risk of rain thread
if there's enough anons I'll host
risk of rain thread
if there's enough anons I'll host
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People still play this? Why? I mean it's a good game, but holy shit how is this still popular, it's ancient now.
Might as well reinstall and join in since I've got nothing to do.
I'm up for a few games.
This game's is art literally inverse to the game's graphics
5/10 CLOSING IN 3 MINUTES let's fill this bitch up!
back open for 2 mins
>Me on the left
wait a sec
>coalescence is amazing
>you can't appreciate it because enemies respawn endlessly
>magma barracks
>ancient wisp
Ancient Wisp can oneshot through Guardian Heart.
tfw providence dies by fireworks
wew well played lads
>game broke
>didn't see any fireworks
BACK OPEN after finishing prov!!!!
do you guys use controller or keyboard? I started using controller and now sniper is my favorite class
finish your streams
keyboard masterrace
Idols get out
Finish your backlog
would you guys judge me if I edit my save just so I can unlock all the artifacts? thats the only thing im gonna touch
Unlock whatever you want, play whoever you want.
I'm working on it!
Only if you lost your save file and dont want to unlock everything again
But are you comfy?
too late
Once I finish eating and find that flashdrive
beat prov yet again!!!
tfw it's open
newfag here
how 2 dodge boss bombs
Also join right now
but im bad, ill try my best
Bombs explode on the third impact with any surface, so count the number of times they've bounced and jump at the correct time. You should also think about an escape route before the boss dies, not after- look for ladders, ropes, jump pads, etc. that you can use once the boss dies to escape the explosion. In a pinch, jumping off a nearby cliff can help. Also, if you or someone else alive is playing a ranged class, you can safely stay out of range while you/they kill the boss.
ladder is love
ladder is life
Stay away from the colossus when there's a sniper on the team
post yfw ror2
did the game change drastically or something? this pic says to get specific items but they are always random
what the fuck
If you use the command artifact you can choose which items you get.
Anyone one knows any basic stats i.e. Commando speed is 1.3.
It's for uhm.. research.
Or someone post the pic
How many innocent players have you killed because of this, Metrid?
host here taking a break to do errands may come back later tonight for more
I've never known true fun until I climbed an entire rising worm with shield up and max crit with Wicked Ring on Merc. And you can do the same to Vagrants and Colossi and Toxic Beasts.
Truly this is the dankest character to play.
too many
I-I always think people would backoff when they see the laser sight
>only need cremator and provy logs to 100% completion
how do I git gud without that artifact? I never finished the goddam game yet
Sometimes laser points in other way due to desync, you know.
Is the online still active? I'm thinking about buying it, I had a blast with the beta some years ago.
I never thought about that, shit
What's that slut acting embarassed about
We have threads and games on Sup Forums daily. And the sequel is on the way.
Do it.
Killing hundreds of innocent players by accident
I think I'm on to something here.. I can make a super late game in monsoon
I'm not liking the original game that much, but this
makes me care for the sequel.