Just watched a rehersal for Sony's conference and made a list of everything shown. I won't spoil what was shown in the trailers or gameplay though.The show runs 70ish minutes long.
The Last of Us Part II Last Year Destiny 2 Detroit: Become Human Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Akira Spider-Man Assassin's Creed: Origins Call of Duty WWII Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Final Fantasy VII Remake Shenmue III Undefeated Devil May Cry 5 Bloodborne II Baby Brother Project Rap Rabbit Gitaroo Man Remastered NBA 2K18 Super Street Fighter V free DLC update Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite As We Are Star Wars Battlefront II Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Sly Cooper: The Ancient Thieves Bully 2 Days Gone Painless God of War
>microsoft is gonna shit all over sony >by showing a console with no games and yet another halo game and "power of the cloud"
Ryan Barnes
>bloodborne II NEVER. EVER.
Jackson Smith
>that amount of games
yeah good luck
Elijah Fisher
>Detroit: Become Human
I was going to make a joke about how people from Detroid aren't human thinking this is a made up title, but it actually exists what the fuck
Dylan Price
>Akira what?
Aaron Cook
>Bloodborne 2 You blew it, no one will believe this.
Leo Phillips
>when you see bloodborne 2 tomorrow night and you're all sucking this d
Jacob Moore
You will summon him!
Josiah Davis
you'll see
Aaron Barnes
check this 7
Dylan Gomez
>yet another fake leak thread If you reply to these without using sage you are a newfag
Carter Morris
nice bait.
Ryan Martin
Nathan Flores
>last year Probably some shitty walking simulator feels-a-thon >destiny 2 >implying people care about destiny outside of normies >akira As in the anime movie that people say is good? >ass creed origins Why would this be here and not at Ubisoft's show >dissidia Neat >ffvii remake Not coming out for 5 more years >shenmue 3 See above >undefeated Hopefully it's a good fighting game of a hack and slash >dmc5 Never ever >baby brother Walking simulator feels-a-thon, we've done this dance before >gitaroo man remastered Why not Spyro? >as we are Walking simulator feels-a-thon >sly cooper the ancient thieves After the massive disappointment that was Sly 4, I don't really want any more games to tarnish the original trilogy. Just rerelease the first 3 on PS2-on-PS4 for $10 each and I'll buy them >bully 2 Rockstar has never made a good game tho >days gone Last of Us on Dante Must Die with turbo mode enabled Hopefully >painless Walking simulator feels-a-thon >god of war Walking simulator feels-a-thon If this is the real lineup, I am very disappointed in the fact that they aren't showing Jak 4