
I'm EA.

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G-good for you.

He looks stylish

Looks like a Bond villian.


Isn't there an EA game where the antagonist looks like him? Mirror's Edge 2?

Don't worry extra charge for them

>he wasn't as villain looking this e3

do you think people told him about last year?


He actually didn't do a bad job this year, it's just he's stuck running EA, one of the worst companies ever made.

He was pretty ok this time.
Poor Patrick, though.
>Yeah, I know. Me again.

That was it! Thanks.

>that cutie with the dress
Post her!

He reminded me so much of Ross from Friends, I was half expecting him to start sighing and talking about Rachel.

Wait is this guy really the new EA CEO?

he looks like the devil
>CEO of EA
he probably is the devil

Yes. Has been for years now.

Wasn't that Peter Moore?

He was head of the EA Sports division I think.

can someone post the failed high five?

>can someone post an intentionally missed high five as part of a bad comedy bit

>an intentionally missed high five

post best E3 memes

Wasn't it?

It looked like a genuine fail.

That whole sequence looked like a genuine fail to me.

>only pretending to be retarded

>immediately goes on to say "I went early, I went early"
Seems more like a bad joke than a genuine fail to me. Their entire skit on stage was just cringey as fuck.

they should have got athletico mince on instead
the only proper football podcast

bad joke is a genuine fail

Touche, user. You're alright.

>he had a white suit last year because he literally looked like the Devil in 2015
Had me laughing.