Valve killing Greenlight because they don't trust their dumbass users anymore

>Valve killing Greenlight because they don't trust their dumbass users anymore

How did PC.u.c.k.s mess up something so simple?

Other urls found in this thread:

Atleast PCbros were given a chance, consolecucks never got one.

What? They're just changing it in a way you just need to pay to upload your garbage.

steam direct is better, theres no shilling and voting. there will actually be more games now

Steam greenlight was way better than this direct to Steam idea nonsense - there's not even a chance for curation now

>How did PC.u.c.k.s mess up something so simple?
by voting shit games because dev's gave free keys

I'm glad those two Brits were invited to help fix Steam.
Please don't disrespect the Steam Cleaner

Thanks to Sony's amazing curator system we dont have to deal with bad indie games filling the store

That's because Gaben is a filthy jew and you keep praising him either way.

The problem has always been trading cards, with them hopefully getting fixed, the new system cannot be worse.

It's just valve being lazy and greedy.

Literally the exact same thread from a week ago.

This is what M$ shilling looks like.

>comments are full with butthurt 3rd worlders
Why not just ban children, 3rd worlders and russians from releasing stuff?

fuck off fat cuck

You were warned, you're going to get the dildo, all the way up to the balls with no lube. You won't see it coming.

greenlight was a farce
everything was sooner or later let through
direct just drops the facade and makes developers pay up for getting more games in

What are they changing about cards?
Or other items for that matter?

I thought the obvious trash like this wouldn't make it to consoles. Modern AAAs maybe shit, but they at least remotely work. This looks like outright broken as hell.

AssCreed Unity should have been enough proof that not even Sony/Microsoft care about the actual quality of what's being released for their consoles.

Game needs to be somewhat successful for cards to exist. Shit games don't get to drop cards. They're doing something to determine bot accounts and such.

Unity at least worked in the trailer. This tiger thing looks like shit even in promo material.

at least they fixed Unity with patches later

Greenlight was a shitty mess thanks to the flood of asset flips made in half an hour, and the appearance of Steam Groups that were apparently selling the 100 votes to pass through for a bribe from the developer--usually just free keys, i heard some were actually trying to act like Marketing departments and demanded payment and would conduct bacterial shilling for the indie dev. Probably how alpha-tier russian game like Devil's Daggers was being spammed, and then it went away.

Valve just cut out the steam group faggotry and the broken Greenlight mechanism.

Cheating the system didn't really work that well
One of the big issues is that it messes up how Steam displays games AND that people make dummy games for trading cards, then gift keys to hundreds of bots who idle, and then sell those cards for money.

Steam Direct as of now just makes a high initial cost that is refunded as you sell games.
Not sure how it's going to fix a flood of crap if you only have to pay 100$ to get your game on, since you already had to do that.
They fixed the trading card issue separately.