other players are crowded completing the ritual. Hell it could even work without a ghost and having a one or bunch of deranged cultist(s) attempting to summon an eldritch abomination and the investigators are teaming up to stop it.

The third pod had Jane Clark, the ship's botanist, who crashlands on a massive forest and is rescued by a bunch of broken-up augmented people. They claim to be rebels agains the Techno-Queen and her empire, who rules over with an iron fist yadda yadda, she's transforming people in machines and controling what they think and do.
She becomes a main part of the rebel plan to destroy the Techno-Queen. Game is open world and takes place on a massive forests, there's opportunities for guerrilla tactics, uniting different tribes and a final takeover that takes place in the cybernetic city.
In the end they win and the regime is over, Jane discovers that this was Earth the whole time, but just in the far future.

Sequel to the original, 5 years have passed and Arthur continues to do experiments, mixing magic and their knowledge of the sciences to help them get back to Earth. In doing that they aciddentally tear a hole in reality and bring forth a legion of demons to the planet.
More of the same, but the game has an extra management mechanic where you act as king and make hard decisions, judge and send people to death, the usual.
In the end, their new knowlegde on the demon magic allows them to build an FTL driver, and he sets up ships to explore space and eventually return home.

I would like something like this but with vampires. Like set it in Transylvania and have Dracula's castle, some Romanian gypsy town and the woods as a location.

Shitty Persona knockoff with graffiti look to everything of teenage hero fighting against adult society with demons that inhabit his head
Digimon World battle system where the summons battle automatically and human do tactics, healing items, and own attacks, but enemies can attack human directly as well if they are in range. Terrain affects performance of demons.
Battle loss is when everyone gets defeated
Enemy summoners are mostly pop culture references such as a woman wearing red jacket with guns or a insect man with prominent belt.

That's why I originally thought of it as an anthology with multiple setting: witch, ghost, serial killer, vampire, eldritch. Since Friday the 13th exists then the serial killer/slasher angle would be scrapped. Each would have their own win conditions/team compositions. Maybe the vampire needs to gather enough strength to leave his castle and can't do so unless his minions with lesser abilities charm/manipulate the characters into weakened states.

A twin-stick shooter, but instead of shooting bullets, you're a necromancer who summons skeletons.

>dumb ones that just go in a straight line, attack once or twice, and die, like projectiles
>smart ones that curve toward targets and survive a hit or two, like homing rockets
>stationary archers that you can place at certain locations, like turrets
>big-boned skeletons that block off entrances or serve as shields
>trap skeletons that hide in portals under the floor, and spring out to grab people when they walk over the portal

As the game progresses, you can summon more and more skeletons at once, until you're battling entire armies with conjured hordes of the undead.

The fourth pod had Tessa Williams, the Military officer on the ship. She crashlands on the desert planet Skavek, is captured and made slave. Orcs, goblins and other creatures make up this world. They inject her with Orc blood and she survives, becoming extremely strong, breaking out of the arena and killing her captors.
Now wanted by Orc-Bosses, she gets the attention of goblins who see in her the chance for their freedom. It starts a Conan-like story of uniting multiple races against the dominating orcs. Goblins, the Skeletons, the Lizardman and Snakewomen, the Spiderpeople and even some humans, found under the Starmen church, they are Arthur's followers and still claim he is emperor.
The world is this heavy-metal inspired mix of dark fantasy and sci-fi, the gameplay is your cuhrayzee hack and slash with an emphasis on stronger, hard-hitting attacks.
She kills the Orclord and becomes queen.

The final pod had Junji Tanukana, the ship's engineer. He wakes up on a dirty, grimmy spaceship that's barely keeping itself together. He finds a crew of desperate humans, calling the vessel "The Arc", as it has the last lifeforms on the galaxy, on a path towards the last living star.
An intruder gets inside the ship and starts taking them out one-by-one, with Junji having to carefully hide and run as he tries to work with the captain on killing the creature.
The intruder is the last light-eater, the race responsible for the death of this galaxy. The two decide to crash the ship into the sun and kill the creature, taking themselves with it.

An open-world stealth game, but you play as a baby in a controlling nursery environment. You have to work with other babies to create distractions and crawl your way to freedom.

A sandbox survival game set in a National Park or some large wilderness setting with a fully detailed living ecosystem. Play as a random animal until you die, then assume control of whatever nearest animal is around. That means if you are killed and eaten, you switch to whatever it was that killed you as you watch yourself eating your old cadaver. Maybe include a few humans with hunting rifles or something. Really I just want to play as a variety of animals in an eyecandy environment.

>Damian Wayne
>not Dick