Why did he forge that card?
Why did he forge that card?
Because 7 years of planning his reveangance and repeatedly being hammered into the idea that "the end justifies the means" fucks up a man
Because only the killer would know if the card is fake. Phoenix can be a scary man if he always played dirty like that.
Because THE LAW was suffering a DARK AGE
Yes but not only the killer might question the evidence that magically appeared in court and heavily incriminated the criminal that was fully in power of hiding the card
Phoenix was fucking with apollo's who career
beacause Phoenix in AJ is just a clone.Real Phoenix is w/ Maya
Yeah but weren't you basically told the whole game that cheating or doing sketchy stuff like what Phoenix just did is wrong?
He's also showing how fucked up the court system is.
The point of AJ is to show that conventional methods are unable to catch criminals who are too savvy with the law. Phoenix had to forge because he had no other choice.
Because the justice system was completely broken.
>MUH DARK AGE OF THE LAW isn't addressed until the 5th game
you also have to travel through time apparently
The new writer who wrote for AA5 and beyond don't know how to be subtle at all. Also, all the fucking ellipsis is pissing me off.
>a courtroom is ombed
>and that's it lol
Fuck Dual Destinies. Didn't even have a courtroom pun in the name.
>this shit again
There was no time travel. The evidence was in Drew's house. You only picked it up in Gavin's jail because of gameplay purposes to complete the investigation in the jail before the house, which is admittedly stupid.
Hobo Nick is best Nick
Wait a minute, that card.
It gave Wright some nice character development. I like how when we timeskip forward to see how Phoenix is doing after the events of T&T, we see that his questionable courtroom shenanigans have finally caught up with him. In all fairness, he probably should have been disbarred several times over the course of the series for doing crazy shit in order to win his cases. Having him show up at the beginning of Apollo Justice as a broken man who coldly locks up the killer with underhanded means was a great way to reintroduce him to the series. It really gave the player the sensation that he had been through some shit.
Also, hobo Wright is sexy af.
I mean it's true but only in a law system that is comical in its ridiculousness
Why create a law system that is so incredibly unfair to defense attorneys and then on the 4th game go "but wait....this is actually all bad??"
And then they immediately reverted him in DD because no one liked AJ
Muh Dark Age was just a shitty name for something that was always sort of there
and technically addressed in the trilogy, where Phoenix and everyone else built bridges between the defense attorney and prosecutor sides instead of everyone being hopelessly adversarial all the time
people complain about Klavier being too nice but frankly AA3 too definitively ended the series thematically, they were backed into a corner (Klavier is shit for a bunch of other reasons anyway) if they wanted to retain the same overall structure of the games like they did
I didn't mind hobo Wright. I did mind how AJ Phoenix was in that flashback case though where he was basically acting like Payne.
It all seems goofy to us filthy gaijins, but the Ace Attorney series actually mirrors Japanese courtroom proceedings frightenly well with how the odds are always tipped in favor of the prosecution. IIRC the best defense attorney in Japan has like five wins in a country with a conviction rate of 99%, it's insane. The jury system introduced in AJs last case actually mirrors a real development in Japanese court systems when they started having juries in 2007.
AJ only happened because Takumi wanted to shill for the jury testing going on at the time.
>The jury system introduced in AJs last case actually mirrors a real development in Japanese court systems when they started having juries in 2007.
I fucking hope not because AJ's idea of a jury was complete nonsense, Phoenix chose who was in the jury.
I'm sure to someone who lives and breathes that system AJ might appeal to a more personal level.
To us gaijins it just feels like a writer turning on his own parody to start preaching about something that seemed obvious from game 1.
Phoenix in general was an asshole
An asshole with reasonable motives, but still an asshole regardless
>in a country with a conviction rate of 99%
This is because cases that don't have a high chance of ending with the charged getting convicted just don't get pursued, not because there are an inhumanly massive amount of false convictions like AA makes out to be the case. It happens in the US as well, to a lesser extent but even so.
Its funny because the jury system in Japan was then shortly deemed useless and was forgotten. Then AA5 came and pretended like it never existed.