Shame about her forehead though
Do you think her pubes are as fluffy as her head?
best girl
would cuddle with
Sweet as sugar
I love Haru!
A Haru thread!
Blessed day!
That forehead is an airfield and my dick is the plane.
>you will never hug that pink sweater and kiss her
Just kill me already
Fluffy is nice.
feels bad man
More Haru for everyone!
The only and the best waifu is Sojibro and we all know it
Her head looks like an ice cream scoop
She's sweet enough to give you diabetes too.
Weebs are the fucking worst
Is Persona 5 the fluffiest game of all time?
look at this softenon looking motherfucker
Like she's got Hank Hills dads legs for arms
Fluffy vulva indeed.
So cute
>not even the same hat
>wearing that disgusting legging
Haru gives anal on the first date.
>Haru will never be your fluffy wife
just end it now senpai
how the hell do i increase guts stat quickly? shit's infuriating. stuck on rank 2
>no fluffy wife to run cafe with
What month, user
She reminds me to a female protagonist of a shojo manga. Like something Riyoko Ikeda would draw.
Begone, thot!
Please don't touch the hair
Joker doesn't have fluffy hair. He is describe to have frizzy hair.
Ann has fluffy twintails, tho.
Looks fluffy enough to me
Such rudeness. She is pure. Now keep posting Haru.
joker doesn't own a comb
I want to rub my dick on her forehead so bad.
It's just his fluff don't go down easily. He needs tons of gel to keep it in check.
I know this is just RPing, but that's literally not the same design though. Pic-related is that concept version of him with his hair down.
>Joker was The Shadow at one point
Meant for
Kinda looks like a jap artist's vision of what the main character of watch dogs would like. It's mainly due to the scarf around his mouth, the jacket flowing in the wind and the gun he's holding.
You posting earliest design when he still looked like mc from trinity soul
Would look like*
Fuck I forgot that part.
I wish she had more art, my Haru folder needs to be bigger and fluffier.
Why does she shove her ass towards the camera after battles, like what is she doing, and why does no one point this out
Have you guys heard the magic Ramen chant?
At least Ann is an actual character with an interesting and lovable personality. Haru is nothing more than a waste of space.
That best girl Ann that does that, but this is a thread about best waifu Haru
>actual character
Not a harufag but this is hilarious
She basically stops existing after the Madarame arc.
>interesting and lovable personality
She's a dull airhead
How is Anne interesting? Not even a joke she's so bland she reminds me of my nextdoor neighbour from when we were both 12.
I love her. She's so sweet and comfy
second best girl for me
It's not bullying, it's just stating facts. You're berating a well made character like Ann while actively ignoring how terrible of a character Haru was because of your bias.
This shitass weeb game was way too long. I just played the whole thing in safe mode so I don't have to deal with all the artificial difficulty.
>a well made character like Ann
Please stop responding to obvious bait
yeah its sure fun to fight against those robots that full heal each other and resurrect each other nonstop.
This is literally the definition of artificial difficulty.
combs do NOT help with hair like that
t. someone with joker's hair
What enemies are you even talking about?
I'm just a guy that sees your faggot anime game waifu threads every day and I gotta say none of this shit is well-written and you're all faggots for arguing about it EVERY DAY.
I bet there's at least 2 guys on here that have argued about the same stupid cartoon girl together every day for the last year.
It's described in-game as fluffy, for what it's worth. By Chihaya early on in her confidant I think.
>Like, REALLY really!
the big bang burger space ship with those fucking retarded robots.
No, she does plenty though the story and has valid input in each section. Haru doesn't even appear to over halfway though the game and even then her lines are reduced to her just repeating what someone else said or playing the fool so other crap characters like Makoto can pretend to be smart.
The ones in the spaceport I'm assuming. They've got recarm, so they can heal everyone else to full health while sacrificing their own health, and then the main robot can spawn another one.
should i give chihaya 100k yen? is it worth it?
The best confession scene in the game and it's not even close. How can other girls even compete?
Oh, weird the events didn't trigger for me. Spaceport was such an so drain though.
Yes. At rank 7 you'll unlock affinity boost perk for confidants.
You have to in order to start her social link. She gives it back after some ranks.
The earlier you do it the better. Once you get Fundraising from Yoshida, money isn't really an issue anymore.
Spaceport is definitely my least favorite so far. I'm at the casino, but the castle and the bank are still my favorites.
I kept calling those my infinite exp bots.
>literal gypsy gives you back your money when you help her out
>Your teacher doesn't
Now I ain't saying she's a gold digger
Fucking rapist didn't even ask for consent before hugging her.
Stop pretending Ann didn't have one of the worst social links in the game.
And frizzy according to Mona.
Marrying Haru!
>literal gypsy
>is not a gypsy
She gives it back at around rank 8 or 9. One of her perks helps you make money and the other helps you bypass the "I don't think my bond will deepen with x person yet" in confidants so it's definitely worth it. Also she's second best girl next to Tae.
I think most people will agree that Okumura's palace was a pain in the ass. The keycard segment was tedious as hell, and you can spend 25 minutes fighting the boss only to have him OHKO the whole party. Harisen Recovery actually hinders you because Hunger causes Big Bang Challenge to heal you instead of hitting you for double your max health.
Well she paid back scam money while Kawakami worked for her pay... more or less
I was talking about the confession scene specifically. I enjoyed Ann's social link even if you, and most people, think it was shit because it was time that I got to spend with my waifu.
rent and watch dvds
read books
t. Annfag
Last meaningful thing she did after the 2 first dungeons was cry over a fake out.
Late game whore nothing more
Children with Haru!
The first palace was by far the worst, it takes way too fucking long to get going although thats probably because it doubles as the tutorial dungeon