What games are you playing today? Are they fun?

What games are you playing today? Are they fun?


I just bought Colony Wars Vengeance and Rocky at the comic shop nearby so I had something to entertain me while I wait for E3 stuff. What play?

i just got to Diamond in Overwatch. double exp weekend is nice, lots of noobs playing


Starlight Stage

I completed Superhot.

Wait, she doesn't sign autographs in Japanese?

I wanted to play God of War II today, but I've been a bit burned out, since I just played the first one previously. Thinking I'll play The Witcher instead, with some comfy handheld gaming of TitS during E3 later. Or maybe I'll start up Xillia 2.

I must have finished GoW2 a thousand times to be honest with you family. I'm not sure how I feel about 4

I am playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper on my phone, finally catching up on main story dungeons since they only cost 1/2 stamina right now. So getting a crap ton of items to enhance weapons and spells is pretty fun right now!

I'm just done with Persona 5 and have no idea what to do, thingken of something on Steam.

More importantly, is Yayoi thinking on shoving that cucumber up Iorin's butt? She's gonna need something much bigger.

I get bored fast with mobile games
Iori is not for sexual

Understandable, senpai. I just really love lame RPGS like Final Fantasy, And I do love playing Brave Frontier on my phone too.

Is Iori Harada's favorite Im@s?

I'm playing studying for my last final tomorrow and I want to kill myself why am I browsing Sup Forums

Study hard! I believe in you!!

If that's the case, then why is she so sexual?

>I'm not sure how I feel about 4

I could say the same about the first two.
Anyway turns out I'm not feeling The Witcher either, so I guess it's Xillia 2 for today.

Delete this
Have fun

IIRC, he said that Iori, Miki and Yukiho were his favorite idols

Played a bit of SFV and Shadowverse earlier, it was fairly fun I guess.

>ywn tongue Iori's butthole
Why live?