How come no one is talking about this game?

How come no one is talking about this game?

We are
There have been a billion threads about it
Looks cool but I have no friends

We don't discuss meme games here on the Sup Forums

Because it looks like a real cinematic experience instead of a game. The coop features include waiting for your buddy to get out of a cutscene. How innovative.

Shit character design. Looks like a b movie you could find in the bargain bin.

it looks objectively boring

Cause it seems to be local co-op only. I only play games with friends online, not local.

They said in the presentation that you can play online also, but it will still be splitscreen.

Looks alright.

oh thanks friend, good news

it is going for that cinematic style of uncharted, but without the talent or the budget.
i think it will have some heavy flaws.
also it's gonna be full of coop gimmicks.
imagine an entire game made out of the RE5 coop quick time events... sounds fun eh?

Why do they still do this?

>playing videogames on a PC
why do you still do this?

>playing videogames
Wtf is wrong with you?

>get an original IP
>it's doomed to be shit


it's an interesting idea, but I think I'll just ignore this game until it's cheap as shit.

I don't have enough commited gamer friends to be excited about it.

>couch co-op prison adventure
>you get to rape your friend sitting right next to you

it's just another 3D cinematic "press the button to do a contextual action and some shooting mechanics thrown in" game but with two players

i don't have friends.

Sup Forums

forced co-op will be its demise.
who here actually has friends that would go on a 10+ hour journey? or has friends that come on once in a month, so you pick it up and by the time your friend comes back on you've both lost interest...

As a PC gamer that played the Uncharted games and Last of Us on a friend's console.
Naughty Dog makes "cinematic games" but they make them right, there are not as many button prompts as Sup Forums seems to think there are and the characters and setting sare always well done.
They're trying to capture that feeling, but they are not them, and it will probably end up being their demise, like when a newcomer with a decent camera decides he's the new Kubrick and tries shooting like him.

there's been 15 shill threads about it an hour for the past day, shut the fuck up and make a /vg/ thread already

Me but I don't have a ps4

Because it's basically uncharted, and uncharted is shit.


No friends, obviously

>and uncharted is shit.
Ah, contrarian as always. This is why I come to Sup Forums.


Jewish Nathan Drake? This might be fun, goyims.

All we got so far is some quick cuts of gameplay and a myriad of cutscenes. Looks like a potentially cool story but I'm wary.

>WW1 half of german army is black
>prison game, all the inmates are white

Good job EA

I was looking for a way out of EA's press conference before this even showed up.

Name one good thing about uncharted. The first 2 were good, then it was just dumb rehashed shit.

the announcement was fun
>singlechildfags on suicide watch

Why are people comparing it to Uncharted? Isn't it just Brothers but in prison?

fuck off carlos

>The first 2 were good
At least you tried.

forced split screen for online is trash and no matter how good it is i wont be able to play it because only having half a screen would drive me crazy

*tips fedora*

Because it's a board about video games, not movies