The Switch is selling well. Nintendo doesn't need to do much at all to keep the momentum going.
Will they deliver?
The Switch is selling well. Nintendo doesn't need to do much at all to keep the momentum going.
Will they deliver?
If you're a nintendo fan, they already delivered. If not, they will never deliver.
That's why they don't bring out the super big stuff.
Because they already can't cope with the demand and that's without Splatoon 2, SM Odyssey and such even being out.
They might as well save some big announcements for autumn when all eyes will be on them news-wise instead of trying to fight everyone else for headlines.
I'm still waiting for those 100 hidden games and the FROM support.
For the rest of the year they've got
>Zelda DLC 1+2
>Potentially MK8 dlc
>Splatoon 2
>Smash (probably)
>Fire Emblem Musou
>Mario Odyssey
>Pikmin and Dragon Quest Rumoured
>Monster Hunter XX
>Mario Rabbid (Eww)
That's decent for first party support for the first 9 months. Xenoblade is 100% getting pushed back to 2018.
>The Switch is selling well
Wal-Mart in London, Ky has eight of them today. Three people in front of me each bought one and I bought all of the remaining five. They said it was one per customer but I talked with the manager and mentioned that they would exceed their electronics revenue goal for the shift and it wasn't even the afternoon. I don't even know if this applies to Wal-Mart but they let be buy all five. Three greys and two neons. Gonna hold on to them until the holidays. Markup is gonna be insane for this thing around that time. Probably $150-$175 profit on each.
Wii sports boxing shoveltrash
>>Zelda DLC 1+2
Paid dlc
>>Potentially MK8 dlc
Paid dlc
>>Splatoon 2
Splatoon 1 with new maps
>>Smash (probably)
>>Fire Emblem Musou
>>Mario Odyssey
Will probably be really good
>>Pikmin and Dragon Quest Rumoured
>>Monster Hunter XX
>>Mario Rabbid (Eww)
Money grab trash
So what you're saying is
>one game for the first nine months is decent.
Its not
I hope nintendo catches up on supply and you lose money you fat loser
>I personally don't like all of this so nobody else must like it either
Grow up.
Surely you don't expect anyone here to take you seriously
They probably won't announced anything massive, and instead announce shit for 2018 early next year.
stop giving him (you)s, (you) retards
The only one I have my personal opinion on was the one I spoke positively of.
It's a list full of ports, dlc and sovelware
They're gonna focus on 2017 games, instead of announcing games that won't be out until the next decade, so retards will say they're not delivering.
This is really making me think...
>List full of ports, dlc and shovelware
So videogames?
They'll probably have better production by then, and I wouldn't doubt if black friday has a bundle deal.
>The Switch is selling well.
It's doing okay.
>Nintendo doesn't need to do much at all to keep the momentum going.
They do.
>Will they deliver?
Probably not, since they're only on for 25 minutes.
Switch the SNES classic with Pikmin 4 and you'll have a perfect bingo card.
It's only doing ok because they literally can't make more of them.
What part of potentially $800 in profit makes me the loser? This is just casual stuff. Professionals hit up every store every morning and in the case of the Switch right now and the PS4 back in late 2013 to early 2014, they could make 20k in profit or more in a single month. Persistence pays off and they make careers out of doing this. What I'm doing is nothing compared to what professionals do. I might even save one or two as gifts but probably not. Plus I already had my own.
Get out Sadiq.
With one worth while game.
>but that's just your opinion.
Rabbids will be fun. Everyone loves rabbids. It won't be a 55/100 meta critic. Nintendo only makes quality games
Basically this.
I think momentum will be fine, I kinda expect a Direct focused on 2018 games sometime this year, maybe right after the holidays.
This E3 could hurt them because they probably wont come out the "winner". I'm personally not expecting too much in the way of surprises. Still, should be a fun week with the Treehouse streams and tournaments.
Ubisoft is making it
People on eBay right now are making 10 dollars profit. You're just a delusional neckbeard.
You spent 1625 on consoles. After eBay fees and pay fees and shipping that's comes out to about 1800 dollars.
You might make 50 dollars profit. If nintendo gets things in stock you will lose money
Oh I expect them to have better production by then but that won't prevent it from being sold out everywhere and marked up over 50% by resellers like we saw with the Wii in its second holiday.
Also there won't be any Black Friday bundles for this thing this year. It doesn't need them
>look at me, I made some cash by scamming people!
Your mother must be really proud of you.
If porting Mario kart and smash means there isn't mario kart 9 and smash bros 5. Than Nintendo is in trouble in the later years
Oh,well then. 44/100 metacritic
People have the most retarded expectations out of these things.
They do a 25-40 minute highlight reel of stuff coming out this year and early 2018, which you'll notice is maybe an 8 month window.
>Hey, Super Mario Odyssey is out this holiday, we've got Arms and Splatoon this summer, some Wii U ports and shit, go to Best Buy and play our games
Then for whatever insane reason, without any prompting, you all expect them to start pulling random projects out of their ass, then get upset and start shitposting when they can't meet your moronic expectations.
>One worthwhile game
If all the big projects aren't unveiled at E3 when will they be?
There's not gonna be MK9 and Smash 5
People will buy those regardless
At least I hope they add enough new content for Smash to justify the purchase
The problem isn't if they have to do much to keep the momentum going or not.
The problem is that they don't do anything.
DQ is confirmed.
Goku and Rabbidsman confirmed
How is the switch selling well if they haven't resupplied stores since launch
A Nintendo Direct when they're in a presentable state.
I think a Spatoon bundle is already confirmed. Not quite a Black Friday deal. I dont think it needs it but the thing will need store presence.
Nintendo is pretty handily setup for a comfortable price drop in the near future should sales falter. At least, I would have thought so had they not run into production and supply issues. Could be rough.
Literally any other day of the year. They revealed the Switch on a random day in October, and they announced Mario Odyssey in another random day in January. E3 doesn't really matter anymore.
People either have unreasonably high expectation or are shitposting consolewarriors.
They will never be pleased no metter what. Nintendoomed et cetera.
>wanting games from a video game company
>unrealistic expectations
What a time to be alive
>Wii Sports boxing shoveltrash
Got your ass kicked in the test punch didn't you?
Exactly. I'd like to play BOWL more than anything else but I won't buy a system for one (1) game and Mario in a couple of months. Shit, even GBA VC would be enough for a while, but not this shit
That poor bastard didn't even play the thing.
so it's impossible to change your opinion about something?
Its so weird that Sup Forums has the most reasonable Nintendo E3 expectations. Everyone else is hyping up shit like Metroid and Retro Studios, and thinking they will announce any 2018 games when they clearly stated they wouldnt.
I totally expect shitposting to be bad, but this attitude is at least refreshing in the sea of overhype
They're gonna announce a lot games, though. What they're not gonna do is to announce all of the games. That's where the unrealistic expectations kick in.
>8 Switches
>4 people in line to buy one at the exact same time
Possible, but extremely rare. Changing schemas is very demanding on the brain resource-wise
Expecting games isnt unreasonable, expectinv games that clearly wont be available in 2017 when they firmly stated they would only talk about 2017 games is.
I have thousands of hours on Splatoon It was the only reason I bought a Wii U. After thousands of hours would you not say I got a lot out of my Wii U even if only one game? I did buy other games later before I modded my Wii U but I was completely satisfied with Splatoon.
The Switch will most likely be the same way for me with Splatoon 2. So if someone else say buys Arms and gets thousands of hours out of it what's the problem?
Nintendo has let us down so many times that it's only natural not to have big expectations.
That's probably it, kek
>People on eBay right now are making 10 dollars profit
Bullshit. This is just anti-scalper neogaf propaganda. Switch currently sells for about $100 over retail on the reseller market. It's been a little more and a little less since launch depending on demand with he neon fetching a few dollars more (on average). Tax, shipping, and eBay fees are about $50 total. That's $40-$60 in profit per unit on average. Not $10. You can make more profit selling on Craig's List or Facebook marketplace compared to eBay. Professional scalpers are buying A LOT of inventory. It's not uncommon to buy over $150k worth in a month for these people which is like almost 500 switches. $50 might not be a lot for a single switch but multiples by 500 it's $25k
When the holidays rolls around this thing is going to be in huge demand and more profitable. $100 on top of that $50.
I disagree that they don't need to do much. Sure, the Switch is doing better than I anticipated, but I still think that if it turns out that there'll be fuck all coming out for it I can still see those sales going south pretty quickly.
>announce a lot games
Dlc,amiibos and games we already know about don't count.
There might be three unannounced games. One will be garbage. One will be a year and a half away.
So one game. In being optimistic here by the way.
>When the holidays rolls around
Nintendo will have solved their stock issues by then and you'll eat all those Switches like the miserable fatass you are.
Also when you spend $150k on items to scalp for a profit you get that $150k back plus the profit. You can also deduct the sales tax on your federal income tax under itemized deductions.
>games we already know about don't count.
I guess it's really ok when Sony does it.
A switch costs 325 after tax. Switch consoles are selling between 390-400 dollars on eBay.
EBay fee. Paypal fee. Shipping fee. 10 dollars profit. Less depending on how much gas you spent chasing these things down
Who said anything about Sony? And who said its not ok? Of course they will talk about games They have announced.
What's not ok is only doing that. There's no point for e3 if it's just one big commercial for shit we know about.
Its supposed to have unannounced games
I don't expect shit from Nintendo, but if they announce a proper Metroid game I will hundred percent buy a switch.
They actually have a lineup of exclusives planned for the rest of the year unlike other console manufacturers so they don't NEED to deliver, but I'm still hoping we see an announcement or two.
Though besides Zelda they haven't really made any huge reveals at E3 in recent years, so I doubt we'll see anything big. My biggest hope that they'd realistically deliver is Animal Crossing for Switch or another new IP (which I'm doubtful of since they're currently pushing ARMS).
Metal Gear Solid V was on like 4 e3s
Most games announced at Sony or MS pressers usually hit 3 or 4 e3s before ever coming out.
Nintendo are the only ones who focus on shit coming out before the next E3 unless something goes tits up like Zelda
>Nintendo doesn't need to do much at all to keep the momentum going.
Are you kidding ?
They only sell to fanboys right now, they have to do a lot to make another Wii fever.
They solved their stock issues for the Wii and it was still sold out in stores during the holiday period of 2007 and they still had over a 50% markup from resellers during tha period. Nintendo was making a million Wiis a month that year and had even more than that for the holidays.
Nobody expects supply to catch up with demand by the end of this year. Nintendo will also withhold inventory specifically for the holidays (which will sell out completely). I'm gonna have $800 to buy gifts and Mario Odyssey for myself plus a Scorpio of it looks good and all I did was shop at a Wal-Mart in London KY this morning. I'm gonna screenshot our posts and rub it in your face come December along with a photo of the recipepts and my fat hairy ass
>There's no point for e3 if it's just one big commercial for shit we know about.
E3 is aimed towards normies, though. I'm not even joking, it's aimed at casuals that don't follow video game news, so announcing games over and over again is indeed the point of the show. Just look at Sony and count how many of their games were in the previous E3.
Unironical question:
Why is Nintendo so backwards about pretty much everything?
hard mode: don't use the words fun, comfy or polished
>I-I'm gonna have $800
Lol this delusional fuck
>ports aren't games
I love this mentality
Remember, it's only not ok if Nintendo does it.
Look at how this guy hold the DS, typical corporate suit.
The Switch R&D was under Iwata and this guy will drive it off a cliff
Because it sometimes works
That's a pretty broad question, what do you mean?
They need to fucking restock it, that's what they need to do.
Nintendo is massive and has a unique business model that allows them to skip "industry standards" and do what's best for them specifically. It makes them incredibly profitable with very little risk, if the other publishers could do the same they would.
Blame Apple. And people who buy Apple's shit.
>30 min presentation
>all those hopes and dreams
To 14 million Wii U owners they aren't
I can't imagine why people want Sun and Moon on the Switch. It's the second worst pokemon game, and even then, the worst one has better post-game.
Then why they are to over 80 million PS3 owners?
>b..but Sony
every single time
I think part of it is just their weird corporate culture. It's easy to forget that they've been around since the late 1800s. Sony was founded after WWII, so that may inform their more western model.
That's why it's a fucking bingo card. You don't need all of it, you just need five.
>yfw the Nintendo Spotlight is 30 minutes of the Switch multimedia capabilities
>yfw the headline software will be Netflix
You can get a lot done in 30 minutes and if it's anything like their last direct where there's no filler and just game trailers it's possible to fit in a lot of stuff.
Because Iwata decided that competing against other console manufacturers was counter-productive. Pushing console hardware is pointless when what you have isn't fully utilized and you can't magically make high end hardware accessible to the masses. You just end up putting your priorities in the wrong place for the sake of having the best grafix.
Game companies should be about making interesting games before all else. While Nintendo has had a lot of fuckups they've still made that their main priority.
Agreed - I want a black and white style pokemon on switch with multiple regions. 2d sprites>3d models. It will never happen, but it is what I want.
We already know that paid online is $20 a year.
every thread until you retards get it through your thick skull.
The new direct format they have would allow for a TON of announcements in 30 mins if they leave out dev stories.
Keep in mind they'll show indepth gameplay afterwards at treehouse
Nope. They're in an N64/Wii situation where they're buoying the console solely with 1st party titles, forcing them to do more generic weight-bearing titles instead of more experimental niche titles like the Paper Marios, the F-zeros, the Metroids, and the Pikmins. They need more 3rd party exclusives-- and I mean, like, exclusives that actually matter-- like the Gamecube.
Sales tax is about 6% in most states unless you live in the unfortunate ones averaging 8% and 9%. Delaware has no sales tax. Sales tax here is 6% which is $18 on top of $300. Shipping is $10-$12. If you sell it on eBay than yeah you could get hit with a $40 fee in the end. But not if you sell it on Craig's list or Facebook marketplace. Even with eBay you're making $30 in profit in a worst case scenario.
>I talked with the manager and mentioned that they would exceed their electronics revenue goal for the shift and it wasn't even the afternoon. I don't even know if this applies to Wal-Mart but they let be buy all five
Hahahahaha, no they fucking didn't.
Timestamp, faggot.