Game 1 is a fun little passion project

>game 1 is a fun little passion project
>game 2 is at least 10x bigger, faster, and sexier
Any other franchises out there that scratch this kind of "progress" itch?

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Imagine Kat breastfeeding Spike ahaha

>Game 2 lets you go to the world of game 1 in the post game

Pikmin 2 is still the GOAT

are those nips?


Those normalmaps look like they were generated in Photoshop.

>10x bigger
>visible nipple
How true is this. I must play this thing. Still haven't finish the first but there can't be more than 10 hours left.


>game 2 still plays just as shit

In-game, they're called "goddess-bumps."

How is Gravity Rush 2? I platinumed the first game twice.

The first real city you come to is the same size as the first one's map and that's 1/4 of the first area.

Gr2 does this too

It's more of the same mostly. If you liked 1 you'll probably like 2.

Why is this game so horrendous ? It didn't seem to be that disgusting on the small vita screen

Paper Mario

I know, that's why I brought that up.

Better gameplay, worse mission design and story. Much bigger.

Assassin's Creed 2
Skate 2


Portal 2 is pretty much quintessentially this

how good this game really is? I wanted to play it but I've played the demo and I feel like I would get bored of it super fast

Is that a shop? The only other game I can remember showing nipples through clothes was SF5 with Cammy, and they actually patched it out.

Eyes're up here, buddy!

Well fuck

Smelling kind of fragrant there, Kat. Maybe it's time for a bath?

It's basically an open world game where you can fly and stand on walls. Take that as you will, but I loved it. The character design is cute and flying around makes it easy to travel.

The first was one of my favorite Vita games, so I'm a little biased though.

If Sony wasn't behind this game, I doubt it would've ever been made, much less at the scope that it was.

Go die of old age! b-baka

No it's not a shop, she's also far from the only character with visible perky nipples or vagina (pelvis) bones.

Need I remind you that this is a T-rated game. And a Sony 1st party game. Just imagine how much Nintendo would've butchered it.

gameplay is 100% perfect

The only reason you dont like it is because you cant git gud and cant put in effort.

That's it. I'm going to touch myself.

>Raisin Smugglin'

haha, Why? It's dirty down there. You're a silly person.

When did Kat become so sexy?

t. Duck

I love how scale of the world felt much bigger and graphic improvements but the story and side missions were mostly boring or just bad.
Most missions were typical cookie cutter mindless shit to the point where I couldn't just finish all those side missions or the Ravens Choice DLC.
A shame because other then that It's a really solid game.

Me on the left

Kat's model looks like shit and i don't understand you guys' fixation for her outside of the 2D art

except worse than the original

Kingdom Hearts

It's bigger and better in every way.

Is this game worth 60 usd? Also didnt play the first one so gravity rush remaster is avout 35 usd.

Play the first game since the story and missions are miles better.
If you will love the first one then you may buy it sometime, GR2 already went on sale like 3 times for half it's price on PSN.

Dragon's Dogma? Too dark for me to tell

She looks fine


I never got this part, is every that comes after the dream world he talks about? Like this entire speech happens and there is no choice

Mount & Blade
1st was decent
2nd was so much better in every single way and you can tell the developers actually cared on making their game better and it really showed
They're doing the same thing with Bannerlord right now, so I'm hype as fuck for that

>you can see the shadows of the nipples

It's alright but keep your expectations low. The first game's gameplay, especially the combat, isn't as well defined as the sequel. They have some good ideas with this franchise but they're having a hard time executing them.

GR2 needed way more kat bullying.

Kat is made for bullying and they let her off way too easy after the early part of the game.

>Game 2 lets you go to the world of game 1 in the post game
Pokemon Gold

in GR2 she IS the bully.

What do you guys want to see in the sequel

The description sounds a lot like Zeno Clash 2, but most people I know hated it.

Smash Bros to Melee

Except GR2 is too flabby and loaded with unnecessary prolongations. First game had about five not very long side-mission chains, each with a fun story that provided with an optional costume. Second game has about gorillions singular side-missions all of which are fetch quests where irrelevant character X asks you to carry a box across the gigantic map and in the end you get a little cutscene with the same joke: the content of the box was not what you thought, and for it you get a tiny increase to stats which are already too high to hinder you by default. Upgrades are useless, talismans are useless, everything's fucking useless and there so much of it you can sink hundred hours grinding that shit. Only thing GR2 has over first game is combat because you can switch between styles, which by the way is fucked too, because you do it with the damn touchpad.