But before I go

>But before I go...

Other urls found in this thread:



What are some examples where they've actually said "but before we go" or something similar after a feigned finale?

Metroid is the only Nintendo related thing I've cared for, WHAT IS IT REGGIE?

>...here are some more amiibos


He's mixed, he looks just like WolfieRaps.


Yeah, this is the only one I could think of off the top of my head.

>and it ended up being mediocre


I think Sm4sh was revealed like that.

>that Conan the barbarian soundtrack

Also the palutena trailer


Literally every big Ninty reveal.
The ones already mentioned but also Cloud DLC.

Say it with me Reggie: "Here's a look at the newest entry in the Metroid Prime series !"

>two and a half years went by after that before the game came out

>it was at three E3s

how about this instead?


Let's not have another one of those.

The response from this still gives me chills.


The year they had the Robot Chicken team do their bits was great.

how have I never noticed this...
what does it mean?

No one does hype better than Nintendo


>back when there were no bad zelda games
this is just really sad in hindsight

I remember my initial reaction being "oh no, a 'realistic' Zelda to really cement the limitations of the hardware for all time to come," but I found myself getting super fucking hyped the coming years, and bought it with my Wii on launch.


I hate prime
Who the fuck though making a first person platformer was a good idea

Literally every big reveal.

Also they always do that "... and it will be playable right after this."

Honestly except the Zelda DLC to drop later this week

Yeah, because realistic became the trend.

Goddamn it, we live in THE worst timeline.

I was a good idea. But making two more without changing up the formula enough wasn't.

Literally git gud. It's fun.

Unless we're talking 2.

Prime was an excellent transition to 3D in the series.

EA would like to talk to you.

>Drops pants
>Grunts audibly as a stream of diarrhea flows from his anus like a fountain
>Camera shows shit splattering on the floor
>Reggie breathes a sigh of relief as he pulls up his pants without cleaning his shitty asshole
>Whew, I needed that. Now what was I saying? Oh, yes, please look forward to Super Mario Scrabble later this fall.

It could be worse, overall. Both Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild pulled a visual style where they could allow more abstract characters to exist alongside the more ideally proportioned.

Wind Waker had just been released though?

>Microsoft and Sony rush to copy the effort

nearly everything after is significantly worse though

CDi games existed at that time. So did Oracle of Ages.

That's an absolute trifle of a silver lining compared to the damage that's been done to the franchise.

That damage isn't because of Twilight Princess trying to look "realistic" though.

>Oracle of Ages
Nigga I will cut you

It must have been amazing to have been one of those guys leaving the room and then suddenly hearing the audience explode behind you making you turn around to see this crazy next gen game that looked like a movie at the time and seeing Link riding a horse making you say "hold the fuck up... HOLD THE FUCK UP!" as you run back to your chair and sit down.
It was a different time, man.
They say a magician should never do the same trick twice, so I don't know what any conference at E3 could ever do to reach the same caliber as this.

More like
>after two years and lukewarm critical reception of Nintendo's conference, Sony announces the innovative Playstation Shit peripheral

Alright. It's ain't actually "bad". It's just the least inventive game in the franchise.

There has never been a Zelda game objectively better than 5/10.

Ages has a few "that part" and some of the music is terrible, but I still think its good

There's never been a Zelda game objectively less than 10/10 either

Let's get this party started, niggaz.

Not gonna argue that it wasn't the best, but it certainly is better than the CD-i games. Do you rate Oracles of Seasons the same, btw?

Yfw its Metroid: Another M

Shame that the trailer looks so much fucking better than the actual game. Shit makes it look intense. Instead, make way for shit like a three hour tutorial of fishing and herding.

>bad Zelda game

Zelda fans are such babies desu. The worst a Zelda game developed by Nintendo has ever been is mediocre.

No, only a fool would.

And I shouldn't list Ages alongside the CDi games either. No games deserve that.

Evactly, he said no bad zelda games.

So what did you do for Manother's day this year, user?

ecks dee!

Earthbound/Mother 3 remake with party chat


Do you want your games to be intense right from the beginning?

I typically don't find that longer adventures need that.

Something like Bayonettta, I get it.

No, when did I ever say that? Or even hint that in context?

No, we've been getting trash instead of something grand and glorious like:

A lot from that trailer is removed and changes as well.

>Cloud reveal

What's your opinion on everything that is happening this week on Amazon, Best Buy, and Target?

>this starts playing

>....I've got one last surprise for you...
>lights dim
>audience farting in anticipation
>suddenly the screens are all completely yellow
>who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
>I'm proud to announce one final DLC character for Smash Bros for Nintendo Wii U and 3DS...
>audience cums
>....who will also come free with Smash Bros Deluxe for Nintendo Switch, to be released in holiday season 2020
>gaben rolls on stage
>hey guys gaben here its coming to steam too!

>Thank you, Mr. Iwata

I still honestly think nothng will top the Cloud and Bayo reveal.

>A roar is heard
>Purple blur flies by the screen
>Everyone starts losing their shit
>Screen shows Samus in a dark area
>Sup Forums implodes
>Opens door
>Glowing eyes in the dark
>The internet is collectively screaming, some in joy, some in anger
>The eyes move closer
>Something purple comes out of the shadows

>It's a Palutena clone

reggie looks like he's dying

Is that a Wax Mannequin? Everything looks off.

>implying nintendo does anything fun like this ever

look at this faggot. the reaction was so big because wind waker was garbage