Xbros, get in here

Xbros, get in here.
Press S to spit on Sony's grave.



seriously I bet the scorpio is overpriced and it doesn't sell AT ALL and microsoft exits the console market next generation.

i'm expecting good things. we'll finally get a true 360 successor.

when do pre-orders open up? tonight?

>wanting to pre-order before you even fucking know what it is.

that's like paying full price for a hooker before you even see her. Disgusting.


for some reason people think the power of this thing matters to the sony fanbase and it will somehow magically make them switch over to xbox

i don't get why xbros think like ten year olds

I wonder how long the Scorpio portion will be. The conference is 2 fucking hours, hopefully it was worth the weight.

>says the increasingly nervous Sonybro for the 360th times

>we'll finally get a true 360 successor
You do understand that it's basically just an Xbox One with better hardware, with all the baggage of being an Xbox One.


they don't get that though, that's why these dumb threads keep popping up

Oh man, can't wait to see the lack of games at an even higher resolution. And those smooth 60fps of nothingess. Absolutely beautiful

at least it gives soneeggers less ammo to brag about

I mean.

I don't do the whole console war thing, even from the outside I can tell Microsoft is beating around the bush. Microsoft has always sucked at marketing, but their game division normally did well anyways. It's catching up with them.

The sad thing is this is pretty bad news for Sony fanboys, because so far to "win" all Sony has to do is ... nothing. All they have to do is not make the same bad choices Microsoft has made and they come out on top, which if you understand the basis of competition you'd know is awful for Sony fanboys.

I really want to see Microsoft do well, because it would put pressure on Sony to do better, and we all benefit, but sadly, they aren't doing well, and I don't see them doing well in the future.

t. Economist.

>no games
>making pc cucks buy their system with the optimized games meme
>high resolution meme console

good for you xbox, see you monday, you'll spit on your own grave after sony's conference LOL

>Shilling : The thread

>less ammo
Sure, but the price tag will just give that ammo right back.

post yfw they announce master chief collection fix + halo 3 remaster

makes about six months Xbox doesnt have a AAA exclusive, the last one was Dead Rising 4

oh xbox, you already are in your grave

>i don't get why xbros think like ten year olds
they're just trying to think like their customers.

>press s
>went backward instead

What time is the conference

But user no matter how powerful Scorpio is, it will never ever run Bloodborne, Spider-Man and the new From exclusive that its going to be announced tomorrow

Just under 6 hours

Boi will you be btfo



this is how you know Sup Forums is literally sony nigger central. you can't even have a good discussion about any other console or platform without getting swarmed by asshurt sonybros who have to instantly damage control in the masses.

Why the fuck anyone is a fanboy of any fucking console is a mystery that even neuroscientists have trouble understanding. You guys are tribalistic children with a low sense of self worth. As if Microsoft actually cares about you, you're just wallets. Sony and Nintendo are no better.

Just buy a pc, it's better in everyway to an Xbox. Then buy a PS4 and Switch so you can cover all your bases, xbox is literally redundant when all it's exclusives (of which there are few compared to the other two) are on pc too.

It's not that hard to understand. You can only have that much time to dedicate to your entertainment, and you can only play one thing at a time anyway, so obviously you want to have the best device out there.


fuck shitty Asian hardware

Surprised they even still bother to make these things honestly

>Forza 7 looks shit
>AC Origins at 4K barely looks different




Incorrect, you want to believe you have the best, regardless of whether or not it is. Also, you can play multiple games in the rough time span of a day. I do this all the time. Xbox for Halo, then maybe 3DS for Fire Emblem. The next day I'll play Nioh on PS4 then Stellaris on PC. Saying 'one thing at a time' is not taking into account a person's actual time available.

Xcucks in damage control


So how will you react when the videos come in that it can't handle natural 4k/60fps without permanent super sampling and that they were full of shit?


Spit on what?
You have to pay 500$ for that piece of shit, while I got my PS4 for 200 and can still buy 6-10 games. Meanwhile you only get a paperweight with no games for that price.
Sony utterly destroyed M$, this is your last straw microcucks.



>being poor

Brazilian needs do not apply

Sony has done better though, it's been competitively better than Microsoft this generation on all fronts. It's made deals with developers for more content for its users, and there has been ridiculous at times freedom to develop their games.

Take for example Scalebound, Microsoft didn't like how long it was taking, and wanted to assume more direct control, developers said fuck no, so Microsoft CANCELS one of their new IPs.

Microsoft hasn't been doing good this generation because the entire structure of it is a bad company. In the Xbox era it was godly, in the 360 era it was a greedy jew, in Xbone times they wanted to jam a camera so far up your ass and maintain rights of all property as you play, it's their own fault. They forgot what games were with their 'TV machine' and should pay the price for it, since these were the same moves they try to do in the PC market, but the freedom of PC users have always laughed it off and said fuck that.

If there is no Halo announcement at the same time then this is dead

>When do pre-orders open up? Tonight?

what happened to this place.

These are Brazilians spitting on you with the laughter,
>how sad are you?
very, apparently, since you are drowning in it

>599 US Dollars
Good riddance Sonybros.


I just want to know if the Scorpio is cheaper than it's PC equivalent.

>start a consolewar thread
>a consolewar starts

That really updates my journal

>b-but 11 years ago!

>it's okay when Sony does it

As always

it's initially ((((cheaper))))) than the equivalent PC

once you factor in online/the need for a normal PC anyway/games being more expensive PC is much cheaper

>pc still has more power and all games can be played at 4K
>ps4 has them exclusives

Literally no reason to buy this shit.

I'll be buying one once it gets Forza

>tfw sonybros are going to be rounded up and exterminated by scorpio


>press s


you realize that it's the last nail on the XBONE coffin, right?

I mean you can easily built a 300$ PC that is 1000 better than this crap.

>500 USD

Prove it


That isn't even all THAT expensive for a "premium" console to be honest.


that 100 costed the Xbone the lead over the Ps4
nobody will buy a console over 400 dollars, this has been proven again and again in the past

What don't we know about it yet besides pricing/final name?

The PS3 dropped from 599 to 500 and then 400 over here, sold just fine after the 599

Here you fucking go, 306$.
>inb4 no case and ram and HDD
You can tranfer them over from your old pc,
That's the thing and beauty of PC,
Nothing goes to waste.

Keep telling that to yourself you fucking faggot. You have no fucking good exclusives. Your fail PC imitation is doomed.

is this how MS plans to stop the switch from eating their market share

And what if you want a complete package? What if you don't own a case, ram and a HDD? Also the PSU.

how many did it sell again at 599? that shit costed it to eat dirt from the 360 up till 2010 when it finally dropped to 299

You can find a friend and have them give them for free, or you can find them dirt cheep for like $10 from your local electronic store (used)

Also, that's not the fucking point.
The point is, that PC will always be the best and consoles can suck a chode and fuck off

And I can find a friend who will sell me a console for half the price or even give it to me for free. Shit, I got my Wii U from my mate for 20 bucks, got my 3DS for a cheeseburger.

Xbots will never buy Nintendo stuff anyway.
At the very worst they'll switch to Sony, but considering they bought the XBone despite the failure it was who knows.




While I agree that PC is the best platform, it will never be able to compete with consoles when it comes to price-to-performance.

this shows microsoft doesn't even remotely understand why they lost to playstation in the first place, if it's true. more than anything, the xbone got blown out because it was straight up more expensive. they also dominated most of the previous generation because their console was cheaper than the freakishly expensive ps3. altogether, price governs everything and being significantly more expensive than your competition is signing your own death warrant.

>over $100 less than what analysts predicted

Microsoft won