Are you prepared for another E3 where no third-party games get announced for Nintendo? EA is already skipping it as evident by yesterday's event.
Are you prepared for another E3 where no third-party games get announced for Nintendo...
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Didn't they announce Povertyball 2018 for it though?
I thought fifa was for it?
It should be alright as long as enough first party games are announced and are fun to play.
I've been prepared for the last 8 or 10 years, OP
I never get why Sup Forums in general does that, not only for the switch but also for the wii u, vita, 3ds, ps3 and for the Ps4 for a while.
>I don't know if I like the games on this platform or dislike the developers, so I'm going to say they don't have games
The same version that gets ported to PS2. No Frostbite and no story mode. It's just a roster update.
Don't worry user skyrim is coming
What are you talking about user? Only the best for Nintendo's flagship console*.
*Handheld and console status depends on what criticism is being used against the glorious Switch at any given moment.
Shut up Todd
I got it for Zelda, Splatoon 2, and Monster Hunter.
Zelda was okay. We'll see how the rest work out. I don't care about new games so much as I want the currently announced ones to come out.
Nice bait
- Says game plays well & is at least as responsive as Fifa 17
- Doesn't look as good as PS4 Pro version (shocking news!)
- Says single Joycon mode is fiddly but does an okay job.
Eurogamer interview with the Producer of the Switch version:
- Completely custom engine for Switch, not Frostbite, not Ignite
- 3D crowds, grass, new lighting
- Fifa Ultimate Team Icons are in
- Everything in FUT works "almost exactly the same as other platforms", but no Champions.
- Can buy packs, manage your team anywhere you can connect to wifi
- No "new animation every frame" (new in Frostbite versions of FIFA 18), retains old "new animation every step" from FIFA 17
- 60 FPS
- No atmosphere effects/celebrating in the crowd since that's Frostbite
- New overhauled crossing is in the Switch version
- New hard tackle is in
- The new quick subbing isn't in yet, but the producer says he's "adding it to the list"
- No Journey since it's powered by Frostbite
- The producer says they could get Frostbite on the Switch, but they thought a custom engine would be a better experience
- Doesn't close the door on feature parity with the console versions in the future. Need to see where the platform goes from here
All of this is irrelevant though as there is no crossover between gamers/"nerds" and the normie scum that play BALLSPORTS CURRENT YEAR
I'm a Nintendo guy, but
>It still has half the features
I don't play Fifa, but we're still getting a gimped port. There's no two ways about it.
PS2 or PS3 versions don't have PBR, which the X1/PS4/PC/Switch versions all have.
EA has hated Nintendo ever since they rejected using Origin for their online network. Now they give them the worst ports possible.
>wanting EA games
There hasnt been a good EA game since Dead Space and they fucked that up
my biggest fear is that nintendo will announce that every wiiu game is suddenly going to be playable on the switch because I just spent 200 bucks on a cheap as fuck wii u and 7 games
>Completely custom engine for Switch, not Frostbite, not Ignite
I don't buy that its completely custom. I would guess its at least a modified Ignite.
So they are going to remove your Wii U and 7 games?
I own a Switch and the only third party game I want is Monster Hunter and SMT.
Literally don't care about anything else and wouldn't buy anything else.
>Now they give them the worst ports possible.
Eh, it has one less feature than the main game but isn't nearly as bad as the Wii U version so far.
>Smash 4 competitive community has a shitton of WiiU's, I'd honestly estimate around an eighth of all WiiU's are used for Smash Bros competitively and little else
>Like a lot of fucking WiiU's, there's a number of major tournaments where they have like 100+ people playing Smash 4 at a time, and that's usually not enough and people are encouraged to bring their own as spares
>Multiple tournaments and Smash 4 personalities have setups of this scale
>Mfw the entire Smash competitive scene is going to need to be transferred to shitty tablets for a tiny amount of new characters or even just having the WiiU and 3DS tournament legal stages in one place
>With no guarantee they'll be able to get enough Switches to populate their scene because Apple has muscled Nintendo out of a part that they both need for their products and that's whats throttling Switch production
There literally won't be a single place on the internet safe for Switch owners if Nintendo does that to them. It's gonna be glorious.
If by some miracle Sakurai's rule that all versions of Smash 4 must have identical gameplay and rosters extends to the Switch version and the 3DS and WiiU get any additions as DLC I would be so fucking happy. Not fucking likely under a greedy businessman like Kimishima though. Nintendo hasn't done right by their customers once since he took power.
>people still thinking switch users will get mad if there's no third party support
You do know that you can have more than one system at once, right user ? And I can even get those third parties for free on my PC! Isn't that beautiful ?
Wait for TGS
Aren't sonybros and xbros embarrassed that the majority of their respective consoles are owned by people who only play fifa/madden etc?
Play with us, user
But how did they get Switch units aboard the International Space Station?
Gimped is true but it's still the best mobile port of the game. PC, PS4 and Xbox versions aren't.
>It's still the best by a metric nobody gives a shit about
>nobody gives a shit about portability
throw your smartphone in the trash then
pics too or gtfo
Yes, I bought a Switch strictly for exclusive 1st party games.
Why would I want to play multiplatform games on Switch when I can play better versions on PC?
Is this where we pretend capcom and square Enix biggest games don't count as 3rd party?
>Missing a single mode
>Story mode
>Story mode in a sports game
Oh no
>still caring about nintendo
SFV, KH3, and FF7R ain't coming to the Switch
Why would I want a 3rd party game? They're all garbage and my PC can play them all at max settings anyways.
We got our switches for quality Nintendo games!
>Paying same price for less of the game.
It trades one feature, Journey, for Switch related features based around portability and local multiplayer. Some people may like that, others may not.
With that logic you could argue console versions pay the same price and don't get a console+handheld portable version
Monster Hunter World won't be released on Switch.
What is Monster Hunter World?
>don't get a console+handheld portable version
You are literally retard. But you are nintendo fanboy, so no surprises here.
>fans wanted a console
>they gave us a tablet
wow, who would've guessed it wouldn't have third party support?! This really got me by surprise.
We dont even know what Monster Hunter Worlds is.
Capcom registered some trademark in the West for Monster Hunter World. No one is really sure what it is. It could be the name for XX for the Switch outside of Japan, or it's a bastardised version for the PS4 that's open world with timer or missions, with simple combat options involving QTEs.
>wanting the industry to devolve into an even more shitty version then what it is now
Explain what I said that was factually incorrect.
You can connect your mobile phone to the TV, but it is hardy considered as home console.
>underpowered hardware
>overpriced console
>overpriced gimped 3rd party multiplats
>overpriced shovelwares and tech demos like 1-2-Switch! and ARMS
>has nothing but WiiU ports
>b-but muh portability!
>b-but muh Mario and Zelda!
Jesus fucking Christ, Nintentards have gotta be the most retarded flaming piece of faggot shit of a fanbase ever existed.
You can shove your muh portability and Fisher Price toy up your fucking hairy shit-caked asshole.
Is that an achievement somehow? "The best FIFA compared to phones and tablets? Is this what Nintendo has come up to?
>It changes story mode for playing with half a controller
Jesus, your standards are down the toilet.
Will be funny as fuck when Todd announce his new game today and it skipped Switch
at least Skyrim is coming